Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Well, today I was helping my BFF stay calm because Dr.M was coming back to check her leg. You remember when she got her stitches out, all the humans were really worried because it had not healed properly. So I stayed in my room to keep her company until the Doc finished up.

Anyhoo, the news is great. Her leg is okey, dokey and now we are both running around our field and doing the happy dance. So is my BFF's Mom. She came out with us, but we said shove off, horsies only time right now!!! So my BFF's Mom called my Mom and my Mom said I had to blog this right away because everyone was worried. So I grabbed the 'puter' to spread the word.

PLUS, today is the day that the Island Girls Mom comes to visist and I just know I am going to get stuff for me. Can't wait.

Anyway off to play



Monday, April 28, 2008

MY MOM WAS SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This weekend there was a big tack swap and sale that my Mom went to. She came home with the best stuff for me. More bling. I am the bling bling Queen of all time.

She got me hoof bling. This is bling you can stick on your hooves and just be stylin. She says I have to wait for a special occasion to wear it, but it is so cool. I can't wait until my pedicurist sees this.

PLUS, she got me a new fly mask!!! It is so stylin. Leopard fluffy stuff on the edges and you won't believe it; it has purple sunglasses on the front with bling stones. All the humans are so amused when they see me in this. I am just spreading the happy, happy I tell you. Twizzle's Mom took a picture so if my Mom can figure out how to put it up here I can show everyone.

We had a birthday for the LandShark too. She got some pressies from the humans and had her stall decorated. The humans had a cake, but it was a human cake so my Mom got her a horsie taco at the tack swap.

Rain today so we are all back in our dresses. Need to make that grass grow. Yum, yum.

Off to hang with my BFF and the rest of the girlies.



Thursday, April 24, 2008


I told everyone before that my BFF had to have stitches in her leg. When the Doc come to take them out the other day, she had not healed. Me, My Mom, My BFF's Mom, Her Pet Rider, Her Pet Rider's Mom-all of us were very worried. Her leg was leaking stuff and all the humans and all her friends were standing around trying to get it right.

The Doc came back and now my BFF has been getting needles in her neck and last night her leg looked much better so I said it was ok to have my birthday party, but it was a scaled down celebration.

My Mom, gave me a pink fluffy tiara to wear and all my buddies got birthday hats. My BFF's Dad and the LandShark's Dad even wore them. My Mom gave me new bell boots with flowers on them. They look like a shower curtain!!! My Mom put bling on the door of my room. I got lots of carrots and hugs from my Mom and everyone wished me a Happy Birthday. They all sang the birthday song to me. Yeesh, don't quit your day job folks. More pressies to come when the Island Girl's Mom gets here next week.

Now we have heard that the LandShark has her birthday this weekend. Don't tell anyone but I miss the fat bottomed mare so I think that we will have a surprise for her on Saturday night. I know my Mom and the other Head Wench are going shopping on Saturday. Rumours are there is hoof bling available and you know my Mom and bling. I will have something styling for sure. I asked my Mom to get something for the LandShark too.

Anyway, off to eat the green grass and show off my new booties. Everyone will be so jealous of these ones. I'm a stylin' as usual.

I love birthdays

Love HRH

Monday, April 21, 2008


I am sixteen going on seventeen
I know that I'm naive
Geldings I meet do tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe!!!!

For those who are not in the loop, it is my birthday this week. April 23rd to be specific and I am graciously accepting pressies of all sorts!!! I think my human has something good for me that she has been saving. So excited!!!!

My BFF headed off to dressage clinic yesterday and she impressed the judge. She was just styling when she left. I know she missed me because my Mom and I had a little jump school in the outdoor and she kept calling to me. Had to look after my Mom and show off over the fences. My Mom put me back outside to hang out with my BFF for a little while before supper and this made us both happy.

A new kid came in this weekend and is in the LandShark's bunch and in her barn too.

Anyway, don't forget my B'day!!!

Love to all


Friday, April 18, 2008


Not that it makes a big difference to me, but I always hear the humans saying Thank God it is Friday. I have just changed it a bit since I have heard my human use a slightly different phrase!!! She can be a little cheeky you know.

I got my stitches out the other day and me and Mom went for ride outside!!! Happy happy to be rid of the indoor arena. I like the fresh air. I am still a little sore from my adventures and I heard my Mom saying that she was thinking about having the Chiropractor come and see me just in case I threw stuff out of wack when I was falling down. I love seeing all the Doctors and this one will be new since I have never seen a Chiropractor before.

My BFF has and she says they make your bones go back in the right spot. Not too sure about this but my Mom will make sure it is all ok. Otherwise I may have to bite the dude.

It is finally really nice here and all us kids are naked as the day we were born. Glorious sunshine, the grass is coming up and it's really good to eat.

I think I will get the White Stallion and the other head wench and head off to the forbidden fields this weekend.

