Monday, June 30, 2008


A big Happy Canada Day to all!!!!


Busy weekend as usual. I did a bunch of hacking with the White Stallion and the Royal Cousin this weekend. Man the bugs were baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddd!!! The evil flies kept chasing and biting me. They are huge. My Mom had sprayed me with the stinky stuff and I had my Hiawatha fly fringe on but still they kept eating me. I tried hard to out run them but they stuck to me and I was fearing they would suck out all me blood. Then they started biting my Mom too. OMG!!!!!!

Anyway 'nough of my complaining.

We had a whole bunch of kids go to shows this weekend and they are all stars. My buddy the Devil Pony came home with ribbons and they are on her door and she did well for her Wenchette doing her Hunter thing. The Big M accross the hall went to the Pony Club show and he did well for his human too. He got lots of ribbons too. We were wondering about what was going on with him because he was going and coming and going and coming. He says he likes the cross country the best, me too!!!

Plus the Mighty Q went to his first Quarter Horse show with his Mom. He had been a show horse before but this was his first with his Mom. Here they are. Don't they just look stylin'!!!!!!! He was gone for days and all the girlies in the LandShark's group kept wondering what had happened to him. Anyhoo he was a star too. Lot's of ribbons on his door for everyone to see too. He did a bunch of classes with his Mom and some more with his Coach. Everyone is so happy, happy.

I am so proud of all the show kids this weekend. Everyone is a star!!!!

Well off to hang with the girlies, get some rest before my Mom comes home and drags me off again. Something tells me that she is making me work hard now so I can go and show off sometime soon too.

Dreaming of show ribbons!!!!

Love to all


Friday, June 27, 2008


My BFF!!!! Here she is!!! At the show were she won the two first place ribbons!!! Since I am a nice gal I am going to let her borrow my blog and tell everyone!!!!

Hi, and thanks HRH!!! This is me with my Pet Rider and I think we both look so nice. Or as HRH would say stylin'!!!

I heard my Pet Rider talking to one of the Head Wenches the other day and she was saying that she knew, that I understood that when we go to show off we always see the little white fence ring and I go in and perform. You know what?? She was right on!!! I do understand & I do like doing the dressage thing. It is fun getting all gussied up and then going on a road trip to the show place. As soon as I get there, me and my Pet Rider wander around and check everyone out. Size up the competition!!!! Now, of course everyone thinks that I am brilliant because of my performances in the little white fence ring. I try very hard to make all the humans in my life happy since they are so good to me.

I am so happy that my Mom changed my life and I get to be a DQ rather than a Hunter. I am very happy with everything these days.

I love all my people!!! Everyone!!!! Plus I love all my friends on the farm. I hang out with a nice gang of gals and they are all very happy when I do well.

So I am going to go find HRH and we can hang out down by the stream and get dirty today!!! No showing this weekend, but I will be sure to let everyone know how I do in my next show. HRH says I am a show Goddess!!!! I think she is pretty cool too!!!

Love to all


Thursday, June 26, 2008


G'day!!!! Thought I would try a little Aussie speak for a change!!! No eh!!! Eh, it is the Canadian way!!!!

Tomorrow is the big day for my buddy Twizzle. You might all remember that Twizzle has had to stay in her room for 6 whole weeks because of a hurted tootsie. All the girlies in my group and the LandShark's group are hoping that she is okey dokey and can come out to play soon. If she is sprung then she has to hang in a small paddock for a little while, so my Mom is planning on moving some of the kids around. So everyone send positive vibes to Twizzle and her Mom!!!!

Now, I must weigh in on the all the stuff that is going on at our little farm and making my Mom koo-koo!!! You all must understand she is a little nutty at best but lately I have seen her running around with her Miss Piggy face on and that means she is not happy. You need to know if my Mom is not happy then I am not happy. If I am not happy I just might bite you in the boobie, so you have been warned. KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!!


Ok, then...........!!!! Back to the happy place!!!!!

Had a little hack the other night with My BFF and Diva. Diva kept her dress on but we all nearly pooped in our panties when we were out there and the this grass eating machine made a funny noise. We thought it was someone with a blast stick. All our Moms handled this and made us feel safe.

