Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So, yesterday I am happy happy out in the field with my girlies and my Mom comes and calls me. I think we are all coming in for dinner so I get the gang going and we all run to the gate. I am always first to come in for dinner (you would think otherwise?????) so me Mom gets me and in the barn we go.

I think I am getting another massage from Uncle P since Mom is getting all the dirt off me, but NO!!!! Suddenly the saddle appears. I am thinking WTF, this is a WEEKDAY!!!!! I don't do WEEKDAYS. Excuse me, you are not listening I DON'T DO WEEKDAYS!!

So she DIDN'T LISTEN. Off we go. I am thinking ok we are going hacking so this is not so bad. She is mumbling up on my back something about getting in shape. EXCUSE MOI????? I am a perfect specimen. I may be a little voluptuous but I have a shape. If you can believe she has resumed calling me the Princess of Pork or worse Porkchop. TRIPLE WTF!!!!!

So around we go. She made me work out there. No lazy long rein mosey along. Brisk walk, asking me to bend properly BOTH SIDES. Am I in the ring I wonder?? I rubbed my eyes thinking I must be dreaming but here we are on the trails and I am WORKING!!!!?????? OMG!!!!!!!!!

Then when we get back to the farm she pops me over a little cross rail 3 TIMES!!!! I am exhausted!!! I see the LandShark's Dad and walk over to see him to try and get my Mom's mind off this mission since my super horses sense knew that she wanted to talk to him. FINALLY this all stopped and I can rest while the humans chat. Then the bugs kept bugging me and I am thinking I have missed my dinner, I want to go to my room and will you get the "eff" off my back.

Anyway, I finally get to go in and she grooms me again and puts me in my room. I am looking for my dinner. Nothing. I have hay so I am eating that so I don't waste away to nothing. I hear her chatting up one of the wenchettes and the other Head Wench and I am thinking "What is going on?????" Then she comes by and says that I should have a good sleep and she loves me.

HUH?????? Dinner, I want dinner, where is my dinner????? Excuse me???? Did I mention dinner?????

She chats some more and finally I see the lightbulb go off in her head. OMG she says, I forgot to give my girl her dinner. I am thinking FINALLY!!!! Someone stop the presses!!!! So I get my grub and I eat it really fast before she changes her mind.

Thank heavens the Day Guy will feed me in the morning and I hear my pedicurist is coming as well so I don't think I will be on the treadmill tonight!!!


Someone control the human, puleeeese!!!



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