Thursday, November 08, 2007


HRH has let me borrow her blog for today. Thank you very much dearhart but quit talking about my butt or I am going to git ya!!! No not really, all in good fun. If you havn't guessed I am the LandShark and I want to talk about what happened to my Dad and put the rumours to rest.

Seems some other horse at the farm where he works bit my Dad. Bit part of his finger right off and people are talking that I did it. I did NOT. I love me Dad and me Mom and even the head wenches from time to time, when they give me mints. I love mints!!!! And carrots!!!! And apples too!!!!!

I would never bite him and I really don't want to bite anyone else for that matter. I am very worried because he has this nasty thing on his hand and it looks pretty bad. If anything happened to my Dad or Mom I would be very worried about what would happen to me. Until I owned them I didn't have a great life but now I do, just like HRH!!!

I know this other horse feels really bad that he did this. HRH picked up the signal on the hayfield express and he has sent his heartfelt apologies via the hay-mail. He said he was very sorry this happened and asked that we put it up on the blog because he said he keeps leaking every time he thinks about what he did.

HRH says there is nothing to worry about since my Mom and HRH's Mom will help with me and Stinky until he gets better.

I think this true so I'm off to scare someone now. I will get HRH to help me


The LandShark

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