Friday, May 30, 2008


Seems one of the new boys keeps getting out of his field and hanging out with the LandShark bunch!!! Seems he is in love with the gal that is in the room next to him and is in her group!!!

Boy is the LandShark miffed. What am I chopped liver she asked???????

The Day Guy said he crawled under the fence and was running with the girlies!!! He kept doing it again and again!!!

So now all the humans are watching him like a hawk to make sure he stays where he supposed to be.

The humans are planning on moving us girls into the field he is in now. Ask me how HAPPY, HAPPY I am about that. No more slogging it up and down the hill in the one I am now. It is nice and flat. I know my human likes me to exercise myself but really I think she needs more exercise too. I make sure I pretend to not hear her when she calls me so she has to slog up the hill too. She could use a little less on her hindquarters too. Mama PorkChop!!! OOPS better not go too far or the treat train will leave the station.!!!!

Go Elvis Go!!!

But if Elvis don't stop trying to Kiss his Cousin he could end up doing the Jailhouse Rock. Or if his lady love dosn't Love him Tender he could end up at Heart Break Hotel, so Don't be Cruel!!!!

Love Song



Thursday, May 29, 2008


I am so hot!!!! Stylin as usual.

I must say I impressed my Mom by being able to get this up on my blog.

I am the Techno Goddess!!!



Monday, May 26, 2008


Lots of stuff going on I tell ya!!!

First of all on Friday night everyone was VERY excited because this Polo playing guy was coming in to ride the Diva. You see, Miss Diva had been living up to her name sake and was not being nice to her human when she tried to ride. Her human was very worried about her and had in the lovely Dr. M to check her out and the bone moving guy too. Diva had her bones put back into place and was still acting out when Dr. M put a longing thingy on her back. All the humans were perplexed about what was wrong. So the guy comes in and Diva tried her best to dislodge him and could not. He didn't budge!!!!! He rode her and rode her and then rode her some more. Poor Diva didn't not know what to do. Then her human got on and Diva made her happy happy because she didn't try to dislodge her and they cantered around. Yesterday her human rode her again and she is back to normal. She told me when she came back to her room that she was so glad to have her human back and not the Polo guy. I told her you have to let the human ride to stay on the treat train.

On Saturday my Mom went to this dressage clinic and guess what????? She won stuff for me!!! How great is that??? It is all about me isn't it, everyone knows!!! Even the clinic people!!! I got the nicest new halter. It was made by Martin York who is a top saddle guy in our neighbourhood and makes the nicest stuff. I know my Mom would wet herself if she got one of his saddles!!!!

Our new furry little mouser has won her freedom and is now wandering around the barn. The other barn kitty is a little pissy with this development since he thought he would be in charge of things. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He is a BOY!!!! Too funny on that one, EVERYONE knows it is the girls who rule the world. Well the barnyard anyway.

No riding for me this weekend. I got it off since the human sounds like she has smoked a carton of fire sticks and drank tons of burbon. She is sick and has a bad cold so no visit from the coach so I got the weekend off. She had just better remember that I don't do weekdays but I have a funny feeling that may change some. Oh well, I better behave before she gets any ideas about polo playing guys up on my back. SHUDDER!!!

Well, off to hang with my girlies.

Love to all


Friday, May 23, 2008


Good day to everyone!!!!!!!!

Seems things have settled down a bit at the hospital errrr.... farm!!!!! Twizzle is still in her room but her Doc came and gave her a needle and now she is calmer. Not sure that her human would agree with that according to my Mom. She has to stay in her room for a least 4 more weeks.

The sore hoof guy now has a blog name of J.J.!!! He is better and is back out in his paddock with the White Stallion. J.J. and Stinky have to learn not play so rough over the fence. GELDINGS!!!!!

The new kitty is fitting in nicely and all the humans like her. I heard she is coming into the barn proper tonight to get used to us kids and the other barn kitty.

The Devil Pony has a big show this weekend and I will update everyone on her ribbon haul.

The rest of us are enjoying the nice weather and eating and pooping and eating and pooping and..... Oh I could go on.......... But I won't

Love to all


Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Our new barn kitty came home yesterday. My Mom and my BFF's Mom went and got her and brought her back to the farm. She is a such a cutie and all the humans are making a big fuss over her.

