Sunday, April 18, 2010



It just hasn't stopped. The human antics out pacing ours!!!!!

Well this one is a combined event.

Seems Elvis was out in the legal fields with his school teacher and she was asking him to put a toe in the pond. Planning for his Eventin' debut and water is part of the course. I thought I could teach him a trick or two on water hazard antics but I bow down to his greatness!!!!

We heard her asking him with the usual stuff. Go on, you're okay........ You can do it......

We all wondered over to see and when he saw us gals he puffed up his chest and in he went......

And went, and went and then he was swimming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Snort, snort, snort...... Phew...........

OMG just the best. Waaaay better than My Human falling in the bog last weekend.


Off to sell tickets to see what the humans do today

Love to all


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