Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sad days have continued and I know My Mom is grieving the continued loss of the furry mouser Husky. Still no sign and I know she thinks the Evil Dogs of Satan that lurk out in the fields had something to do with this. The other furry mouser is still here, thank the Horse God for that.

As usual much other stuff going on to keep everyone hopping.

My BFF had a DQ workout with one of the trainers and was right on form. Her hurted tootsie seems to be better finally.

MM hurted her ear. I keep telling them over in that field to stop the bloody piercing and tattooing but they don't listen. The humans all think she got bit by one of the boys and we will just keep it at that.

The bone guy was here for Mr. G.Q this morning. Made me wonder when it was my turn to see him.

The yummy Dr. V.A was here yesterday and did a bunch of the kid's teeth but not mine. I am not too sure if I have dodged one on this or not. My BFF said that she had hers done with a machine but wasn't too sure what happened since she was sent on vacation for the event. Thinking the human has something up on this so made sure to be very pleasant last night.

Mother Freaking Nature is still tossing it to us. Nasty mud everywhere since the skies are dropping buckets all the time, then Old Man Winter shows up for a bit and today we have uber Winged Monkeys running around.

WTF. I do wish the kitty comes home.

Love to all



Unknown said...

I already have a tattoo, so I thought a tasteful row of diamonds might add to my allure....turns out the rocks were too big and so just ripped off the corner of my ear. Still, my mom says it’s not as bad as the time she got her earring caught in a trampoline or the other time she was hauled right off one of my predecessors by a branch through the hoop......And she thinks I am nuts.....

As The Manure Turns said...

You should get the stuff My Mom got me in moment of delerium on one of her shopping missions!! Are you ready?????? Hoof bling and they stick on!!! The Human also thought a row of diamonds on my ear would be appropriate and used these items but alas they did not stick!!! Actually they don't hold up real well on the hoof either but they are sure stylin!!!!

I tried to make My Human think I was crazy many years ago. We have reached the stage that we both just get to be grumpy from time to time!!!

See ya in the aisle later.
