Monday, May 26, 2008


Lots of stuff going on I tell ya!!!

First of all on Friday night everyone was VERY excited because this Polo playing guy was coming in to ride the Diva. You see, Miss Diva had been living up to her name sake and was not being nice to her human when she tried to ride. Her human was very worried about her and had in the lovely Dr. M to check her out and the bone moving guy too. Diva had her bones put back into place and was still acting out when Dr. M put a longing thingy on her back. All the humans were perplexed about what was wrong. So the guy comes in and Diva tried her best to dislodge him and could not. He didn't budge!!!!! He rode her and rode her and then rode her some more. Poor Diva didn't not know what to do. Then her human got on and Diva made her happy happy because she didn't try to dislodge her and they cantered around. Yesterday her human rode her again and she is back to normal. She told me when she came back to her room that she was so glad to have her human back and not the Polo guy. I told her you have to let the human ride to stay on the treat train.

On Saturday my Mom went to this dressage clinic and guess what????? She won stuff for me!!! How great is that??? It is all about me isn't it, everyone knows!!! Even the clinic people!!! I got the nicest new halter. It was made by Martin York who is a top saddle guy in our neighbourhood and makes the nicest stuff. I know my Mom would wet herself if she got one of his saddles!!!!

Our new furry little mouser has won her freedom and is now wandering around the barn. The other barn kitty is a little pissy with this development since he thought he would be in charge of things. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He is a BOY!!!! Too funny on that one, EVERYONE knows it is the girls who rule the world. Well the barnyard anyway.

No riding for me this weekend. I got it off since the human sounds like she has smoked a carton of fire sticks and drank tons of burbon. She is sick and has a bad cold so no visit from the coach so I got the weekend off. She had just better remember that I don't do weekdays but I have a funny feeling that may change some. Oh well, I better behave before she gets any ideas about polo playing guys up on my back. SHUDDER!!!

Well, off to hang with my girlies.

Love to all


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