Monday, July 07, 2008


Another weekend for my BFF at the Dressage Show. This time at Blue Star Farm and the competititon was tough.

My BFF was all gussied up by her Pet Rider and off they went with her Mom and my Mom to the show. As usual she was a star. Spectacular!!!

I heard the humans talking and they were very happy about her ribbons. She got 4th for her first test and 2nd in her second test. Seems there was a dressage godzilla at the show!!!! This human was not gracious at all. She kept saying how everyone else was a loser and all she had to do was show up and she would get 1st and 2nd place again with her two horses. Plus my Mom saw her kicking her horse in the face at the tack check. I know my Mom dosn't go for this sort of stuff and she was very lucky that my Mom didn't come over and drag her off her horse and kick her. WTF is wrong with people I ask. This was in full view of everyone. Nasty, nasty.

Na, Na, Na!!! My BFF came 2nd and beat her!!!! That will learn her not to be sportslady like. All the humans were so gleeful and they all were saying how they would have loved to have seen her face when she didn't go 1 - 2. Here you go honey, one of your horses got beat by my BFF. A thoughbred with a big heart.

It is very sad that humans who are good riders and have good horses can't be gracious winning and losing. And kicking her kid is just terrible. Plus she has terrible ring manners and almost took out another horsie in the warm up ring. She was coming in the doorway and didn't annouce her coming so my Mom had to yell "DOOR" because she was going to crash into this other kid. My Mom gave her mare glare and rolled her eyes.

I hope the BFF entourage meets her again and we beat her totally. We're number 1, we're number 1!!!!!

So I am thinking it was a usual Sunday and we would come in and things would be normal, but nooooooooo........ I am coming in and there is my Mom with the tuby thing and OMG it is worming time. I acted up a bit because you know she was at my BFF's show and I hardly saw her on Saturday since she was busy with stuff. Blech this stuff is terrible. Anyway she came in to tuck us all in last night and I got lots of hugs and stuff so I have forgiven her. At least I know I will have another day off today since my Mom dosn't ride me when I am errr.... expelling the wormies!!!

Off to the paddock with me girlies.

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

Oh Happy, Happy, Happy we are……
HRH, our bestest ever human has found a way to keep feeding us the green stuff and I mean long, lush, crunchy and crisp green stuff. She goes out every evening and cuts us baskets and baskets of it and when we go in our rooms its there, just like outside but we do not have to work just eat, no picking and pulling just chew, yum, yum, she says that she gets it beside the farmer fields where the ‘spotted privileged’ live who invaded our field and drove us into exhile….but NOW, who cares, we have better green than they do…..
I got my tail and mane trimmed other day and I look very spiffy I must say, got a bath and then rolled in the green to make me more colorful, the human got a face on her over that one…..
Sol is counting the days to go to school and I am hoping that I also get to make the journey to meet cousin Maddie and have a sleepover, not sure if I’m allowed yet though, we find out tonight. Sol is still taking my advice and being good but my human got nervous yesterday when her brother, the big gentle human came by and figured that Sol is biding time for the ‘big one’……he is what my human calls a ‘pessimist’….whatever that is….
Well, keep us updated on the goings on up there in your heavenly farm….

As The Manure Turns said...

Hi there Grey Goddess.

My Mom takes me for tall green grass when we go walking together. Last night it was too hot to do anything so Me, My Mom, My BFF, Her Mom all went for a walk in the tall grass behind the sand ring. No human had gone out there with a grass shortening machine so we got lots!!!!

I hope that Sol gets an "A" at horse school. Learns that it is fun to ride with your human.

I must keep this short today since I am a very busy keeping my little herd in line. The new grey girl is getting cosy with My BFF. Not sure how I feel 'bout that but my Mom has layed down the law saying I have to be nice to the youngin'

The things I have to do to please that woman!!! Oh well

Off to spread the love
