Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My BFF is a STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She went to her very first horse show doing dressage and she got two ribbons a 3rd and a 4th.

My Mom went with my BFF's Mom, her Pet Rider and her Pet Rider's Mom and they all went to the show on Sunday. The weather was TERRIBLE. Monsoon conditions, horrid nasty wind and my BFF just wowed everyone!!! She was sooooooooo good.

I know all this because my Mom told me so and then I was chatting up the BFF and she said she had to be nice to her Mom and her Pet Rider. Said that she felt bad about her behaviour on Saturday when she wanted to be hanging out with the girlies in the field and pitched a really big hissy fit on the end of the longe line. I told her "Don't do this with the humans; it makes them want to work you more" Silly girl. So the Pet rider put her on the longe line and didn't care about her pissy fit. She was gone a long time and then had to come in early to get gussied up for her show. I told her showing is a good thing, you get to SHOW off. And show off she did. My Mom said my BFF's Mom was so proud. I know my Mom gave her the line "no bucking, bolting, no spooking and no acting like an ass" I snorted when she said that to me when she broke her arm and still wanted to ride a few years ago. It is like her horsie mantra. All of us listen when she says that because we know she means business.

So the show girl has her ribbons on the door and we are all so proud of her. She says she is looking forward to doing one each month and plans to do better at each one!!!!! You go girl I say.

Well both of us are off to run in the field and be happy happy for the rest of the day.

Love to all


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