The Day Guy had a fun day yesterday with my buddy Twizzle. You remember that she is stuck in her room for 6 weeks because she has a hurtin' leg. Scared the Day Guy half to death yesterday when she got stuck a rollin' in her room. Then she decided that she wanted to see the LandShark and the other girlies that are in her group so she took the bars down in her room. My human and Twizzle's human were both scratching their heads on how she did this. Twizzle told me that she wants to be a horsie Martha Stewart. It's a good thing I say!!!!!

Then when the Wenchettes were bringing in the gang, one of the boys came in limping. The LandShark's Dad and my Mom were looking at his hoof and the shoe was all funny and then he started to leak red stuff. So we have Dr. M out again to check him out and he is ok but he has to stay in his room for a couple of days until he is better. I think he was a little scared because the humans were all dressed in lead costumes while they used the blinky thing to take pictures of his toes. I shouted over to him from my room this morning, make sure you act up to get more hay and carrots. The humans like that!!! And when you are getting your bandage changed make sure you wiggle all over the place. The humans find this to be a challenge, especially when hoof bandages are involved. Don't pick up your foot until they give you many treats!!!!!! My Mom will be so pleased with me giving this advice!!!

So I hardly had any attention paid to me yesterday. My Mom looking at the other kids and not me. Good thing, because I think she still on this riding kick. On Monday the Queen's Birthday, I didn't get no holiday. I had to haul her butt all over the forbidden fields with the White Stallion who thinks he is going to Hong Kong because he keeps trying to passage all over the trails!!!!! I am thinking WHY are you working up this effort??? It was fine until we got back to the farm and she made me jump things again. I don't really mind too much because I love to jump, more than the dressage thing. I just do the dressage thing to humour my human. The things I do for that woman!!!!!

Anyway, off to slog through the paddock. The sky is leaking big time again and we all have our dresses on so we stay dry and warm. Someone make sure to keep my human busy tonight so I can hang out in my room in peace and not have her come and expect me to do any work.

Love to all


Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My BFF is a STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She went to her very first horse show doing dressage and she got two ribbons a 3rd and a 4th.

My Mom went with my BFF's Mom, her Pet Rider and her Pet Rider's Mom and they all went to the show on Sunday. The weather was TERRIBLE. Monsoon conditions, horrid nasty wind and my BFF just wowed everyone!!! She was sooooooooo good.

I know all this because my Mom told me so and then I was chatting up the BFF and she said she had to be nice to her Mom and her Pet Rider. Said that she felt bad about her behaviour on Saturday when she wanted to be hanging out with the girlies in the field and pitched a really big hissy fit on the end of the longe line. I told her "Don't do this with the humans; it makes them want to work you more" Silly girl. So the Pet rider put her on the longe line and didn't care about her pissy fit. She was gone a long time and then had to come in early to get gussied up for her show. I told her showing is a good thing, you get to SHOW off. And show off she did. My Mom said my BFF's Mom was so proud. I know my Mom gave her the line "no bucking, bolting, no spooking and no acting like an ass" I snorted when she said that to me when she broke her arm and still wanted to ride a few years ago. It is like her horsie mantra. All of us listen when she says that because we know she means business.

So the show girl has her ribbons on the door and we are all so proud of her. She says she is looking forward to doing one each month and plans to do better at each one!!!!! You go girl I say.

Well both of us are off to run in the field and be happy happy for the rest of the day.

Love to all


Friday, May 16, 2008


On the 24th of May it's the Queen's birthday and we all want a holiday or we will all run away
Custom Smiley

May the horse be with you!!!!!!

Love HRH

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So, yesterday I am happy happy out in the field with my girlies and my Mom comes and calls me. I think we are all coming in for dinner so I get the gang going and we all run to the gate. I am always first to come in for dinner (you would think otherwise?????) so me Mom gets me and in the barn we go.

I think I am getting another massage from Uncle P since Mom is getting all the dirt off me, but NO!!!! Suddenly the saddle appears. I am thinking WTF, this is a WEEKDAY!!!!! I don't do WEEKDAYS. Excuse me, you are not listening I DON'T DO WEEKDAYS!!

