Monday, July 28, 2008


I have had to wrestle the keyboard from my human who has been way busy with stuff lately.

I think she has been doing the work thing to pay for all my stuff!!! Good thing too. Not sure if you have noticed but I am slightly high maintenance!!!

She did go to the Chris Irwin clinic and I think he teaches humans how to speak horse!!! Very scary stuff. If she learns this, I won't get away with ANYTHING. She is sending off vibes and stuff and I feel compelled to do things that I really don't want to, but I feel I must. Stuff like lift my hoof when asked!!! I rather like to challenge her on this but now she has learned this new move and I feel compelled just to lift it up. I am somewhat puzzled. Why am I doing this? Why am I not protesting? WTF?????

Any way her winning streak at these clinic seems to be over and she came home with nothing for me but a book for her. Nothing for me, shocking!!!!

In fact I didn't get nothin' this weekend except that I went for a crazy hack with Miss Saddlebred who's slow trot is faster than my canter and when she started her fast trot I nearly had to gallop to keep up. Sped around the legal fields and by the time we got back I was spent!!! Then me Mom expected me to jump stuff. I am huffing and puffing and thinking nooooooo......

I want to go back to the paddock, hang with MyBFF and the other girlies but here I am working up a nasty sweat.

Good thing for me that Uncle Paul came soon after and I got my massage. My Mom was very excited because I have lost some of my pork-choppyness and Uncle Paul can feel my ribs. You should have seen my Ma!!! So happy, happy.

Yesterday we both sucked with our dressage pattern. I think our coach will be home soon to help us out.

Anyway off to hang with my girlies



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