Thursday, March 13, 2008


It just never stops. The horrid horrid weather. On Saturday past we all nearly drowned in the snow there was so much. My Mom had us all come in early since it just never stops. I was ok with it and we all got extra food in our rooms. By Sunday we were back out and the round bale was burried. I am thinking where is the food. Me and the LandShark dug it out for everyone and the day was not lost. When will it ever end. We should be rolling in mud right now, wearing our spring dresses and losing our shoes. But we are not.

Anyway, our neighbour from up the street is moving in on Saturday. She is Royal like me, mind you in a minor royal fashion. Sort of like the distant Royal Cousin. She has been around and hangs out with Speedy G and Devil Pony a lot. I heard she has a big crush on Brad Pitt since she has been giving him goo-goo eyes in the arena. My Mom says her human has to give her blog name. I was going to, but my Mom said no; I must wait. I guess this is ok since I really don't know her very well. Only seen her around a couple of time in the barn when she was visiting.


Not too much happening. No riding since the weather has been so cold and nasty and my human is a wimp. We can't go hacking since we can't go over the snowbanks that are in the way of the fields. We have been nowhere near the forbidden fields since the fall. I took my Mom out there one day a while back and it was nice. We broke the trails and also we went out with the White Stallion and I jumped where the ditch was. I wanted to make sure Mom is ready to go Eventing so I did and took her by surprise. Hee, hee!!!! I think we may go this weekend, but I have to figure out how to get by the giant mounds of snow.

There are a bunch of comings and goings for the end of the month. I feel sad about Mr. Cool leaving and also the big boys. My Mom promises me that there will be new kids to meet so that is good. More kids to show my superior self to. I am just glad that my girlies are all staying.

I must run off now. The new barn guy can roll round bales out by HIMSELF!!!! Must get mine.

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

HRH, you must have thought I was buried under heaps of the dreaded white stuff by now, its been so hectic that I just got my hooves on the puter for a second….we had to stay indoors all yesterday because the white stuff fell from the sky and someone forgot to hit the ‘off’ button cause it went on and on and on….we started to get scared that we were never going to be fed again so I decided enough is enough, I got out of my room and made my way to the feed bin and by the time the human finally came down and shoveled us out I had half a bin ate…you see she never ever lets me have sweet feed so I gorged. When she heard me walking about the shoveling got more and more frantic so I danced a little jig(for St. Paddy’s day) and she had us shoveled out in no time. She needed the exercise anyway so I had no idea why she was so mad at me when she came in. I was about to remind her that it was she who had forgotten to double bolt my gate the night before when she cam to say good night but then I saw that she was that shade of green in the face which meant only one thing… I said nothing…..something about green this weekend. On Saturday before the storm came, mum dressed us up in green boots, and green scarves and green hats and gray beast had my old green jacket which I have outgrown….we looked smashing and all day long people stopped and took pictures and fed us and took more pictures, we were the Gould’s Glamour Queens. We were still wearing our hats yesterday when she rescued us and we looked so cute that she didn’t really get too mad with me for wandering. She was more worried about me having a belly ache but I told her not to worry, nothing hurts this belly!
Must go, there’s talk of more white stuff and I must gorge before it happens cause who knows when we will get fed if we have to be shoveled out again. Hope all is well with you and what’s this I hear about your big boy friends leaving????? Are those the handsome ones that our human came home with pictures off? She is going to visit you soon and she has a ‘pressie’ for you and has promised to bring us back some new glamour clothes when she gets back…

As The Manure Turns said...

We do not have an off button on the white stuff either, or the cold stuff or the hard stuff under our feet. It is making my human crazy I tell you. Yesterday we went for a hack in the fields me and the White Stallion. The white stuff is so high he was was piaffing all the way. I was soooooo tired slogging through it. I tried to canter a bit in it and then I gave up because it was so hard. Mom was happy because I didn't lose my shoes!!!

Oh you had better be careful getting into strange food. We can only get into hay or carrots if we get out of our rooms. All the other stuff is locked up so we can only stare at the bin and not get in. One of the Big Boys used to get out when he was in the other barn and he would eat all the carrots that were around. Make a big mess too.

OMG my room is leaking!! Not like leaking when your are upset leaking. Real water. My human had to shovel out all this wet stuff from my room the other night. We have so much white stuff by the barn it is coming into my room. Mom is worried that it is going to rain and my room will be flooded. We have no spare rooms at the moment. What to do???

Mom hung some stuff up for St.Paddy's day but I didn't get to dress up or anything. I am a little disappointed about that but she was busy showing the barn to humans all weekend. I am very excited and can't wait to meet them all. The cousin from up the street came into the field and I was not too mean to her. My Mom caught me making faces at her and chasing her off the round bale and kept using that tone with me when I am in trouble. Geez, I just want to make sure she understands her place. Ratchafratch that I got caught, but today is another day.

At least the sun is shining but it bloody cold.

Very excited about your human brining me a pressie. Can't wait!!

Love HRH