Saturday, April 24, 2010


Thankfully my master plan worked!!!!

I got my birthday tiara and a sign on the door of my room that lit up announcing that I was the birthday gal!!!!!

Got a HUGE apple and a bunch of swag from My Mom!!!!!

All is well in my world.

Love to all


Friday, April 23, 2010

I'M LEGAL.........



Looking for champagne but The Human has vetoed that.

Was a little surprised this morning when she was getting me ready to go outside. "Oh yeah" she says "its your birthday." "You have a good day"


Ya, right..... You have a good day too Mummy????

Where the eff is my swag????????

Mind you I did get remembered early by My BFF. Smashing BD card and a new pink lead that the Human of My BFF told My Human that it was for me only...

Kind of worried here though......

Maybe I went too far on the fence thing.........???? I know, I will use my horsie sense and send her a message to make her think I did it to HELP her!!!!!! I did it so she would know the fence was down and she would know to fix it before the rest of the gang got out too......

OMG I am so freaking clever........!!!!!

Ya haaaa..... No stopping me

I gots the power...........

Love to all


Monday, April 19, 2010


I am so clever..........

The lovely Dr. M was in today checking out some of our breathin's and I thought I would try to impress upon My Human that there is was nothin' wrong with me hind end since the vet was here already. You know like a 2fer!!!!!

The Day Guy put me out FINALLY after having to wait inside for my turn to have me lungs looked at so I thought there must be somethin' I do to get out of my program?

Ran off like a banshee and ran around the back and I busted down the fence and galloped over to where My Mom and Dr. M were standing in the parking lot.

LOOKIE, LOOKIE I am trotting beautifully, nothing wrong with me. See, my stifle is good.

Of course My Mom is muttering HTF did she get out and Dr. M is putting me back in my room and My Mom finds the busted fence and I hear her say. "WTF is today your day to be the idiot"

Thinking about my little plan not being so great after all since I had to stay in my room until My Mom and the Day Guy made some repairs so we would all stay in our paddock. When she finally came around and asked me if it was really necessary to bust 3 posts and tear down the entire corner of the paddock????

Just doing my thing Mom, just doing my thing.

Off to frolic like a filly

Love to all


Sunday, April 18, 2010



It just hasn't stopped. The human antics out pacing ours!!!!!

Well this one is a combined event.

Seems Elvis was out in the legal fields with his school teacher and she was asking him to put a toe in the pond. Planning for his Eventin' debut and water is part of the course. I thought I could teach him a trick or two on water hazard antics but I bow down to his greatness!!!!

We heard her asking him with the usual stuff. Go on, you're okay........ You can do it......

We all wondered over to see and when he saw us gals he puffed up his chest and in he went......

And went, and went and then he was swimming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Snort, snort, snort...... Phew...........

OMG just the best. Waaaay better than My Human falling in the bog last weekend.


Off to sell tickets to see what the humans do today

Love to all


Tuesday, April 13, 2010



Gots me hooves on the effing 'puter....

I could hardly contain myself on Sunday past.

Seems My Human took pity on My BFF's human and said she would go and get My BFF out of the bog. Along she comes with the Red Headed Wenchette we all love and the rest of the gang were hanging in the bog but not on the farm side of the little creek. First they both sank up to their knees and My Human was swaying around and FELL into the bog. Got sucked up to her elbows.


Then she recovers from this and falls on her ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRIPLE BWWWAAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA, hee, hee heew, sigh!!!!!!!

I was so surprised that I was later dragged away from the green nummies, tacked up and still be on my program.


I'm on a program. The Human thinks my stifle needs some exercise and OMG she has been walking and walking me. Walk, walk a little trot. So Boring......... O lookie, goin' to do a figure eight now. Stifle this!!!!!

So today......... OMG I nearly peed myself with this one.......

Noticed My Mom running around the little farm, all dressed to ride and then she noticed..........

Geldings not where they are supposed to be. I see her drop her stuff and start to go and get them. We are trying to tell her "they busted the gate, they busted the gate" and finally she does some horse listening and realizes HOLY SHIT THEY BUSTED THE GATE.


The next thing the boyz from the hood buzz by on their smoke belcher, just a hootin' and a hollerin' and I watch My Mom go bat shit with this and the geldings thought it best to let them be collected and returned to their paddock. With this mission accomplished she marches, like doodoodoodoodoodoo, doodoodoodoodoo out the hacking gate in search of these boyz. I am thinking holy shitzilla raise the bail money now.

Thankfully My BFF's human arrives and then she heads out the hacking gate in search of My Mom, worried because she found the gates all shut and figured something was up.. Great there goes the bail money and now we may have bail out both of them.

WTF!!!! Just about starting to worry about my future when I see My Mom coming back with no blood on her so I'm thinking this is good. Still will be gettin' my stuff........

I heard My Mom and My BFF's Mom talking and apparently My Mom got the Alpha Mare of one of the boyz and explained to them that jazzing up the geldings is not cool and I should add not to bother us mares either because we will just give you the bum anyway.....

Best part of the whole deal......??????

I got out of my program, I got out my program......

Off to eat the indoor nummies.......

Love to all