Plus one of the Wenchette's Dad bush wacked some new trails in the legal fields so I have some exploring to do. I will get my buddy the White Stallion and go. Speaking of the White Stallion, OMG my Mom is losing her mind. She forgot him in the field last night and he was just wandering in when the LandShark's Dad and Stinky's Mom saw him. Good thing he knows where is room is!!! So Stinky's Mom (She is the LandShark's Mom too by the way) helped him a bit!!!! See I am not kidding, my Mom is a bit shall we say distracted!!!

Anyway off to do what I do best!!!!!

Love to all


Monday, June 23, 2008


Exciting news!!!!

My BFF is now a DQ!!!!! Full fledged DQ (that would be Dressage Queen for the un-initiated) She is a star!!!!

We were very excited when she got home yesterday from her show. She won BOTH her classes!!! First place ribbons hanging on the door. Boys oh Boys does she have bragging rights around the barn right now!!!!

She even has an entourage!!! Her own personal!!! Yesterday my Mom, her Mom and her Dad, her Pet Rider (she is a star too) and her Pet Rider's Mom plus some of her Pet Riders friends all went to the show. Everyone was so excited and proud!!! All the hard work has paid off and my BFF is so happy. She loves being a DQ!!! She told me that she loves to go and show off at the shows . There are pictures and a video!!! I will have to use my superior techno goddess skills and get them up here for all to see!!!! When she got home yesterday and came to see us all at the bar and told us, I nearly leaked I was so happy for her!!! All the other kids in the barn are very proud and happy too. Plus all this makes her Mom very happy too. We are all happy, happy, happy. Just a happy bunch we are!!!!

Some other stuff from this weekend....... I went hacking with JJ on Saturday we were out in the legal fields. I was trying to be demure since JJ is one hot boy. My Mom was not amused and insisted I go forward. She even borrowed JJ's Moms crop!!!! I havn't seen one of those in ages and I dared her to swat me with it. She DID!!!!! Gave me a little flick. Thought better of mis-behaving after I realized she meant business. We did a little jump school again after our hack and I must say I love showing off when I jump!!! Then my Mom had to go so My BFF's Mom cooled me down. I was thinking WTF at first but then I knew my Mom wouldn't let just ANYONE sit on my back so I was ok with it. Mind you my BFF's Mom did say I had a wide load. Wide load of what I wonder???!!!!

Uncle Paul came and I got my massage and I even learned from Stinky how to give my Mom a massage while I am getting mine!! Stinky says no teeth allowed!!!

So all in all it was a very good weekend for me and my BFF and the rest of my girlies.

Off to rub shoulders with the DQ!!!

Love to all


Friday, June 20, 2008


I know this makes my Mom happy!!!! Cos she gets to stay home and hang out with me!!!!


It's Friday

I think Uncle Paul is coming this weekend so I get my massage. Yippee again!!!

I have the best life!!!!

Off to enjoy


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I was very worried this morning about my BFF.

My Mom came to do the morning hay and noticed my BFF was poop-less or so it seemed. I heard her kicking around in my BFF's room and she looked very worried when she came to put on my boots, so I tried to make things right by giving her a little nip and boy was THAT a big no-no.

Anyhoo the day guy couldn't find any either. Oh No!!!!

So my Mom called my BFF's Mom and they were all worried. I stayed in my room next to my BFF and lo and behold she did the deed and had that poopy!!! Yes!

Just to be sure my BFF's Mom had the lovely Dr. M in and my BFF got the big blue glove and she is fine. Saw her coming and boy did that make her go!!!!

So all is well at the little farm, we are back in our field just a frolicking like fillies on a Spring day, we are!!!!

I love my BFF



Monday, June 16, 2008


Busy, busy, busy!!!!!!

All sorts of things going on this weekend. Me and the White Stallion were out in the forbidden fields with our humans when this loud smoke belching two wheel thing came out of nowhere and we were afraid it was going to eat us all!!!! Then I remembered these things from a visit they paid to the farm some time ago but still we all thought it best to turn around and go home since the smoke belcher was going where we were.