So she DIDN'T LISTEN. Off we go. I am thinking ok we are going hacking so this is not so bad. She is mumbling up on my back something about getting in shape. EXCUSE MOI????? I am a perfect specimen. I may be a little voluptuous but I have a shape. If you can believe she has resumed calling me the Princess of Pork or worse Porkchop. TRIPLE WTF!!!!!

So around we go. She made me work out there. No lazy long rein mosey along. Brisk walk, asking me to bend properly BOTH SIDES. Am I in the ring I wonder?? I rubbed my eyes thinking I must be dreaming but here we are on the trails and I am WORKING!!!!?????? OMG!!!!!!!!!

Then when we get back to the farm she pops me over a little cross rail 3 TIMES!!!! I am exhausted!!! I see the LandShark's Dad and walk over to see him to try and get my Mom's mind off this mission since my super horses sense knew that she wanted to talk to him. FINALLY this all stopped and I can rest while the humans chat. Then the bugs kept bugging me and I am thinking I have missed my dinner, I want to go to my room and will you get the "eff" off my back.

Anyway, I finally get to go in and she grooms me again and puts me in my room. I am looking for my dinner. Nothing. I have hay so I am eating that so I don't waste away to nothing. I hear her chatting up one of the wenchettes and the other Head Wench and I am thinking "What is going on?????" Then she comes by and says that I should have a good sleep and she loves me.

HUH?????? Dinner, I want dinner, where is my dinner????? Excuse me???? Did I mention dinner?????

She chats some more and finally I see the lightbulb go off in her head. OMG she says, I forgot to give my girl her dinner. I am thinking FINALLY!!!! Someone stop the presses!!!! So I get my grub and I eat it really fast before she changes her mind.

Thank heavens the Day Guy will feed me in the morning and I hear my pedicurist is coming as well so I don't think I will be on the treadmill tonight!!!


Someone control the human, puleeeese!!!



Tuesday, May 13, 2008

SOMEONE STOP HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My Mom cleaned my privates in front of the White Stallion last night.




Wednesday, May 07, 2008


We are all very upset because the cutie little mouser Tiana passed away this weekend. All of us will miss her dearly. The other barn kitty is lonely so I know the humans are trying to get him a new friend. I think my Mom has something lined up but if you know of a kitty who needs a good home and will be ok being a barn cat, please let one of the Head Wenches know.

Plus, my friend Twizzle is hurt now and has to stay in her room for 6 weeks or so. The Scooby Doo bandage she got didn't help but her Mom will make sure she gets everything she needs and my Mom will help too so it will be ok.

Anyway, I am very sad about all this so I am going to go and hang out with my girlies and try not to leak about all this.


Friday, May 02, 2008


OMG!! I have had my picture taken so many times over the last couple of days I need my bling bling fly mask with the sunglasses. Or maybe my Mom should just find some really horsie sunglasses for me to wear. I am a star!!!

The Island girls Mom came and brought me pressies. I was so surprised!!!! Not really but my Mom says I have to say that and be gracious. Not always get on my blog and lobby for stuff.

Anyway, Island Girls Mom brought me a bit warmer that her Mom made. Plus a new purple saddle pad for me and a purple tush cush for me Mom's butt to wear on our saddle. I love them all. The Island Girls Mom's Mom made them all. They are so nice and such a nice shade of purple I will be just a stylin as usual.

My Mom was busy running around with the girlies she used to hang out with when I was at the downtown stable. I have seen most of them over the years. Anyway she came home late the other night and I could tell she had been on the wine. Good thing she didn't try to ride me. And last night too. Her and the Island Girls Mom, both on the wine. They went shopping yesterday but I haven't seen what my Mom got me this time. Nothing came out with her. I can't imagine her not getting me anything stylin. The Island Girl's Mom took many pictures of me so I posed and posed and posed. Had to make sure she got my best side.

Anyway, things are back to normal. My Mom is back at work paying for me and my lifestyle. She enjoys doing this, so I let her of course.

Hanging out today with my girlies, my BFF, Diva, the New Girl, Speedy G, and the Royal Cousin.

Everyone have a good weekend
