Saturday, December 31, 2011

GOING, GOING..........

Gone...... Well almost......

2011 that is.

I knows there was some shit-tastic things that happened this year but overall everyone is healthy, happy, fed, watered and looked after. Much easier for us horses and not so much for some of the humans but I'ms thankful that they put us first. Least the ones I knows.

Hopin' everyone has a great New Year.

Happy 2012

Love HRH

Tuesday, December 27, 2011



Yup, the swag train was just chuggin' in the station over the last couple couple of days. In addition to my spankin' new rain-sheet plus my quarter sheet I gots jammies to wear under said rain and some new booties in matchy purple.

Thanks to all the humans who provided the orange nummies in droves. Plus My Mom had them in her pocket a lot and I just loved her up and out they came!!!!!!!

Now I hear that My Mom and My BFF's Mom are headin' out to the tack store today!!!!!! I'm hopin' this rumour is true since that can only mean one thing........!!!!

More swag for me......!!!!

Love to all


Monday, December 19, 2011


I loves the Christmas month.

Lovin' up My Mom and the swag is just comin' out in droves............. Gots the new rain dress and I must say "OUTSTANDIN'". All my favorite colours with spankin' pink surcingles and everthing. Just stylin'...... I was so happy with this I didn't even roll in the mud outside and kept it nice which made My Mom happy, happy.

Then yesterday we were out hacking in the legal fields and I'm sporting my brand new quarter sheet which is screamin' pink. I means SCREAMIN'. Get your sun glasses on if you see us comin'.

Plus, I hears that there is more coming. Plus everyone is bein' generous with the orange nummies!!!!

You better not bite
You better not fight
Coz Santa Klaus is coming
to our barn.......

Woo, hoo!!!!

Love to all

The very good HRH!!!!!!

Thursday, December 08, 2011

TRA LA LA LA LA, LA LA, LA LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tis' the Christmas month......................!!!!!!

Got reminded about this little human celebration when I gots a silver bow and my stocking hung on my room.

A public service notice to all the furry kids out there. You must be good this month. Then the humans get you all sorts of swag. Remember you are deserving...... Oh yeesh!!!!!Been watchin' too much Dr. Phil on the big screen with My BFF and the girls but I am keepin' my teeths to meself.

Hardly feels like the Christmas month since the Mother Nature Dame has been sending us leaking skies. It is like she has banished the 'Ole Man Winter Dude. Must have been some uber fight since the little farm is like a sea of mud and the humans all look like swamp monsters. Heard My Mom asking for snow and I knows she isn't a fan.

Havin' a great time playin' the come and git us game!!! This is when you make the humans come into to the muddy field to get you. I heard My Mom tryin' to apply some logic on the gelding gang sayin' "you have to cross the sea of mud whether I come in there or not"

As if...........!!!!!!

Snort - Thinkin' the geldings are going to do THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Double snort

I says to the girls "we will just hang out on the round bale island too......" Sure enough by the time they are at our field they are covered. Out they come.......

Oh, sorry, didn't see you there. We should have come to gate but...... Gee you're muddy.

Can I have that carrot in your pocket now please...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, Hee, Hee, Hew......!!!

Such good sport.

Off to slog

Love to all


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

OH DEAR..................


Gave My Mom a serious frighty recently. I was sulking in my room due to the lack of homage being paid to moi lately due to the shenanigans at the little farm when My Mom came in to give me a cuddle and I figured I would show her........

Went a little far though................ Scared the skit out of meself when I hit my room door with me butt and crashed through into the aisle and stopped myself on Theodorable's door :(

Nearly effin' fell down doin' this and I was watching My Mom and she looked like she was going to toss her cookies. Sorry..... really, really.......!!!!

Ended up with her asking me if it was my day to be the idiot while she was checkin' out my figure and I got put on the bloody longe line but figured it best to cooperate given the circumstances. Sigh........

