Thursday, April 02, 2009

SPRING JABERWACKIES...............!!!

And so it begins the annual neck jabbing event of spring.

The lovely Dr. M rolls in again before turn out this morning and I see the cart a rollin' down the aisle.

Ho hum..........
Here we go.
Poke, poke .........
Out I go!!!!

Ah poetry!!!!!!!!

I was entertained this morning when My Human is putting on my bell boots and put one on my front leg and the other on my back leg. WTF??????? I know I am a trend setter but I am not a fashion victim.

Starting to get the green yummies coming up. Hopefully Old Man Winter has gone on his vacation but you ever know in Canada eh!!!!! He may have forgotten his lunch like the LandShark does sometimes when she forgets her way out of the barn. Getting a little senile over there I hear. Lordy!!!

Off to eat me greens.

Love to all



Unknown said...

Hey HRH, when are you going to talk about the biblical event yesterday? My human doesn’t know one end of a vacuum from the other and even she pitched in... I was certainly not amused when my beautious trainer Natalie got off me and opened the door to the barn and EXPECTED ME TO WALK TO MY STALL ON A WET FLOOR!!!!!! If I don’t do three-day, I definitely do not do born on a bayou....we all could have drowned!

As The Manure Turns said...

Hey MM!!!

Just got me hooves on the 'puter this morn. I didn't dare rattle the cage of My Human as I feared she may have gone postal.

Off to add in my two cents worth.