Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have had a very busy few days. The lovely Doctor VA was in to do our teeth. I get to go on vacation when he comes!!! This year I did the cross country course at Blenheim. I was a star coming out of the water complex, doing the corner jumps and of course saluting the Queen when I got my first place prize. Don't listen to my BFF who says I was snoring up a storm in my room. She was just as stoned as me. I heard a rumour that the LandShark was drooling from her vacation. She placed second at Blenheim, mostly because she couldn't haul her big fat butt over the fences!!

Then, my pedicurist came and he had girls with him this time. I liked the one who helped with me because she was wearing purple my favorite colour. Anyone who is in purple is okay with me!!!

Speedy G got new shoes too. Not as fashionable as mine but she is also in purple bell boots. She is just copying me all the time now. I have purple bell boots and so does she, I have a purple dress and she gets one too. Well you know what they say imitation is the highest form of flattery; I guess!!!!

No riding again this weekend. The weather has been terrible again. We all came in the other day with our dresses all wet. Then the next thing it is cold again and all the water has been made hard. I told my girlies you must all stay near the hay bale and not run around. Since they know I am the smartest of all they pay attention.

I am so looking forward to some nice days, some green grass and sunshine. Even if the sun shines the gale force winds have us all cuddling up to the LandShark door of the little barn.

I must get to the hay so I get my food. My Mom has me on a diet so I have to fill up outside in case I waste away in my room. Well I am getting a little food in there and I keep asking the wenchettes to give me more but they are listening to my human and not me. My Mom asked me if I wanted a butt as big as the LandShark and I had to run and look in a mirror to make sure that I didn't have Big Bertha Butt!!

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

HRH, where can I get some of that trippin stuff? It's not the same stuff that my human gives me cause I am not having any mind trips, just feeling mellow these days.There was another scary incident last night at our barnyard. Gray Beast and I thought for sure that the end had come. The humans were working and we were inside because it peed cats and dogs apparently yesterday,,,anyway, about half way throuh the day we saw wet stuff coming through the door I looked at Gary Beast like WTF and then we realized, our house was flooding. It kept coming and coming and our stalls got wet and thankfully our human had given us lots of new bedding so it soaked up and we didn’t have to swim. We saw our life flash before our eyes before it finally stopped. Of course gray Beast was all leaking thinking it was the end but I was brave. The human was so upset when she saw it that she leaked too. She kept saying that all our hay was wet and dust was ruined, was filled with hope thinking that wet hay meant a smorgis board for us but that didn’t happen. We saw her bringing a lot of dust in the day before and I think she was leaking because it got wet and something about money which I know is what rocks our world so I hope that doesn’t run out…anyway that’s what happened.
Oh, the red pony over the way told me that Gray Beast has been talking to you, don’t let her fool you, she’s a dote. All dressed up in pink socks and stuff, psswwt, as if I’d let pink near me. I’m stopping traffic still in tie dye and I’m a star. Toodles, I’m off to forage because there is grass showing after all the rain. Yayyyy, I’ll send some spring your way.

As The Manure Turns said...

OMG!!!! The horror- the hay. My BFF's room leaks too but she was brave too. The humans are fixing her room up all the time. No worries about it filling up in our place.

It was awful here the other day too. We were all outside and were just soaked. Cleaned up my dress though. Getting me some water wings just in case.

You can't get the tripping stuff yourself. One of the horse Doc's has to give it to you. If you get some be sure to come and visit me.

I did hear from the Grey Beast, she calls herself the Silver Bullet. I kinda think that is cool. Who is the red pony. Ponies are a pain in the ass you know.

My human likes pink and I have pink stuff too, but do prefer purple for sure.

I think the money is the same as the cash thing. Apparently this can run out. Not like running out over a jump. Running out of cash makes the humans leak and get very worried. This is a bad, bad thing.

I think you should be nice to your human because she is upset about this. All this stuff is for you and Grey Beast - Silver Bullet and you need your stuff.

She will just get more but you will see her less because she has to find the cash.

Puleeeeese send some nice weather our way. I want to go hacking and I want to ride outside. Sick of the arena. Sick of winter and the white stuff and the ice.