Anyhoo....... The door was all smashed up and My Mom's eyes were buggin' out of her head looking at it and the Maintenance Dude had to take it away and everything....

As My Mom says..... "Clusterf*ck"

Went to the forbidden fields with The Big Guy on the weekend since it was a lovely day. No bugs, trails were good even though the skies have been leaking like crazy lately. Very nice and I hopes we have some more nice days before the Ole Man Winter Dude takes over. My Mom ran me around the indoor for a bit to see how I was after the recent incident..... Little sore Mom, little sore.

Lo and behold yesterday the fabulous Dr. Betty is here and I made sure she got all my sore bits. Yup, that's the spot Dr. B. Much better now and plus I gots my pedicure in the morning so yesterday was spa day for me.

I am worthy

Love to all


Saturday, October 08, 2011


Tis the annual Canadian version of the gobbling of the bird........

Be thankful for what your furry kids bring to you

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!

Love to all


Saturday, October 01, 2011


The Mother Nature Dame must of lost a big one to the Ole' Man Winter Dude because it is effin' freezing here today........ Winged Monkeys everywhere. W T SERIOUS F?????????

Mind you the fashion show on the little farm is just a sea of colour and design with all of us kids in our dresses. I have the spankin' fuchsia number on myself. Plus I hears My Human had a weak moment at a recent horse show and I gots a new dress that hasn't appeared yet but I have heard her braggin to the other humans about my abundance of things stylin' to wear. I am worthy!!!!!

Life has been good lately and I have been hauling My Human around the legal and forbidden fields. Makes her happy when I'm good and we even had a little school in the outdoor and showed her I was just top drawer in all departments. Might get me a little jump school in the near future.


Love to all


Sunday, September 18, 2011


Is here......

I hears the humans talking about some of us kids already growing coat.

Plus there is winter grub in the field across the road for the smelly bovine creatures who have been roaming over there. We take turns makin' sure they know we are superior beings and they stay on their side of the street..

Must say though the Mother Nature Dame has been in a pretty good mood. Turn off the ovens the other day and took away the hoards of flying nasties that have been bothering everyone on the little farm.

Headed out to the forbidden fields yesterday with the Big Guy. We had a little spooky dooky in total harmony to keep our humans on their toes. Look Mom, dressage!!!!!!

Everything starting to look very colourful and nice but I was keepin' a watchful eye on the turkey possibilities.

Did a little trot and made My Mom happy, happy since I am going so well.

I have the day to hang with my gals since I know My Mom is off to see some of the lodgers at a horse show.

Plan on spending the day on the green nummies.

Off to eat

Love to all


Thursday, August 25, 2011

HUMAN ANTICS...............

Nearly swallowed me hoof on this one.................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was on gate watch the other day when I saw My Mom plunkin' herself down on the chair to watch the riding in the outdoor........


She freakin' fell over, right off the deck and landed upside down in drainage ditch, chair and all!!!!!

She splatted!!!!!


Saw the bruises on her bat wing and of course the rumours have started that I am responsible for this since it looks similar to marks I inflict with my teeths.


For the record I had nothing..... nein, nyet, nada, non, not an effing thing to do with this...

Love to all


Friday, August 12, 2011


I was being dragged around the indoor by one of the Wenchettes yesterday eve showing off my hind end to My Mom when I noticed the little boy sittin' on the mounting block.

Not being acquainted I wanted to meet him so I dragged My Mom over and stuck my face near his........ Then he gave me a kiss!!!!

I knows I touched the hearts of all the humans who saw this.

See I have a sensitive side...

Love to all


Friday, July 29, 2011


Busy, busy, busy......................................

So much goin' on at the little farm.......

Yesterday, it was just the best thing...

I was a little pissy being dragged to the outdoor AGAIN yesterday. Seems My Mom feels she needs to shed a few pounds (this is SO true but don't tell her I says so!!!) so she is ridin'.

A lot.....