When we got back to the legal fields me and the White Stallion had lots of piddle and vinegar in us and we were cantering along the trails. Won't say nothing about the bugs that are the size of stealth bombers though. Then, if you can imagine the White Stallion was gone!!! WTF!!! No way you are going to run home faster than me so I kicked it up a gear. Made my human very happy since she has not felt this pace since my eventing days. I hear her say to the other Head Wench when we caught up "I didn't think she still had it in her" Triple WTF!!! Of course I still have in me. Yeeesh!!! So when we got back to the farm we jumped everything and the White Stallion too. I showed my Mom that I still had it in me. I can still gallop and jump. My Mom was up there saying ''not so fast, not so fast". Don't have it in me indeedy.

The Devil Pony went to a show and my Mom and my BFF's Mom and a whole bunch of other people from the farm went to see her. She was trying a new division and still came home with a ribbon on her door. She said she saw these scary flowers in her jumping round and they kept talking to her so she was scared to jump over them. She told me when we were in our rooms that they kept singing when she was coming up to the jump!!! Yikes!!!!

Plus my BFF and her Mom had a great lesson yesterday. Made my BFF's Mom very happy, happy and all the humans were happy for her too. My BFF's Mom is very happy with her new coach and it is the same coach Twizzle has too. Plus she has a piggy!!! The coach that is, not my BFF or her Mom. It is very cute and my Mom was playing with him yesterday.

Twizzle by the way is almost done her room rest. Another two more weeks to go and I know her Mom will be very happy when this is all said and done. Even though Twizzle has a hurted foot her Mom has been teaching her to long line during her hand walking exercise. Very smart thing because I know Twizzle has been very bored with all this. I love her outfit when she does this, my Mom says it is her bondage gear!!!!!!!

Well my Mom needs the puter to do the work thing to pay for everything for me. OMG I almost forgot I got a new halter this weekend and it has diamonds in it!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is my rock star halter!!!!

Love to all,


Friday, June 13, 2008


I had the best night last night. Me, my BFF and the Royal Cousin all went for a hack in the legal fields.

It was my BFF Mom's first time on my BFF out there. She was a star and her Mom is happy happy with our little adventure. We were very impressed with Royal Cousin who was wearing her Cowgirl outfit. I want one too!!! I don't have this and don't know why. My Mom loves bling and I should have Cowgirl bling too!!! Someone tell her!!!!

Then we came home and the Royal Cousin went galloping around the paddock and we were all very excited watching her. Then my Mom asked me to jump a little X. Snort!!! Well I treated it like the trot pole it was and then she made me canter over the X (snort) and I treated it like the canter pole it was. I knew there was a bigger vertical out there so I knew if I didn't jump the X (snort) she would make me jump the vertical. Mom must understand that I am doing her a service!!! If she is scared of bigger jumps it is up to me to make sure that she knows she can do it!!!! Mission accomplished!!! I am a rock star!!!!!

Well, the pasture and my girlies are calling for me to join them. It promises to be a nice hot day here today and I must say I love summer and livin' is easy, peasy!!!

Love to all


Thursday, June 12, 2008

I AM A ROCK STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check this out!!! It is a personality test for us horsies!! I am a Rock Star!!!!!! You would imagine anything different?????? Of course not!!!!!

Do the test and tell me what you are!!!

Love to all,


Monday, June 09, 2008


My Mom says we can only complain about one season a year and she complains about Winter and hates it, but over the weekend the oven came on. It is so hot on our little farm!!!!! Not the hot like me hot, but the HOT like you feel like you are through the gates of the portal to hell.

Boiling Hot

So all us kids spent the weekend hanging out in the field except for the Royal Cousin and Speedy G who went to shows. The Royal Cousin was so happy to see us all when she got back from her adventure and we all hung out at the bar talking about the road trip. Seems both of them did very well and their humans have hung the prizes on their doors for all to see.

I finally got my first bath of the year and it was about time too!!! I made sure that my Mom got a bath as well and one of the boy's human was there to watch and I made sure I helped her stay cool too. Plus I got a full fledged beauty treatment, not that you can improve on my perfection but I did need a hair cut!!! I am shiny, shiny now and of course all the boys just admire me as I go by!!!!!

