Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Our new barn kitty came home yesterday. My Mom and my BFF's Mom went and got her and brought her back to the farm. She is a such a cutie and all the humans are making a big fuss over her.

The Day Guy had a fun day yesterday with my buddy Twizzle. You remember that she is stuck in her room for 6 weeks because she has a hurtin' leg. Scared the Day Guy half to death yesterday when she got stuck a rollin' in her room. Then she decided that she wanted to see the LandShark and the other girlies that are in her group so she took the bars down in her room. My human and Twizzle's human were both scratching their heads on how she did this. Twizzle told me that she wants to be a horsie Martha Stewart. It's a good thing I say!!!!!

Then when the Wenchettes were bringing in the gang, one of the boys came in limping. The LandShark's Dad and my Mom were looking at his hoof and the shoe was all funny and then he started to leak red stuff. So we have Dr. M out again to check him out and he is ok but he has to stay in his room for a couple of days until he is better. I think he was a little scared because the humans were all dressed in lead costumes while they used the blinky thing to take pictures of his toes. I shouted over to him from my room this morning, make sure you act up to get more hay and carrots. The humans like that!!! And when you are getting your bandage changed make sure you wiggle all over the place. The humans find this to be a challenge, especially when hoof bandages are involved. Don't pick up your foot until they give you many treats!!!!!! My Mom will be so pleased with me giving this advice!!!

So I hardly had any attention paid to me yesterday. My Mom looking at the other kids and not me. Good thing, because I think she still on this riding kick. On Monday the Queen's Birthday, I didn't get no holiday. I had to haul her butt all over the forbidden fields with the White Stallion who thinks he is going to Hong Kong because he keeps trying to passage all over the trails!!!!! I am thinking WHY are you working up this effort??? It was fine until we got back to the farm and she made me jump things again. I don't really mind too much because I love to jump, more than the dressage thing. I just do the dressage thing to humour my human. The things I do for that woman!!!!!

Anyway, off to slog through the paddock. The sky is leaking big time again and we all have our dresses on so we stay dry and warm. Someone make sure to keep my human busy tonight so I can hang out in my room in peace and not have her come and expect me to do any work.

Love to all


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