Anyhoo...... Jumps were up yesterday which is not unusual but after we lumbered around warmin' up she pointed me at one... I'm thinkin' can this be for real???? No bloody dressage....... Thinkin' she was punkin' me I took the first one at a trot, nice and steady and praise the Horse Goddess we went over it.

Yippee!!!! Then we did a couple more at canter and I was so happy and excited!!!! We were both happy to be jumping again.

Then, at dinner time Dr. Betty came for my treatment which is always nice but it was DINNER TIME. Having my dinner delayed doesn't please me but My Mom picked up my dish and served me while Dr. Betty was doing her thing.

I was just in horse heaven. Having My Mom serve me dinner with Dr. Betty rubbing me down. I was so happy I was just fartin' up a storm which pleases Dr. Betty. Anything to make you all happy I say!!!!! Keep it up ladies!!!!

I'm a SUPER STAR.........

I am!!!

Love to all


Friday, July 01, 2011


Happy Canada Day


Love all


Friday, June 03, 2011


Another one of the Furry Mouser ridin'

Some good news around the little farm. The skies have finally stopped leaking and tossing the winged monkeys everywhere.

Some nice sunshine and that means our outside time is longer now.


Thinks My Mom and I are going for a little hack in the legal fields today.

Don't tell My Mom but things are good!!!!

Love to all


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ha, hahahahahahaha........

Check out the furry mouser ridin'!!!!!!!

Look at the WTF look on this kid's face.......


Plus more gelding activitity out in their field.

I know the Big Guy is one of 'em and I think the other is my old squeeze Brad Pitt.......

Apparently they were scaring off the ducks that have found this puddle.

Big, brave, geldings.......


Love to all


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Bronx cheer...........

Double whammy. Givin' out the hoof and the bum.......


Love to all


Saturday, April 23, 2011


And it is my day.....

I's 20 in human years. I must say that I am just a little pissed though........

My Human wished me Happy Birthday and was empty handed in the swag department.

All week long I been hearin' the humans laughing about something and this is it.

This is my present??? My Mom says that she is the curator and that Auntie Kim will make a picture thingy of it for me for my room wall.

WTF is up with this. Where is my usual swag????? Sure I have the Birthday Girl tiara and a sign on my room announcing my big day but why am I gettin' a statue of a kid on a piano? It must have some reference to the dreaded dressage since it talks about prancing to music.

The torture never ends.....

Been busy with the annual poking in the neck recently and plus the devil pony showed up in our paddock the other day complete with a Hannibal Lectur mask. Apparently she was terrorising the Keeper of the Rumours and got herself ousted and into our gang. I am going to be much more agreeable to the riding thing since the HL mask slows down the eatin' of the green nummies and I don't want My Human gettin' ideas that I'm getting too voluptuous.

Thankfully the nummies are comin' up but the Mother Nature Dame has been royally p.o.ed as of late tossing all sorts of skies at us all. Yeesh.......

A least today on my big day the sun has come out, My Human is not lumbering around up on my back and I am hanging with the girlies.

I'm sure I will be getting better swag later or at least some effin' treats.

Off to look for cake

Love to all


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


With the bloody spacey bar on the 'puter. I knows about paragraphs. ALWAYS something as My Human says Love to all HRH

