Thursday, July 31, 2008

GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS............

A big howdy doo to everyone!!!!

Finally some good news on the Twizzle situation. She has been given the all clear and she will be freed from her room tonight I hear!! I know her Mom is very excited and happy and we all are very happy for her. I am sure my Mom and her Mom will watch the antics this evening. I am going to chat her up and tell Twizzle to not do anything silly that will make her have to go back to her room rest.

The bad news is the lovely JJ is going to be a CARD horse. It is bad news for us since we will all miss him terribly. JJ was one of the first kids to come to my Mom's and the other Head Wench's boarding stable and we are happy that he will have a nice new career helping kids that have challenges learn to ride. I know he will be really good at his new job and the CARD people are really excellent and he will be a happy camper before long. The good news is that his humans can visit him and I think my Mom will visit him too since she has friends near the CARD stable and can pop in and see him.

I havn't been doing much this week since my Mom gave me Monday off since I had such a hard weekend. Then she has been busy the other days so I got a lovely groom the other night from one of the wenchettes and hugs and kisses from Mom. Mind you she got me again yesterday morning when I tried to bite her leg. Such sport you know. I just can't help myself. I don't really mean it but I do enjoy screwing with her head and running my teeth up her leg when she is dressed for the cash job. She always nails me, you would think I would learn. Plus she is doing all this stuff she learned at the Chris Irwin clinic and I keep feeling compelled to do her bidding. Yeesh!!!

Well, I must be off to the paddock to hang with the girlies since I know my Mom will be after me soon to fit up to go eventing.

Love to all


Monday, July 28, 2008


I have had to wrestle the keyboard from my human who has been way busy with stuff lately.

I think she has been doing the work thing to pay for all my stuff!!! Good thing too. Not sure if you have noticed but I am slightly high maintenance!!!

She did go to the Chris Irwin clinic and I think he teaches humans how to speak horse!!! Very scary stuff. If she learns this, I won't get away with ANYTHING. She is sending off vibes and stuff and I feel compelled to do things that I really don't want to, but I feel I must. Stuff like lift my hoof when asked!!! I rather like to challenge her on this but now she has learned this new move and I feel compelled just to lift it up. I am somewhat puzzled. Why am I doing this? Why am I not protesting? WTF?????

Any way her winning streak at these clinic seems to be over and she came home with nothing for me but a book for her. Nothing for me, shocking!!!!

In fact I didn't get nothin' this weekend except that I went for a crazy hack with Miss Saddlebred who's slow trot is faster than my canter and when she started her fast trot I nearly had to gallop to keep up. Sped around the legal fields and by the time we got back I was spent!!! Then me Mom expected me to jump stuff. I am huffing and puffing and thinking nooooooo......

I want to go back to the paddock, hang with MyBFF and the other girlies but here I am working up a nasty sweat.

Good thing for me that Uncle Paul came soon after and I got my massage. My Mom was very excited because I have lost some of my pork-choppyness and Uncle Paul can feel my ribs. You should have seen my Ma!!! So happy, happy.

Yesterday we both sucked with our dressage pattern. I think our coach will be home soon to help us out.

Anyway off to hang with my girlies



Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Check this out.............................................!!!!!!

OMG!!!! Enough said



Monday, July 21, 2008


I am a wee bit confused but I got a ribbon for my door at the barn BBQ this weekend. My human let Devil Pony's wenchette ride me in the some of the classes. I would have rather just watched this from the side lines but I was tacked up and out I went. Sigh!!!!

The first class my Mom was cheering me on and I was thinking no way am I going to go!!! The next class I was last but I won a red ribbon and I got hugs from my Mom. WTF?? Last but I win?? Very confused!!! Seems the class I won was the turtle walk and I had to go as slow as possible. Foiled!!! I was trying to do that anyway!! One of the other classes was a canter so I made sure that I took off and came first but that one I lost!! Well the human is happy anyway I got a ribbon on my door!!

This is the costume class and the humans dressed their kids up funny!!! Check it out!!!

The winner is in front and his name for the class was Don Whoa!!! You can also see the White Stallion with his human doing Arabian Nights!!

Everyone was stylin' I will post more pic's as they come in via the hay mail!!!

All the humans had a good time and thanks to the Pet Rider of My BFF and My BFF's humans for getting this together.

Plus, I got the best new thing!! I have an ensemble!!! Cooler with my show name on it, matching shipping boots and a tail wrap. All in pink and silver!!! Means only one thing............!!! I must be goin' eventin'!!!! Soon. This must be the reason I am learning the dressage pattern!!