Oh and apparently another new kid is coming in this weekend, but I hear she is going in with the LandShark's bunch. I can't wait until we move into the field next to each other so we can all chat by the bar. My Mom says soon, probably by the end of the month.

Nothing else really happening.

Enjoy the lovely weather


Monday, April 14, 2008


All is well again.

Yesterday I took my Mom for a spin and I was even good in the arena. Not too good of course or she would worry about me. So I pinned my ears at the Royal Cousin and The White Stallion so she would know I was fine.

Mom was happier since I did my thing just fine and my stitches were ok with my bridle on. Add just a touch "je ne sais quoi" to my look. I hear I am getting another visit from the nice Doctors to have them removed on Wednesday.

Plus more happy news. My BFF is back out in my herd. Yesterday we wandered down to the stream together and hung out just us two. She has a bandage on her leg from where she got her stitches. We chatted and plotted about what to do next to our humans and decided that we would let them have a break for a bit. Yeesh our two Moms are just so high maintenance and we don't want them going over the edge. Big bills to pay for us both and we don't have bank accounts ourselves so we need to keep the humans happy. We are both very excited since the white stuff is finally gone and the green grass is coming in. YUMMY!! Lot's of mud though but it should be gone this week since it is supposed to be nice, warm and dry.

Should make for some good hacking soon and maybe we will go to the forbidden fields.

Oh and Speedy G got a ribbon at her show yesterday and her pet teenaged human was very proud as we all are. I have decided to forgive her for trying to upsurp me when I was half blind.

Off to hang with my BFF


Love to all


Thursday, April 10, 2008


So, the other day my BFF has to have stitches too. On her leg though, not her head. Just because I get purple stitches my BFF has to copy me. I was fearin' my Mom was going to lose it if another kid got hurt since she has been so busy with my hurtin' face but my BFF's Mom helped my Mom cope and so My Mom helped my BFF's Mom cope too. We are just the pair.

My Mom gave us both Scooby-Doo bandaids to wear on our halters and we are just stylin'!!!!!!

Our rooms are still beside each other so we can chat at night but my Mom made two girlie herds when the Big Boys left and we are not together outside anymore. My Mom plans to switch my herd with the Little Boy herd soon so at least we will be able to chat over the fence when this happens. I miss the LandShark too and that butt of hers.

Right now I am out with Diva, The Royal Cousin, Speedy G; who I am still pissed at for trying to bite me when I couldn't see and the New Girl is in with us too. She is not so new anymore but the name has stuck. My BFF has the LandShark, Twizzle, The Devil pony and two new, new kids that came in this month. I don't know the new ones yet.

I hear my Mom and my BFF's Mom are going to get on the wine soon and THAT should be entertaining if she shows up at the barn after being on the wine. Well better than her being on the "whine". And thank God she has stopped leaking all over me, but I am glad she looked after me the whole time I was hurt. That's what Moms are for eh!!!!

Off to chase Speedy G again and make her pay. "Bite me will ya, ya cow"



Monday, April 07, 2008


I had a terrible couple of days.

I was busy on Wednesday past with my pedicurist when I don't know what happened. I was getting my shoes on when all of a sudden everything went black. When I woke up I had a big cut on my head over my eye and all of my farrier's posse was so worried about me. They called in the vet and they called my Mom who came tearing home to see me. The nice vet Dr. M came and checked me over and helped calm my Mom down who was leaking all over the place. I had to have some stitches in my face just over my eye, got some drugs which made me feel dozy. My Mom stayed home and watched me all afternoon.

The next day my eye had swollen shut and my Mom stayed home again just to make sure I was ok. Things were getting better on Thursday and my Mom said she would go back to work on Friday. She needs the cash thing to pay for me and work is how she does it.

On Friday morn she came in to hay all us kids and she tried to give me my meds and I don't know what happened. I flipped over in my room. I was lying on the ground and I heard my Mom calling me and I tried to get up sooner but I couldn't. My Mom was in my room with me and she was getting so upset and she was trying to help me. I was trying to get up and not kick her but she just stayed with me helping me and I kept kicking her by accident. She jumped out of my room to get a lead to help me and I was able to get up on my own. We both stood there shaking and my Mom was leaking really bad by now.

Anyway the nice Dr. M came back and saw me again and gave me the needles to help with my swelling. My Mom was leaking and leaking and leaking. I have never seen her so upset. I was upset too because I hate it when my Mom is upset. Soon the meds helped and I was feeling much better because the swelling had gone down and I could see again out my eye. I felt so much better being able to see.

Then on Sunday, my massage guy came and that made me feel so much better. I got a massage twice this month. The normal one and then this one. When Uncle P said I was ok that FINALLY made my Mom stop leaking. I gave her kisses and lots of snuggles because I was feeling really good.

Then I went outside and went after Speedy G who bit me when I couldn't see out of my eye. If she had wrecked my dress she would have paid!!!

Love to all and thanks to those who helped me out and thanks to those who helped my Mom.