Friday, April 18, 2008


Not that it makes a big difference to me, but I always hear the humans saying Thank God it is Friday. I have just changed it a bit since I have heard my human use a slightly different phrase!!! She can be a little cheeky you know.

I got my stitches out the other day and me and Mom went for ride outside!!! Happy happy to be rid of the indoor arena. I like the fresh air. I am still a little sore from my adventures and I heard my Mom saying that she was thinking about having the Chiropractor come and see me just in case I threw stuff out of wack when I was falling down. I love seeing all the Doctors and this one will be new since I have never seen a Chiropractor before.

My BFF has and she says they make your bones go back in the right spot. Not too sure about this but my Mom will make sure it is all ok. Otherwise I may have to bite the dude.

It is finally really nice here and all us kids are naked as the day we were born. Glorious sunshine, the grass is coming up and it's really good to eat.

I think I will get the White Stallion and the other head wench and head off to the forbidden fields this weekend.

Oh and apparently another new kid is coming in this weekend, but I hear she is going in with the LandShark's bunch. I can't wait until we move into the field next to each other so we can all chat by the bar. My Mom says soon, probably by the end of the month.

Nothing else really happening.

Enjoy the lovely weather



Islandgirls said...

Hi HRH, Glad you are back in tip-top shape, mum told us and we were sooo worried.I’ve been so busy that I just haven’t been able to get my hooves on the puter but my mum is out foraging for sweet feed and other goodies which are all for me….ya hear that Cruilla (aka Sol)???????
You see HRH, I’ve become a different horse so they tell me since I started feelin good. I am now gunning to become the boss, Sol still pins her ears and hind ends me sometimes but I give it back to her better, you see my bum isn’t bulbous like hers and so I can kick way higher, gravity gets her butt every time…..I am going to sneak a picture and mum can compare her butt to Landshark’s when she comes to visit next week …
Well I am still the Canter Queen of the hacking scene and yesterday my mum met her friend and my new BFF and we went for a hike. Now Cruilla was locked up tight in the barn and then I was not sure if I wanted to go, I backed my bum into traffic a couple of times in protest of the melting snow banks that were casting horrible shadows, well mum decided to get off, something about Cruilla and flashbacks to her ebing dragged and stuff, but that OK cause she walked me wayyyyy up the road until we saw the human and my BFF coming toward us. Along the way we had a group stop with orange nummies for me and another wanting to take my picture, its tiring being beautiful as you well know. So then when I saw my BFF I was OK, the shadows didn’t seem as big next to her….let me tell you what……now there’s a butt to talk about…..Cruilla, landshark and all the Thelwell ponies combined can’t make up that one….but nuff said cause she’s my BFF and nineteen times bigger than I am….
We crossed the bridge and headed to the Burnt Hills, which aren’t burnt but rather lush and rolling,,,,,,maybe the person who named it was a bit burnt…anyway, I digress….we passed many buzzing dirt bikes,,,,and you think killer turkies are bad….well let me tell you…these things are worse, like multicolored bumblebees..
We behaved like the stars we are, we command the roads up there and most of the buzzers know that, our mums say that they will kick them in the heads as we pass if they do not slow down, they are high up on us you see and have a perfect aim….but they tell us that it would set bad example for us…so on way back I decided that I would have a run and mum let me go, I galloped and galloped and imagined I was on the open palins…..somewhere behind me my BFF was trying to keep up… nineteen times more butt and me with race lines that wasn’t possible of course so I told her it was OK and she felt better… one advantage she has though is that her human is three times smaller than my mum…again imagine the Thelwell kid,,,,yaeh that my mum….
We got back home and I was pampered and Cruilla was mad but I said ‘suck it up girlfriend’…after all .. I am Queen Supreme, must go now……sprigs of green to hunt out today….my BFF might pay a visit to this blog too, hope that OK…see you soo

As The Manure Turns said...

Well then. She given you the bum is she. Bigger than the LandShark, holy smoke, not sure that is possible. Your Mom can take a picture thing when she is here next week. I know my Mom is very excited that she is coming.

Who is your BFF?? Tell me. Mine is my neighbour. Everyone wants to be BFF with me though. Your BFF can write me of course.

So, you are in charge now??? Upsurped the big one??? She will be plotting your demise so you better watch out. I kept telling her not to ditch the human bill payer but she would not listen. I remember the the drag and bolt story. Scared your human half to death. Silly, silly, silly.

Anyway the human wants the puter back to do the work thing.

Don't forget to get her bring pressies. No mints though, my human has me off sweet things for the most part because of my thyroid.

Love HRH

P.S - So true, it IS so tiring being beautiful

Islandgirls said...

oh my BFF is too far away to see every day but apparently lives just beind us and accross but you see there is a big dumb human who built between the path leading there and now the humans must take us up the roads and its about ten minutes to walk and finally see my BFF. Well mum said yesterday that it took twenty minutes cause she had to walk me all the way and she said something about me and a cannery but she wasn't mad so I guess it wasn't true...
whats a cannery anyway....
WELL my BFF(can also stand for big,fat,filly but she is my BFF so we won't go there)...
shes a belgian X but looks all belgian and she is bigger than any moose I've seen...
she wears draft blanket which is too small, her bum protrudes. She has a white blaze and her name is Sandy. She likes to play around traffic too just to frazzle her human but shes a good girl says her Mom....she has a tiny minature sister named Jellybean and they make an odd couple but great photo opp....
Sandy's human called mum and told her JB was loose yesterday, and when mum got there JB was galloping everywhere but got close to the road and all was a panic. Sandy tried to run away too but no one messes with her human not even her,,,JB eventaully followed a peanut and bread trail back to her barn....
mum said that she has pressies for you but that we could have the mints cause you aren't allowed...poor you....I am one of those girls who can eat anything and nothing goes to my hips.....

As The Manure Turns said...

WAAA HA HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Big Fat Filly!!! I love it!!! My BFF is pretty trim but don't tell her. Maybe we she calls ME her BFF that is what she means. Oh well at least she called me a filly!!! HEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We used to have a Belgium here but he moved away.

Peanuts and bread?? What ever gets your tail a swishing.

I know, I am chuffed about the mint thing. I love mints. The LandShark gets them everyday but I don't. In fact my carrot ration has been cut down but I still get some when Mom tucks me in at night.

Or as you say orange nummies.

Yum, yum
