Monday, November 12, 2007


My human headed off to the Royal Winter Fair with the human of my BFF and I told her "Don't you dare come home without a present for me" And you know what???? She came home with the best new thing for me. I have new jammies!!!! I can wear them under my smashing purple rain sheet and I'm just styling. I have, are you ready pink jammies with cave horse drawings on them. Just the best thing. No one else has this!!!!! I am just a fashion maven. They peek out from under my rain sheet and all the boys are just looking at me because I am the barn yard hottie for sure!!!!!!

The humans were busy all weekend with the arena so I only went hacking with the White Stallion on Saturday. We were heading out to the forbidden fields when all of a sudden we started hearing strange noises. My human and the other head wench were wondering if this noise was coyotes or kids making fun of them. All of a sudden we all hear this yelling at us to git off our land. The humans are like WTF??? So they decided to go see what what was up.

We turned around and me and the White Stallion thundered up to where the noise was coming from and we were surprised to see little kids. Boy were they surprised to see us. Me and the White Stallion blowing fire out our nostrils since we had been disturbed from our little hack. These boys had eyes the size of round bales when they saw us there.

Anyway we soon were on our way again and it was a lovely fall day. Nice and cool and sunny. Just the best.

When I got home, this is when I got my wonderful pressy. I am so happy. Just happy, happy, happy.


Islandgirls said...


Islandgirls said...

Your Mom went to the fair? Oh, I do wish I could go there just once I hear my Mom reminicing all the time about it and talking about how she went with your mom.She told me there are thousands of horses but none as pretty as that had to be said...
She went to a fair here last month but judging by the look on her face when she got back, I'd say it wasn't as impressive as the mighty Royal. She said that the only animals there were chickens and there were blue ribbons on limp old vegetables....she didn't even bring back any for me to eat.
But I digress.....I heard some gossip that you might like about our mom's. Apparently when my mom lived in Toronto, they were buds and used to sometimes meet up for chow and then gather around the water through...although she says it was filled with that wine stuff...tried that once, not bad either....anyway, they had awesome times and once they even did a thing called breakdancing(like rolling I think) and your Mom was the ring leader,,,,don't tell her I said that though cause she was nice to me last year and bought me sparkley pink I started thinking last night that maybe that wine stuff might have been the cause so mom came to tuck us in last night and lo-and behold..she had the glass in her hand,full...well i waited till she turned to the gray beast and I took a big slurp, you'd think she'd seen a colic the way she jumped back,spilled the rest on the hay(so basicly I got it all :))
and started going on about her $20 bottle of wine....she buys us stuff paying a $100+ and smiles about it but nearly leaks over $20 bottle of bitter water, whasup with that....anyway,when I come to visit you after the 'great escape' we will have to find some of that wine stuff and try it,we can maybe see if your mom has any stashed or else go to town in our pretty purple dresses and sparkley boots.

As The Manure Turns said...

Hi Island Girls!!!

My Mom did go to the Fair. I can tell only you this story since you are far away. I have not been feeling all that well the last couple of days. I have been pigging out on the round bale and it feels like I a really bad vacation in Mexico. You know doing the Tijuana Two Step. Anyhoo it caused me to have an accident on my brand new Jammies my Mom bought me from the fair. I am very upset but the human says they can be washed. I hope so, becase I really, really like em!!!

I don't know why we can't go the fair ourselves. Surely they must be on the lookout for supreme specimens such as ourselves. The human has said it involves things like work and being fit though, so that is not on my plate at the moment. The only thing on my plate is roughage cubes and hay!!!

I have never tried wine, but the human gave me beer once and I must say I do like it. I remember your Mama. They used to drink at the barn we were at too. I remember them all having a party at the barn because the race cars were there and they were all sauced up and then they decided to ride. I made short shrift of that and stomped on her foot when she got off. Silly woman. She would have been "break dancing" for sure if I had dislodged her at that moment let me tell you. I did take pity but HAD to get my point across.

I can have my posse help you out with the escape but DON'T bring the Grey Beast. We have enough wussies at our place. GEEZ!! I will make sure the cool kids help out, like Twizzle, My BFF and yes the LandShark too.

TheGorgeousGray said...

Well, well, well, will you listen to you two princesses!! Foolish girls, I am clearly more grand then the the two of you put together! I am from Great Britain, you know.

And WHAT is this I hear about a graybeast?? Or Skinny beast?? HRH you must not listen to that big brute that I share my human with, she doesn't know what shes taking about!!ppff ..skinny beassstt.. that rolly polly wishes she was as skinny as me!

Shes just jealous because my human bought me a new human. Now that new human can be a bit of a pain. She tries to ride me(sometimes I wonder if she knows what shes doing)..and she yells and stomps when I try and eat grass, but I show her whose day I tore the rivit right out of my rein when she tried to stop me from eating grass in the field, that showed her..then she just put me back in the paddock with the savage!

I suppose shes not too bad she usually brings lots of treats (although the savage gives her this sad, pathetic look and she falls for it every time!!) and I got a hold of something she called a cheesy last night, they were deelish! Oh and I guess you've heard from the savage that she buys me pretty pink things to make me look even more gorgeous!!I've got her trained already!!

Now if the savage hasn't told you I've reallly been playing up the "cut leg" card. Its keeping the two humans off my back and they've been babying me for almost 2 weeks now..I do think there finally starting to catch on, are humans up there as slow as they are here? I can get away with pretty much anything(probably because I'm so gorgeous!) the same day I cut my leg I didn't want the humans to leave so I stomped my back hoof a few times at my stomach and they stayed and walked me up and down the road and picked at me for another hour or 2. They're so simple, now the savage tried to ruin it for me of coursee! Can't have anyone else getting any attention! She yelled out to them and told them it wasn't colic, but they didn't even listen to her, HA!

Well I must go, its almost supper time, the human will be along with my feed and I wouldn't want her to catch me on here! We'll chat later HRH and I'll straighten up the stories the round one has told you. I'm sure if shes lied to you about this much theres more you dont know!

As The Manure Turns said...

Well, the OTHER Island Girl has stolen the lap top eh!!!! You better watch out and make sure that your savage pasture mate dosn't read this. She might just give you mare glare and come at ya!!!!

You must remember that you are the interloper. If I got a sister I would be mighty upset. I don't like to share either. Some sucking up is required. If I was in your shoes (I'm not and my shoes are fabulous by the way) I would join her and the two of you could tag team your humans.

At least you have good taste. I like pink too. Well I have to because the human buys me stuff in pink or purple depending on her mood. I hear that a new turn out is coming for me from the place you are from. It is pink with red hearts on it. I snuck into my humans email and saw the one asking about it for me. I AM SO EXCITED. I can't wait to show off in this number let me tell you.

Now, I keep telling you girls you must not upset the humans too much. Faking things doesn't get you stuff. It gets you stuck in inside and having the humans bug you all day or night long. With no food if they think your tummy is upset. My BFF in fact had to go to the horse hospital and I was so sad. My Mom assured me that she would be ok and my Mom always tells the truth and she did come home. Last night though she was trying to hone in on my human when she was tucking me in and I snarled and squealed at her. My human you have yours, you can't have mine.


I think if you were smart you would join up with the Island Princess and have wine. You can get sloshed together and bond. This is what the humans do you you see. Just don't do any break dancing or they will think you have a tummy ache and you could end up in the horse hospital.