Friday, September 26, 2008


I just don't get away with anything........

My Mom actually pointed her finger at me the other night and gave me what have you on my biting... I was enjoying the sport but not enjoying her getting me back.

I had my growly face on and was snarling because she was brushing my chest. I am very sensitive there you know.

Anyhoo. She started...... "That is enough" said my Mom. "If you continue to try and bite me or anyone else you will NOT get ANY treats" "I don't like your face right now and I don't like it when you try to bite and this WILL stop RIGHT NOW"

She had the mare tone on. Plus she did this in front of other humans who wondered if I understood English. I just looked at them and thought - what do you think there Miss Boarder Pants??!! Of course I understand freaking English, it is you humans who need to learn to speak horse.

Anyhoo....... I figured I had better be good or the treat train would chug out of town. So I have been and the carrots have been plentiful since I have been keeping me teeth to meself!!! It is so hard sometimes to be me......!!!!

Then get this, The White Stallion told me that the clinic I am going to is the same clinic my Mom went to a couple of months ago and she came home speaking horse!!! WTF???? I am FREAKING DOOMED!!!!!! If this happens there will be no out smarting the humans. OMG!!!!

What to do.

Calling my buddy Sol in Newfoundland..... Dial in please. I need advise on this one.....

grumble, mutter, growl, spit. But no snarling Mom...... I want my bed time treat!!!

Someone help me!!!!!

Love to all


Thursday, September 25, 2008


As usual, things are happening at the little farm.

I will miss my buddy Diva since she is moving to a different farm at the end of the month. We all wish her well and hope she is happy in her new place.

My Mom says a new gal will be come to my field and her human is a friend of the human who owns Stinky and the good half of the LandShark. The LandShark is getting a new gal in her field too. I havn't spoken of her lately since I never see her anymore. She lives in the other barn next to Stinky and we really hardly ever see each other. My spy tells me though her butt is as big as ever!!!!

My BFF is getting better finally. Her hurted tootsie is not so tender and everyone has been Doctorin her up to get her over the abscess. She had a real nasty one. She isn't skipping around anymore so her entourage is happy about that.

The new guy, I think I will give him the blog name of The Boy Next Door. Works eh! Anyhoo he is better and he got his teeth done this week so hopefully this will make him all better so he dosn't get the tubes any time soon.

No sightings of the furry mouser Whiskers. My Mom is very upset about him being missing but we had to get a new buddy for the lady mouser so my Mom went and got this guy. This is the
picture of him at his old home. He has been around a bit. The lady who had him said she had only had for a month and then she was giving him away. He lived in the big house for animals before she got him and now he is at the farm. He is a little scared but I am sure we will all make him welcome and he will have a good time with us all.

If Whiskers comes home I am sure the humans will all be happy to see him and we will have 3 furry mousers instead of just two. His name is Husky and he will be out and about in a couple of days as soon as he isn't scared anymore

I havn't been doing much lately myself. Just hanging about. I hear me and my Mom are doing a clinic next weekend at the farm so that should be fun.

Anyway off to hang with the girlies.

Love to all


Monday, September 22, 2008


So sorry to say that the boy mouser Whiskers is missing. My Mom has looked high and low for him but is not able to find him anywhere. I know she is holding off leaking in case he comes home but I can tell that she is upset. Here is his picture. If you see him then let my Mom know or the other Head Wench.

We all would like him to come home soon. The girlie mouser is missing him.

My BFF's abscess has been crazy. She is an all or nothin kind of gal. Vet visiting twice a day to give her the needle. She looks like she is getting better but is still limping. Causing mucho stress to her Mom and my Mom too.

The new guy has been good and not needing any more Doctorin for a couple of days now. The chat I had with him worked.

On a good note, Autie Kim came by yesterday and her and My Mom went shopping!!! I finally got something new!!!!!! It HAS been a while. Anyway a new dress for winter!!! Pink with grey trim and flecks of pink on it with a slogan!!! It says "born to roll" So cool!!!

Anyway, just a short one today. Too sad on the kitty issue and my new dress has been put away until it gets colder

Love to all


Thursday, September 18, 2008

DRAT, DRAT AND MORE DRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am SO bummed out. Not like giving my Mom the bum but very disappointed.

Not doing the horse trial this weekend. Since my Mom had to go the human vet clinic we missed all our training and we are not able to go. No one is going now. The White Stallion isn't nor is Elvis and his Sister.

I am so sad that I won't get to wear my ensemble with my show name on it. Plus my Mom had stuff to match...... She says we can go next year..... Pouting.

Then she said maybe we could do a winter dressage show and I said "That's ok Mom I can wait" Bloody dressage!!!!!

Anyhoo My BFF is taking a long time to get over her abscess and stuff is still oozing from her hurted tootsie. She is being a trooper but I can tell she is very ouchy.

