Monday, July 14, 2008



So many ribbons everywhere in the barn!!! All the kids that went to the shows are stars!!! Everyone came home with decorations for their doors.

My friend Diva was divalicious at her show. She got Champion, Reserve Champion and there are so many ribbons on her door there is hardly room. Me and my BFF was chatting her up last night and she is so happy that she got to go to the show and show off for everyone. All her humans are so happy too. Diva was very proud when she got home and we were all chatting at the bar.

Plus on the other side of the barn more kids went to shows. My friend Speedy G was busy cleaning up at the show she went to. She has tons of ribbons on her door too. She got 1st place in her hack class. Now I have known Speedy for many, many years; in fact I have known her the longest of all; even more than the White Stallion but I digress here. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine Speedy winning a hack class. She used to do eventing like me but now she does Hunter stuff and who would have have thunk it???? She is called Speedy for a reason but she is just a star too!!! Plus she got a bunch more for jumpin' stuff.

The Royal Cousin and her human were their usual elegant selves. My Mom and the other Head Wench saw her ride her rounds. Lovely combination they are. She got a bunch more ribbons to add to her collection including a red one. Not sure what she got it for, but she was stylin' for sure.

We are very proud of the New Girl. She isn't so new anymore but her blog name has stuck. She went to only her 2nd show and she placed in two of her classes. Her Mom is so happy since they have been working very hard together and are becoming a lovely combination. The New Girl was so proud when everyone met at the bar after their shows. She came running over saying I got ribbons, I got ribbons!!! Me and My BFF gave her a horsie hug since she was so excited!!!!

So I am thinking in all this excitement that I would just have a little hack yesterday with the White Stallion in the forbidden fields. Me Mom comes and gets me and we get dressed and out we go. Moseying along and we get back to the farm and all of a sudden the other Head Wench is holding this paper in her hand and started saying Enter at A working trot....... WTF is up I think as my Mom is asking me to trot forward. At X halt and salute..... So I halt..... Me Mom gives me a nudge and I am thinging what is going on???? I stay halted because really this looks like work. Anyhoo all of a sudden I am doing a bloody dressage pattern. Why,I am thinking. Next I am standing in the ring and my Mom is reading the dressage test to the other Head Wench and the White Stallion and they are running the dressage pattern. The White Stallion is going WTF........?????

Turns out me and the White Stallion are going eventin'!!!! Mark your calendars September 20th!! We will be showing too. I am so excited that I don't even mind doing the dressage thing since I know I will get to show off then!!! Maybe I will get a ribbon for my door too. I keep asking my Mom to get out my old ones but she won't hear of it!!!

Plus we are having our Barn BBQ this weekend I have heard on the haymail express there is something stylin' coming for me!!! How about that.

So much excitment this weekend I can hardly stand it. Just had to get all the news out!!!

Anyway, I must run and catch up with the show girls. They all live in my group so we will all be back together today, just lounging and hanging out.

Love to all


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