Thursday, May 29, 2008


I am so hot!!!! Stylin as usual.

I must say I impressed my Mom by being able to get this up on my blog.

I am the Techno Goddess!!!




Royal Cousin said...

Royal Cousin sure are sporting a funky look these days! I so love the leopard print accent! Soooo..have you heard? It would seem that Elvis is shaking his pelvis in the wrong direction!!! It would appear that he is trying to find a way to visit our girlfriends across the way!!! My grandma sits on her swing and watches us play from across the street everyday...and she loves it! If Elvis keeps stepping on your mom's blue suede shoes she will be switching us with the boys! I don't think I can take that...never mind poor sweet grandma will miss seeing me everyday! WHY...WHY can't the male gender behave????
I'm sure if we trace this back to the start of was probably Adam that talked Eve into eating the apple...and even if he didn't talk her into it, he certainly didn't try to stop her! They will never learn!!!!

As The Manure Turns said...

Well I have heard the rumour and I am going to blog about it soon. RC think about the benefits of moving to the other field!!!! No more slogging up and down that hill. Nice flat land and we can have all the other girlies over for cosmopolitans at the bar. You know like that new movie that is out this week.

I know my human likes to see me from the window of her house but I think we can get away with more not being seen. Wink, wink, nudge nudge.

By the way, I heard that you, me, My Mom and yours are going to do a pink dress up soon. We will be so stylin!!!