The new guy seems to be ok again. He had a big tummy ache the other night too. Poor guy had the tubes now 3 times.

Everyone else is just hanging out eatin and poopin, eatin and poopin.

Well off eat grass and be upset about not getting to show off at the horse trial

Love to all


Monday, September 15, 2008


Oh my!!!!!!!

My poor Mom!!!! I have to be sympathetic since she is showing everyone the bruise I gave her on her arm. At first it was the perfect fit to my mouth but now it is leaking downwards. Me bad girl and I am sorry, sorry, sorry!!!

Anyhoo My BFF has a nasty nasty abscess and is wondering around trying to be stoic but looks like her leg is broken. My Mom and my BFF's Mom and her Pet Rider and the lovely Dr. D have all been "doctorin" her up. Today the lovely Dr. D came and took the pressure off so the humans and my BFF are relieved for sure. Soaking and poulticing and wrapping, all that stuff.

Plus my Mom was just about to go in to feed her face the other night and the new guy had choked again. He is my new neighbour and I had a thing to tell him. "Stop scarfing back your food since you are taking my time away from me and my human - get with the program pal" Actually he is very cute and I think he is handsome and then some!!!!! I heard my Mom say mushy beet pulp for you pal from now on. I have to ask his Wenchette what his blog name can be. He spit on my Mom's head too and I could tell she was very impressed with this!!!

The Royal Cousin has a swollen leg and she is now out front with Elvis's sister who also had to have a visit from the lovely Dr. M.

OMG I think I am going to get me a nurse's hat!!! Me Mom at the human Vet Clinic, a bunch of kids hurtin..... I would be a great nurse. Florence Nightinghorse!!! If you don't like what I'm doing I will bite you..... errrrrr no...... heal you!!!!


Givin' the needle is better than gettin' it, I say!!!!!!!

Love to all


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Just check them out!!! My BFF and her pet rider with all their winnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They won the overall championship for their class at the Blue Star shows and were reserve champion in their last one. They even did test #3 and came in 4th on their first try!!!

Such STARS!!! Everyone is so proud of her and this ribbon haul is from her last show. She got a first, a second a fourth and the really big ribbons are for the Championship.

Brings tears to me eyes I tell ya!!! She is just the best my BFF, my second in command!!!! Keeps the other girlies in line when I am being worked to death!! Ooops better be careful what I write here since I am not sure I am still not in doo-doo from the big bite incident!!! My Mom was showing people her bruise on her arm and I do feel very ashamed; really!!!

Anyway back to the DQ.......... Everyone is so excited and proud especially her Mom, my Mom and I am sure her Pet Rider's Mom!!!! Lots of ribbons on her door now for everyone to see.

She can only get better and better!!!!

Love to all


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

WHAT IN THE WORLD...........

I was thinking WTF was happening one morning a couple of weeks ago when my Mom came to my room before I went out and was hugging me and stuff. I was like "why are you not at the cash job where you are supposed to be and would you please stop. You are embarrassing me in front of my friends."

Then she was gone. And gone some more and STILL gone.......??????? Triple triple WTF.....????? I am thinking I have been deserted. My BFF's Mom and a bunch of other people were helping look after me but I am thinking "Where is the human for eff's sake?????" I am thinking I better be good just in case there is a change in my situation. Maybe this is why Mom was all over me before, maybe she is never coming back??? Nah I think, she is off gallivanting somewhere without me.. I am getting more and more pissed each day.

Suddenly I see her running down the hill in the paddock towards me. Harrumph I think she's back. I am not going to pay any attention to her!!! I didn't look at her, I didn't come running to her and I didn't even lift my head from my grass. That will teach her. She hugs me anyway and tells me how glad she was to see me. Yeah right I think.

Then I come to my room and she is there again and I give her the bum big time. She gets me out and gives me treats and I am thinking this is more like it. I get a good groom and lots of carrots and I am thinking well you better be nice to me. When she came to tuck me in I thought that she had given my BFF treats and not me and then I lost my mind and I bit her, hard on her arm. She smacked me and left again. Then My BFF told me that her her Mom had told her that my Mom had been at the human vet clinic in town stuck in there for days... OMG I thought this is why she was not here.

I felt so bad and I was so worried that she wouldn't come again since I had bit her. The shame. I didn't sleep at all in my room and I spun my hay all over and made a mess that even the wenchettes commented on.

Much to my relief, there she was the next morning to give us all our hay and put my booties on. I rested my head on her back when she did so she would know that I was sorry and I put my best please forgive me look on my face.

So she did forgive me and she has been home since Saturday past and I have seen her morning and night and I will try hard not to bite her again. She said last night I have used up my biting allowance for the next 5 years.

Anyway, lots of stuff going on at the farm.

I will blog more later since I have to give back the puter to my Mom.

Love all