Monday, June 23, 2008


Exciting news!!!!

My BFF is now a DQ!!!!! Full fledged DQ (that would be Dressage Queen for the un-initiated) She is a star!!!!

We were very excited when she got home yesterday from her show. She won BOTH her classes!!! First place ribbons hanging on the door. Boys oh Boys does she have bragging rights around the barn right now!!!!

She even has an entourage!!! Her own personal!!! Yesterday my Mom, her Mom and her Dad, her Pet Rider (she is a star too) and her Pet Rider's Mom plus some of her Pet Riders friends all went to the show. Everyone was so excited and proud!!! All the hard work has paid off and my BFF is so happy. She loves being a DQ!!! She told me that she loves to go and show off at the shows . There are pictures and a video!!! I will have to use my superior techno goddess skills and get them up here for all to see!!!! When she got home yesterday and came to see us all at the bar and told us, I nearly leaked I was so happy for her!!! All the other kids in the barn are very proud and happy too. Plus all this makes her Mom very happy too. We are all happy, happy, happy. Just a happy bunch we are!!!!

Some other stuff from this weekend....... I went hacking with JJ on Saturday we were out in the legal fields. I was trying to be demure since JJ is one hot boy. My Mom was not amused and insisted I go forward. She even borrowed JJ's Moms crop!!!! I havn't seen one of those in ages and I dared her to swat me with it. She DID!!!!! Gave me a little flick. Thought better of mis-behaving after I realized she meant business. We did a little jump school again after our hack and I must say I love showing off when I jump!!! Then my Mom had to go so My BFF's Mom cooled me down. I was thinking WTF at first but then I knew my Mom wouldn't let just ANYONE sit on my back so I was ok with it. Mind you my BFF's Mom did say I had a wide load. Wide load of what I wonder???!!!!

Uncle Paul came and I got my massage and I even learned from Stinky how to give my Mom a massage while I am getting mine!! Stinky says no teeth allowed!!!

So all in all it was a very good weekend for me and my BFF and the rest of my girlies.

Off to rub shoulders with the DQ!!!

Love to all


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