Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well the humans finally got around to getting the round bales out to our fields and us girls are feeling pretty special because we got two!!!! How about that. There are 8 of us now.

We have been munching away for days now and the other day it was so nice that me, my BFF and the LandShark all settled in for a big nap. I was not impressed and neither was the LandShark when my human came and woke me up since she wanted to go hacking. I was like mumble, grumble OMG you are making me get up. LandShark was out cold and she was like "where am I" when my human was getting me. The human had a big laugh at her , big tough sleepy heads all of you, sleeping in your hay. I am thinking we are going to eat it anyway and it makes for a soft bed. Go away, but of course I was dragged into the barn and tacked up and off we went. Don't really mind though. I love hacking.

I was showing my superior moves to the White Stallion and boy was I on. I feel good!!!! I am just the belle of the barnyard I tell you. No one is hotter than me. I am trying to get the human to get us showing again, but I fear she is not in shape. She had better start working out soon so I can show my superior moves. Must send an email to the coach, get her up so the human can practise jumping things.

Not much else has been happening in my life, but I know my human has been a wee bit stressed lately. Other humans are bugging her and that takes away from me and I don't like that very much. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! JUST STOP IT NOW. If you don't stop bugging her and the other head wench I will get the LandShark and we will git ya. Don't let the barn gate hit you on the butt passing by our stalls, ya hear!!!! Ok mini rant over!!!

Still I am very excited because I think this is the day the carrot lady comes. Yippee!!!

Ok off to bale, move over LandShark time for me nap.



Islandgirls said...

HOHUM,my human woke me up again today at 5am, whasupwithtat? I hear you on the big bales,aren't they the bomb? Last year when my brother was here my human brought us one before she went away for five days and we just stayed there munching,she had to put another there for us day before she left though cause apparently we weren't supposed to eat all of it in five days being as there were only two of us.....well hell-oooo.....
There have been all kinds of antics going on here this week,first of all, the white stuff arrived from heaven yesterday, I was soo happy when I went outside, I rolled and danced and lay my face in it, it was so cold and soothing that I decided to just stay there a bit.....too long apparently cause the human came rushing over in a panic,said she thought I'd had a heart attack being so fat....Fat! I prefer voluptuous, thank you very much....
Anyway, the gray beast and I chuckled over my antic, try it when the white stuff comes up there, watch your human flop around, quiet amusing, close your eyes too, THAT really gets her...
HRH, have you ever seen the array of colors that the humans can turn??? WELL, let me tell you,it's been a fine week for me cause the gray beast is in sooo much trouble and therefore I've been getting more treats... I digress.....Saturday morning the human arrived late and was she green.....just like spring grass...apparently it was something to do with Friday night and a thing called a '24'....is that like the winey stuff I wonder, made her look the same color...
Then Sunday she came and I was soo excited for her to see.......gray beast had gotten her hannibal mask off and EATEN the stall, four places, she ate and ate and then started on the structure,well! The human turned blue and red and purple and there was steam coming out her ears and fire from her nose and she just yelled her head off,there were no treats for GB that day I got them aaALLLLL.
wait, wait that s not all.......last night, we were going into the barn, I of course am a lady so I get to go in alone, I always prance to my own stall and get praised for it but that GB, not the brightest shoe in the tack box I tell ya, she decided to take a walk to the yard, hooked the yellow wire that was still plugged in and you should have seen her,shocked twice and took off,broke the fence and all...which could be a good thing......I digress again...she came back all sorry looking and thinking poor me but the human wasn't impressed, the rainbow shades appeared again....hheeeeheee, more of everything for me.....I'll blog again as soon as she does something else, I'm thinking I'll stay a bit and not run away just in case she gets sent away.....wishful thinking on my part.

As The Manure Turns said...

Oh, the white stuff. I'm a summer gal, prefer to roll in the nice green grass. Cool though on freakin out your human. Mine wouldn't buy it though. Too much of the white stuff makes me miserable and I just stand still until someone grows a brain and comes and gets me. Worse though is the little round hard white stuff. You know the stuff that pings off your butt.

I have seen my human too with the greens. I think this happens to them when they are on the wine. The reds and purples are the ones you have watch out for. These could mean you are in big trouble. The greens, they can't do much. Notice with the greens the eyes rolling around in their sockets. Be sure to poop or pass air right in front of them too. They really like this when they have the greens.

I had been wondering WTF a Hannibal mask was and I had been asking the human for one. She kept tellng me this was something I didn't not want. Now I know this is true. HOLY F' a muzzle. The Grey Beast has the cribs!!! Not too bright to get this habit. I used to know a little baby who was in the barn and he had the cribs and all the humans called him the crack baby. And I don't think they were refering to his butt!!!

Still I would be careful on the Grey Beast. She could be up to something. Maybe she is doing this and hoping you will get blamed???? Maybe you should be nice to her and then WHAMMO turn the tables. You can walk away all innocent and stuff and get to eat the big bale.

If you get in trouble you can have a room at my place no problem. In fact I think it would be fun. If you and your human were to come it would be great fun. We could go to the forbidden fields and race around in the hay that grows there.

Hope to see you soon