Friday, May 23, 2008


Good day to everyone!!!!!!!!

Seems things have settled down a bit at the hospital errrr.... farm!!!!! Twizzle is still in her room but her Doc came and gave her a needle and now she is calmer. Not sure that her human would agree with that according to my Mom. She has to stay in her room for a least 4 more weeks.

The sore hoof guy now has a blog name of J.J.!!! He is better and is back out in his paddock with the White Stallion. J.J. and Stinky have to learn not play so rough over the fence. GELDINGS!!!!!

The new kitty is fitting in nicely and all the humans like her. I heard she is coming into the barn proper tonight to get used to us kids and the other barn kitty.

The Devil Pony has a big show this weekend and I will update everyone on her ribbon haul.

The rest of us are enjoying the nice weather and eating and pooping and eating and pooping and..... Oh I could go on.......... But I won't

Love to all


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