Monday, April 07, 2008


I had a terrible couple of days.

I was busy on Wednesday past with my pedicurist when I don't know what happened. I was getting my shoes on when all of a sudden everything went black. When I woke up I had a big cut on my head over my eye and all of my farrier's posse was so worried about me. They called in the vet and they called my Mom who came tearing home to see me. The nice vet Dr. M came and checked me over and helped calm my Mom down who was leaking all over the place. I had to have some stitches in my face just over my eye, got some drugs which made me feel dozy. My Mom stayed home and watched me all afternoon.

The next day my eye had swollen shut and my Mom stayed home again just to make sure I was ok. Things were getting better on Thursday and my Mom said she would go back to work on Friday. She needs the cash thing to pay for me and work is how she does it.

On Friday morn she came in to hay all us kids and she tried to give me my meds and I don't know what happened. I flipped over in my room. I was lying on the ground and I heard my Mom calling me and I tried to get up sooner but I couldn't. My Mom was in my room with me and she was getting so upset and she was trying to help me. I was trying to get up and not kick her but she just stayed with me helping me and I kept kicking her by accident. She jumped out of my room to get a lead to help me and I was able to get up on my own. We both stood there shaking and my Mom was leaking really bad by now.

Anyway the nice Dr. M came back and saw me again and gave me the needles to help with my swelling. My Mom was leaking and leaking and leaking. I have never seen her so upset. I was upset too because I hate it when my Mom is upset. Soon the meds helped and I was feeling much better because the swelling had gone down and I could see again out my eye. I felt so much better being able to see.

Then on Sunday, my massage guy came and that made me feel so much better. I got a massage twice this month. The normal one and then this one. When Uncle P said I was ok that FINALLY made my Mom stop leaking. I gave her kisses and lots of snuggles because I was feeling really good.

Then I went outside and went after Speedy G who bit me when I couldn't see out of my eye. If she had wrecked my dress she would have paid!!!

Love to all and thanks to those who helped me out and thanks to those who helped my Mom.


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