Thursday, September 18, 2008

DRAT, DRAT AND MORE DRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am SO bummed out. Not like giving my Mom the bum but very disappointed.

Not doing the horse trial this weekend. Since my Mom had to go the human vet clinic we missed all our training and we are not able to go. No one is going now. The White Stallion isn't nor is Elvis and his Sister.

I am so sad that I won't get to wear my ensemble with my show name on it. Plus my Mom had stuff to match...... She says we can go next year..... Pouting.

Then she said maybe we could do a winter dressage show and I said "That's ok Mom I can wait" Bloody dressage!!!!!

Anyhoo My BFF is taking a long time to get over her abscess and stuff is still oozing from her hurted tootsie. She is being a trooper but I can tell she is very ouchy.

The new guy seems to be ok again. He had a big tummy ache the other night too. Poor guy had the tubes now 3 times.

Everyone else is just hanging out eatin and poopin, eatin and poopin.

Well off eat grass and be upset about not getting to show off at the horse trial

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

Been forever but it’s been whirly twirly here and life is the fast lane is different than our little neck of the woods at home. This new reform school is even better, more like a vacation, I am being so good that everyone loves me best but you know, I still am ouchy and mom is trying so hard to find out what is wrong so she can fix me and I can’t help with those big human word to tell her…I have gotten pretty new red socks though that I wear at night and stylin boots that no one else has, not even GB… legs feel better….in fact when me human came at her usual 5am time today and put us both in crossties, GB had the utter gall to whisper that my butt was getting wide again and then she BIT it…well- hhell-oooooo….I kicked and kicked and kicked and kicked four sky high Olympic worthy(is there rodeo bucking in this Olympic thing???), legs over my head almost and I even managed to break the cross ties. I squeeled so loud that our old neighbour Lloyd came to see what the matter was. I mean how DARRRREEEE she! And then,THEN…she stood there silent and looking at my human all innocent,,,hahhaa, too flippin bad I said cause Mum caught her…..anyway, my legs felt good enough for that!
GB must have decided to carry it outside because our new baby human Jennifer fell off her in her lesson today..they though GB didn’t do anything and that babyH lost her balance but I know better…..
We have a new roomie, a boy, his name is Sherminator and he is just little, he’s afraid he will go to the bad place cause he is only two and can’t run fast which is what he is supposed to do…we told him not to worry though, he’s with us now and our human will feed him extra on the QT and find him a new human someday. BabyH loves him already. I don’t think he can talk though, he hasn’t said a word out loud only mind talk between us. I conned him into opening his stall other night and he was on his way to the green field to bring back clover when he was caught…..we will try again this weekend
Well ta, must dash, I hear the orange nummie bag coming
Love Solitaire

As The Manure Turns said...

Good to hear from you. I am still busy sulking about not being able to show off this weekend.

My Mom has been so busy with other kids again. She does make time for me though since she is feeling much better now.

This must be a grey thing. I have a new gal in my herd and she is grey and she tries to bite everyone. Yesterday My human and and Dr. M were coming into the paddock. Saw my Mom coming with the Vet and stayed AWAY!! I am thinking WTF; nothin' wrong with me so why.......

Turns out they were coming for My BFF to look at her hoofy in the field since she is so gimpy.

Anyway the Grey tried to bite My BFF while my Mom and Dr. M were looking at her hoof. Then the rest of the gang came over and they were all swarmed. My Mom chased them all off and I was thinking you are all a bunch of dough heads. Whatcha all thinking it it is the VET for the love of God. Thinking any of you might enjoy getting poked, prodded or the big blue glove up your ying yang!!! Yeesh. Of course I stood there in amazment far out of reach.

My Mom was busy last night helping My BFF's Mom and training a new wenchette.

We hacked last weekend in the forbidden fields but other than that I have just been left to eat my greens and log about in the sunshine. Finally the skies have stopped leaking here this week.

I am off now, staying in a bit this morning to keep My BFF company since Dr. M is coming back to give her some needles to help her hoofy.

Chat you up soon
