Friday, May 30, 2008


Seems one of the new boys keeps getting out of his field and hanging out with the LandShark bunch!!! Seems he is in love with the gal that is in the room next to him and is in her group!!!

Boy is the LandShark miffed. What am I chopped liver she asked???????

The Day Guy said he crawled under the fence and was running with the girlies!!! He kept doing it again and again!!!

So now all the humans are watching him like a hawk to make sure he stays where he supposed to be.

The humans are planning on moving us girls into the field he is in now. Ask me how HAPPY, HAPPY I am about that. No more slogging it up and down the hill in the one I am now. It is nice and flat. I know my human likes me to exercise myself but really I think she needs more exercise too. I make sure I pretend to not hear her when she calls me so she has to slog up the hill too. She could use a little less on her hindquarters too. Mama PorkChop!!! OOPS better not go too far or the treat train will leave the station.!!!!

Go Elvis Go!!!

But if Elvis don't stop trying to Kiss his Cousin he could end up doing the Jailhouse Rock. Or if his lady love dosn't Love him Tender he could end up at Heart Break Hotel, so Don't be Cruel!!!!

Love Song



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