Yesterday the White Stallion and I were supposed to go on a hack but our humans looked like they were melting so we didn't have to go!!!! No coach, no hack, no ride, no work!!!! NO WORRIES!!!!

Life is good!!!

Well off the hang with the girlies

Love to all


Thursday, June 05, 2008


I am so good at this!!!!! My Mom is really impressed that I have added some of my favorite blogs to my blog!!!! How smart am I?????

My Mom loves the Fugly Lady so I have added her blog. She talks about people breeding for no good reason and making too many babies so horses end up in bad places like Argus and Freeway. I have blogged about them before. Their blogs are here too and you can see how they are getting better and are now happy, happy.

The Fugly Lady also "outs" the multitude of stupid things that people do with us kids. Some will make you mad and some will make you leak but you should know about these things so you can make sure that if you see stuff like that you can help the furry kid involved. The Fugly Lady tells it like it is.

The Cannington Horse rescue is close by our farm and my Mom and the other Head Wench are friends with the lady who runs it. I know we give the stuff that is left over from our tack swap to her to use to help her furry kids. We will be having another tack swap in the fall and I am very excited about it since I am sure I will get to wear all my bling, bling stuff for that, plus we will get to help these furry kids some more. If you want to give stuff or help her before our Swap then you can, for sure. My Mom can help you get in touch with the lady, just ask her.

Now I must tell you that there are so many kids that need help and good humans out there. If you can help out then you should.

I am off to hang with my girlies.

Love to all


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

VISIT FROM THE BONE DOC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just the new best thing!!!!! My Mom had me looked at by a Chiropractor just like my BFF, Diva and Twizzle.

At first I was giving him the mare stare because he was touching me, but my Mom was there so I figured it was okey dokey.

Then he gave me a little shove and all of a sudden things went pop and I thought WHOA THIS IS GOOD!!!! He checked me all over and popped a bunch of things and I thought why have I not had this before?????? This bone moving thing is making me feel like a filly on a Spring day!!!!!

Plus he made my Mom's neck pop too!!! How good is that??????

My Mom took me for a walk and some tall grass afterwards. You should have seen my BFF, Diva and the New Girl. Just a running around the paddock like they were at Churchill Downs. I think they were channelling Big Brown and his run for the Triple Crown this weekend!!!! Three Thoroughbreds galloping around and around. I thought they were nuts personally and just kept eating. My Mom was impressed and I know she told my BFF's Mom who figured she didn't have to longe her last night!!!!

Anyway, off to rule the world



Monday, June 02, 2008


What a weekend!!! I got it off!!! Just stayed under the radar all weekend and no human up on my back!!!

Seems Mr. Elvis kept on fence ducking and ended up having to switch places with the White Stallion. Now he is out front with J.J. and the White Stallion is in with the boys. Stinky was very excited about all this and took down the fence rails and he was thinking about joining them. My Mom had to go down there and fix them so Stinky would stay were HE is supposed to be. Elvis and J.J. look like they have been best buddies for ever.

But Elvis................ Lordy, Lordy he is lucky to still be on the treat train. Seems his Dad and him went out for hack in the legal fields and the next thing Elvis is home but his Dad is not. All the humans went running back there and saw his Dad who had hurt his arm. Seems he had to get one of those poultice things on his arm at the human vet place in town. All us horsies have been talking about this all weekend. We told him "Don't dump those who provide all" Elvis is not sure what happened but said he got scared out there and started running. He did tell us that he feels really, really bad about what happened and is going to do a special tune for his Dad. We said you have to do one for your Mom and your Coach too. He was working on the tunes last night in the small barn and I know the LandShark finally had to tell him to shut up since no one was getting their beauty sleep.

Plus this weekend all the boys in the big field busted up their fence and made the wire go all funny and I saw me human standing there swaying back and forth, back and forth...... It is was good thing that all the guy humans were around just in time to fix it.

Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note Too Much Monkey Business, Too Much Monkey Business Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note

Love to all