Monday, April 21, 2008


I am sixteen going on seventeen
I know that I'm naive
Geldings I meet do tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe!!!!

For those who are not in the loop, it is my birthday this week. April 23rd to be specific and I am graciously accepting pressies of all sorts!!! I think my human has something good for me that she has been saving. So excited!!!!

My BFF headed off to dressage clinic yesterday and she impressed the judge. She was just styling when she left. I know she missed me because my Mom and I had a little jump school in the outdoor and she kept calling to me. Had to look after my Mom and show off over the fences. My Mom put me back outside to hang out with my BFF for a little while before supper and this made us both happy.

A new kid came in this weekend and is in the LandShark's bunch and in her barn too.

Anyway, don't forget my B'day!!!

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

yayyyyy, Happy bday to us both, mine was April 4th and I was eight, Thats young I hear, I got a tiara which I think you will want one too when you see pictures, my mum told yours so you might just get one too. I also had a birthday girl banner.....Anyway, hope you get all sorts of pressies and are allowed to be off your diet for one day....tell your human that....must go, saw fresh mud this morning and am considering a bath, this new jacket is too clean for my liking....
Canter Queen

As The Manure Turns said...

Hay there Canter Queen. I love my tiara!!! It has sparkly diamonds in it. I am hoping to get one that sparkles out Happy Birthday Gal!!! I think the human is on this mission.

Happy belated birthday to you too. Banner eh, I don't think I ever got one of them. I had a sign a couple of times!!!!

Your buddy must have been really jealous with you getting all the attention.

We are all naked so the mud is really good right now. I need a bath but my human is nice and waits for the water to warm up a bit.

Looking forward to seeing your Mom and I hear from the haymail express there are going to be a bunch of the humans that used to be at the old EX place there too.

Your Mom and mine will be on the wine for sure and I hear they are going shopping so we will all get stuff.

I am 16 going on 17.......

Love HRH

Islandgirls said...

...that makes you double my age.
anyhoo, just got word that horse we now here has seizured like you did and the vet is on the way, hope he's fine like you.
I'll report back. Oh well, Cruilla was way out of sorts on my Bday cause she didn't get to dress up other than in a party hat, it was cardboard and had no bling whatsoever. She's still not over that one. I wish I was naked too but the water is still near freezing here still and if I get naked I'll have a mud bath and maybe I'll be snuck to that place where mum goes and be stuffed into the washer too, she always laments that with all my hair shedding it might as well be me in there,,,,I think she's kidding about that though.I think she has pressies for you too and we all be doing the happy dance upon her return if she gets us stuff. Shes going to get me a new color for summer I think,,,,,whats stylin up there?
Oh, and I'm glad the mum's will be on the wine at your house and not mine, you can deal with it cause I get my ears tweaked and kisses when shes got it here and not to mention late feedings next day when she is that funny shade of green.

As The Manure Turns said...

Oh no!!! I hope the kid your way is ok. I still don't know what happened to me, but I am fine now. Mom jumped me a bit the other day and Coach Donna is coming on the weekend. Does this kid have a good human?? I hope so.

I am still in my purple phase and my Mom likes pink so I get both. Not sure what other colours are out there but I am sure there are tons.

I don't know how my blankets come back clean. I roll in them, and wreck them up a bit and then by next year they are back all clean and fixed. Not sure about my winter dress. It is wrecked pretty bad so I am hoping for a new one this year. Not for my BDay though, I want something current. My BFF keeps saying, "I know something you don't know" so I think she knows what I am getting. I could make her tell me but I am being good. She gets her stitches out today.

Anyway off to the green grass to munch. 1 more sleep and it is my BDay.



Perfumes said...

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Islandgirls said...

Happy B day to you, Happy B day to You, Happy B day HRH, Happy B Day to youuuuuu.....
.....we hope you get lots of nummies...we hope you get lots of nummies....we hope you put them in your tummmmmmmmy
.............ohhhhhh we hope you get lots of nummies
...........we hope you get some minnnts.....we hope you get some minnnnnts...cause we dropped lots of hinnnnnts.....we hope you eat some minnnnts ....all the live long dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
OHHHHH we hope BFF is fineeeee...we hope BFF is fineeeee.....and we hope she can eat minnnnnnntttttttssssss toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Love 'the Girls'

As The Manure Turns said...

Thanks so much for me Bday wishes. My Mom says we have to wait to celbrate since my BFF is not feeling well. I really don't feel like celebrating anyway since she is hurt. Seems her leg injury has gotten infected but we are out together today hangin out.

My Mom says I will get my pressies later.

I sure hope my BFF is fine. My Mom thinks she is going to be. If she is I am going to make her wear a birthday hat later.

Love HRH