I got hauled into the indoor yesterday and made to do this pattern a couple of times. Seems my human now knows it off by heart and we are working on making it smokin'!!!! Must get fit and be ready to wow the judge!!! Very excited!!!

So all and all it was a great weekend!!! All us horsies had fun and all the humans had fun!!! Mind you My BFF was a little confused about the games thing!!! She said later she was scared that she wouldn't get to go hang out in the little white fence ring no more. I said poo-poo, yes you will. This was all for fun and the humans were being silly. Mind you I didn't notice any of them on the wine until later!!!! Hum...........

Anyway, off to eat the green grass and dream of cross country fences!!!!

Love HRH

Friday, July 18, 2008


You humans get so excited about the end of the week. My BFF tells me that it is because this is when most of you stop having to go and earn the cash to keep us kids a stylin'!!!!

I am very excited because tomorrow is our barn BBQ and you know I always get lots of stuff and attention and I can't wait to see what comes next!!! I know me Mom has something special up her breeches for me!!!!


Well not literally up her breeches, cos if it was very it wouldn't fit there!!! Hee hee!!!

Plus we are having a little friendly competition at the barn and I am sure to get a ribbon for my door!!!!

Horseback Riding

Plus the humans will probably get on the wine so that is always entertaining.

I am sure we will have pictures and stuff.

Pretty hot here today, so we are just hanging around down by the stream.

Love to all


Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Some more pictures have come in via the haymail so here they are,

This is a bigger one of the White Stallion!!!

This is the Devil Pony with her Wenchette showing off at Palgrave. Stylin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am an athlete!!! Since I am going to the horse show in September me and my human have to get in shape. I was out in the legal fields last night just chugging along!!!! I need to be fit!! So does the human. She needs to lay off the cookies, pie and chips!!! If I am getting fit then so is she.

So around we went. Don't listen to her if she tells you the only reason I was moving me butt was to out run the nasty squadron of deer and horse flies. I am on a mission here!!!

Anyway, short one today since the human is busy and needs the 'puter. Off to run up and down the hill. My BFF is my fitness coach. One up the hill, one down the hill, two up the hill.......

Love to all


Monday, July 14, 2008



So many ribbons everywhere in the barn!!! All the kids that went to the shows are stars!!! Everyone came home with decorations for their doors.

My friend Diva was divalicious at her show. She got Champion, Reserve Champion and there are so many ribbons on her door there is hardly room. Me and my BFF was chatting her up last night and she is so happy that she got to go to the show and show off for everyone. All her humans are so happy too. Diva was very proud when she got home and we were all chatting at the bar.

Plus on the other side of the barn more kids went to shows. My friend Speedy G was busy cleaning up at the show she went to. She has tons of ribbons on her door too. She got 1st place in her hack class. Now I have known Speedy for many, many years; in fact I have known her the longest of all; even more than the White Stallion but I digress here. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine Speedy winning a hack class. She used to do eventing like me but now she does Hunter stuff and who would have have thunk it???? She is called Speedy for a reason but she is just a star too!!! Plus she got a bunch more for jumpin' stuff.

The Royal Cousin and her human were their usual elegant selves. My Mom and the other Head Wench saw her ride her rounds. Lovely combination they are. She got a bunch more ribbons to add to her collection including a red one. Not sure what she got it for, but she was stylin' for sure.

We are very proud of the New Girl. She isn't so new anymore but her blog name has stuck. She went to only her 2nd show and she placed in two of her classes. Her Mom is so happy since they have been working very hard together and are becoming a lovely combination. The New Girl was so proud when everyone met at the bar after their shows. She came running over saying I got ribbons, I got ribbons!!! Me and My BFF gave her a horsie hug since she was so excited!!!!

So I am thinking in all this excitement that I would just have a little hack yesterday with the White Stallion in the forbidden fields. Me Mom comes and gets me and we get dressed and out we go. Moseying along and we get back to the farm and all of a sudden the other Head Wench is holding this paper in her hand and started saying Enter at A working trot....... WTF is up I think as my Mom is asking me to trot forward. At X halt and salute..... So I halt..... Me Mom gives me a nudge and I am thinging what is going on???? I stay halted because really this looks like work. Anyhoo all of a sudden I am doing a bloody dressage pattern. Why,I am thinking. Next I am standing in the ring and my Mom is reading the dressage test to the other Head Wench and the White Stallion and they are running the dressage pattern. The White Stallion is going WTF........?????

