Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Some more pictures have come in via the haymail so here they are,

This is a bigger one of the White Stallion!!!

This is the Devil Pony with her Wenchette showing off at Palgrave. Stylin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am an athlete!!! Since I am going to the horse show in September me and my human have to get in shape. I was out in the legal fields last night just chugging along!!!! I need to be fit!! So does the human. She needs to lay off the cookies, pie and chips!!! If I am getting fit then so is she.

So around we went. Don't listen to her if she tells you the only reason I was moving me butt was to out run the nasty squadron of deer and horse flies. I am on a mission here!!!

Anyway, short one today since the human is busy and needs the 'puter. Off to run up and down the hill. My BFF is my fitness coach. One up the hill, one down the hill, two up the hill.......

Love to all


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