Monday, May 25, 2009


Last week past I learned about The Fates. Humans talk about this when they talk about being in the right or wrong place at a certain time.

The Fates were about on Tuesday past when My Mom and My BFF's Mom were hanging out together doing the ladies that lunch and shop thing. When they came back to our little farm me and My BFF were up at the gate and the humans thought My BFF was snoozing in the sun. Our Moms got us dressed for riding and we had a little ride and got to eat long green grasses afterwards. We were put back in our rooms when MY BFF flopped down in her room and just lay there stunning both our humans. Soon the Vet was on the way and it turned out that My BFF had to go to the horse hospital again. And off she went.

I kept looking at her empty room and I was so worried about her. I was leaking in the corner of my room but didn't want anyone to know. All of the gang and all of the humans were worried and upset too.

Two days pass and there she was!!!! Her Mom letting her out at the gate. Back in our little herd and we were all so glad to see her. Mind you DHMBIAB was being a little over the top and wouldn't leave her be. Everyone wanted to say hello and glad your back and wanted to know what went on when she was gone.

We have had some time to talk since and she told me there were nice humans at the hospital who made her feel better. Got the drip machine, the big glove many times, no food (the horror of this) and had to stay inside the hospital until the mobile room unit returned her home.

We think these Fates were with us since both our humans were there in the afternoon to see her starting to get sick and were able to get her help earlier than our bring in time. So glad they picked that day to hang out and I am so happy to have my buddy home.

Well off to hang out with the girls and make sure My BFF stays fine.

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

WTMF is going on with this HRH, did your human send the Old Man our way? NOT impressed I will tell you………….the white stuff is FALLING from the sky again….we were eating green nummies yesterday and now we can’t see them anymore, I repeat WTMF????
I had my winter coat removed with that tickly noisy thing other day and it is now white outside……I am wearing my rain dress and a wooly sweater this morning…WTMF
If this delays my vacation to the forever fields this weekend I REALLY will not be impressed, Sol and I are supposed to be going on vacation for several months, weee-yeeeeehoooo……but WTMF?
If I can get my train of thought of this travesty…I do have news, heard over the haybale other day that I am getting a new brother soon, a BROTHER not another sissy, and best of all, he looks like me…well maybe not as handsome as me but still….I won’t have to hang with the spotted demons anymore cause we will be together and go on adventures and all sorts, he will be here when I get back from vacation
Human says he has to have his berries removed before he arrives,,,,I think I know what that means, I THINK I might have had mine taken also but not sure, they wondered last week when the Silver Diva next door passed by and gave me the look, the boy Mattie wasn’t interested in courting but I was willing…..but theres something about spotted horses on the track that negates me trying to court her….well off to eat some dry greens and lament about the Old Man that you sent me from up there,,,,,,,,I’m sending him back to you tenfold in November…
PS So glad the BFF is doing better, we were hanging ont he edge of our stall doors waiting for news when we heard she went away

As The Manure Turns said...

Hi Jiglet,

You speaking of that Mother Fletcher again??? You keep the Old Man since we are still dealing with the Mother Nature dame. Buckets again yesterday..... Not sure if anything is leaking or not but our paddock is back to being a sponge.

Getin a Bro eh??? From time to time My Human thinks that I need an effing sister but I usually make short shrift of this by doing something that err..... makes her bank account bleed so there is no more thought of this. Can't imagine.

My thong is up my wazzoo these days. Feeling terribly pissy and letting My Human know each night at grooming time. Of course I don't get away with much but I keep on tryin...... Let up on her a bit (that is bit note bite!!!) last night since there was another uber sh*t hurricane at the little farm. Personally I just need some courtin'!!!!

Enjoy your vacation in the lush greenies and tell your Human to haymail mine with more pictures of the new kid.