Turns out me and the White Stallion are going eventin'!!!! Mark your calendars September 20th!! We will be showing too. I am so excited that I don't even mind doing the dressage thing since I know I will get to show off then!!! Maybe I will get a ribbon for my door too. I keep asking my Mom to get out my old ones but she won't hear of it!!!

Plus we are having our Barn BBQ this weekend I have heard on the haymail express there is something stylin' coming for me!!! How about that.

So much excitment this weekend I can hardly stand it. Just had to get all the news out!!!

Anyway, I must run and catch up with the show girls. They all live in my group so we will all be back together today, just lounging and hanging out.

Love to all


Friday, July 11, 2008


Not much going on so I thought I would put some pictures up of my friends

Here I am!! In my winter clothes!!!

My BFF in her room, stylin in her winter dress. She is so funny.

Speedy G with her pet teenaged Wenchette

The White Stallion. We don't let him know that he really dosn't have his "bits"!!!!

My BFF at the show with her Pet Rider. Happy, happy they are here!!!

My friend Sol from Newfoundland. She gets in lots of trouble all the time

My friend the Grey Goddess with Auntie Bren my Mom's friend. She always brings me good stuff when she comes to visit. The Grey Goddess lives in Newfoundland with Auntie Bren and Sol.

Me again in summer

My Mom's friend Auntie Kim doing well with her favorite horsie at a horse show. I don't know this kid but she is stylin'

The new furry mouser Puma

The boy mouser Whiskers!!

If you want you can send me your picture and I will put them up too.

Off to hang with my girlies



Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I know a few horsies that have been called a cow but.........

I love the hat!!
What style, what talent!!!!
Love to all

Monday, July 07, 2008


Another weekend for my BFF at the Dressage Show. This time at Blue Star Farm and the competititon was tough.

My BFF was all gussied up by her Pet Rider and off they went with her Mom and my Mom to the show. As usual she was a star. Spectacular!!!

I heard the humans talking and they were very happy about her ribbons. She got 4th for her first test and 2nd in her second test. Seems there was a dressage godzilla at the show!!!! This human was not gracious at all. She kept saying how everyone else was a loser and all she had to do was show up and she would get 1st and 2nd place again with her two horses. Plus my Mom saw her kicking her horse in the face at the tack check. I know my Mom dosn't go for this sort of stuff and she was very lucky that my Mom didn't come over and drag her off her horse and kick her. WTF is wrong with people I ask. This was in full view of everyone. Nasty, nasty.

Na, Na, Na!!! My BFF came 2nd and beat her!!!! That will learn her not to be sportslady like. All the humans were so gleeful and they all were saying how they would have loved to have seen her face when she didn't go 1 - 2. Here you go honey, one of your horses got beat by my BFF. A thoughbred with a big heart.

It is very sad that humans who are good riders and have good horses can't be gracious winning and losing. And kicking her kid is just terrible. Plus she has terrible ring manners and almost took out another horsie in the warm up ring. She was coming in the doorway and didn't annouce her coming so my Mom had to yell "DOOR" because she was going to crash into this other kid. My Mom gave her mare glare and rolled her eyes.

I hope the BFF entourage meets her again and we beat her totally. We're number 1, we're number 1!!!!!

So I am thinking it was a usual Sunday and we would come in and things would be normal, but nooooooooo........ I am coming in and there is my Mom with the tuby thing and OMG it is worming time. I acted up a bit because you know she was at my BFF's show and I hardly saw her on Saturday since she was busy with stuff. Blech this stuff is terrible. Anyway she came in to tuck us all in last night and I got lots of hugs and stuff so I have forgiven her. At least I know I will have another day off today since my Mom dosn't ride me when I am errr.... expelling the wormies!!!

Off to the paddock with me girlies.

Love to all


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

OH GEEZ....................................

Update on Twizzle. She is getting better but she still has to stay in her room for another 4 more weeks.

At least she dosn't have to go to the horsie hospital. Whew!!!!

I know she is not happy about all this because she was givin' the get go to her pet teenager. She wouldn't dare with her Mom!!! Mind you, my Mom was giving her a scratch the other night and she was making my snarling face at MY Mom. No, non, nyet, nada, nein, NFW - Do not bite me human. This is my job - not that I EVER get away with it.

Short one today. Off to make sure I stay number one in my herd. New girlie in my gang yesterday.

Love to all