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Not in good way............. Kinda like a "One Flew Over the Coo-Coo Nest way........ I thinks she is seriously questioning her sanity about the little boarding stable and the goin's on. I hears her mutterin about some one named Oscar who ever the eff he is..... Maybe another new boy for the barn... Since it is all about us kids I am happy to say that The Show Jumping Wannabe is fine and dandy. He got himself rushed off to the horse hospital and ended up having to have an operation. I knew it was bad when the mobile room unit showed up and My Mom and his rushed off after it. We all asked The Horse Goddess to intervene and so she did and soon he was home but on room rest. I know he is feeling much better since he is giving me the eye and I wink at him when I gets turned around in front of his abode. My BFF has done a little show and did her best as usual..... Very excited since she is off to do a clinic at one of the cathedral barns...... Bunch of the humans from our little barn is heading off to watch the big name dressage guy. Bloody hell. Can't escape all the dressage stuff. My Human will probably come home and wants to do this. Shoulder in...... give that the bird...... more like butt at you.... THAT would be a great move.. Here you go butt at you at E....... I would gets me a ten!!!!!! A new gal came in a while back and she can't see. Chatted her up and she says she hears very well so I have put her on rumour control. Plus I hears I'm getting another "Betty". This is my new best thing. She is a massage lady but also does the bone moving thing. I gots my hock adjusted last time and I felt like a filly on a spring day afterward. Made My Mom very happy. Speaking of Spring...... I hopes the Ole Man Winter dude packs up and the Mother Nature Dame turns on the warm and the green nummies make their appearance. Off to bring on the warm Love to all HRH

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

TURN IT OFF.......

Buried In Snow

Enough already.........

Love to all


Monday, March 07, 2011


Oh my..........

What the SERIOUS efffff.....???????

I seem to remember that the February month last year was no screaming joy at the little farm either.

My take is the Old Man Winter Dude makes the humans all crazy. He and the Mother Nature Dame in cahoots again.

Lately nothing but leaking skies, tons of the bloody white stuff and unbelievable Winged Monkeys.

My Mom, back and forth with her Miss Piggie face on. FYI - this means she is not amused.

Still, it can always be worse.......

I know we are all ready for Spring to come. The green yummies and nice warm breezes. Hacks in the forbidden fields. Hangin' out with the girlies...


Checking in with the Ground Hog.

Git things movin' would ya buddy.....

Love to all


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Got dialed into somethin' bein' up this morning when it was time to go out. I was left in with a bunch of other kids...

Soon the lovely Dr. M was in the building and lo and behold tis time for the annual Teeth and Sheath day.....

Gots my neck poke and was off running down the beach into the nice sunshine. Dreamin' of great things I was.......

Then I hears the humans laughing at me.........

Just sleepin' it off on my room rope. At least I only get one end of me violated.

Love to all


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

APPLAUSE FOR THE RODENT..........!!!!!!!

Groundhog's Day

Early spring, early spring, early spring.......................!!!!

Hallelujah, hallelujah, HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The little rodent did the proper job!!!!!!

Happy Ground Hog Day!!!!!!!!

Love to all


Saturday, January 29, 2011


Who is back...............................................??????????????????????????

Remember him from some posts before.......................................??????

It's the Show Jumping Wannabe..... He jumped out the paddock the first time he came and gave My Mom and his fits... Hee hee..... snort...... just remembering that one.......


Let the peein' begin!!!!!!

Could BARELY contain the so called ladies in my gang when the mobile room unit pulled in. At first it was like ho-hum comin' or going' what is it this time?????

And then he called to us!!! "Hi! I'm back!!!!

I just looked at LMSP and My BFF and said "mine...." Don't you even THINK about it.


Off to figure out what his outdoor arrangements are.....

Love to all


Friday, January 21, 2011


Wasn't sure what was going on last night when I was brought into the indoor in my dress. First thing I thought I would do is roll but My Mom intervened and then I realized we were going to play CARROT TAG!!!!!!

This involves me chasing My Mom around the arena for the orange nummies!!!!! Beats the bloody hell out of being on the longe line and I highly suggest all you kids get your human to learn this game.

So I pleased her....... Strode out like a youngin' and then trotted around lookin like the Show Goddess that is my inner self.

Best to make her happy so the goodies keep coming.

Love to all


Saturday, January 01, 2011


After spending the night tossin' em with the girls I got myself dragged around the bloody indoor this afternoon.

Pleased My Human though, who said I'm better than she thought. What ever the EFF that means?????

Happy New Year

Be Good to your furry ones this year too.

Love to all