Thursday, June 05, 2008


I am so good at this!!!!! My Mom is really impressed that I have added some of my favorite blogs to my blog!!!! How smart am I?????

My Mom loves the Fugly Lady so I have added her blog. She talks about people breeding for no good reason and making too many babies so horses end up in bad places like Argus and Freeway. I have blogged about them before. Their blogs are here too and you can see how they are getting better and are now happy, happy.

The Fugly Lady also "outs" the multitude of stupid things that people do with us kids. Some will make you mad and some will make you leak but you should know about these things so you can make sure that if you see stuff like that you can help the furry kid involved. The Fugly Lady tells it like it is.

The Cannington Horse rescue is close by our farm and my Mom and the other Head Wench are friends with the lady who runs it. I know we give the stuff that is left over from our tack swap to her to use to help her furry kids. We will be having another tack swap in the fall and I am very excited about it since I am sure I will get to wear all my bling, bling stuff for that, plus we will get to help these furry kids some more. If you want to give stuff or help her before our Swap then you can, for sure. My Mom can help you get in touch with the lady, just ask her.

Now I must tell you that there are so many kids that need help and good humans out there. If you can help out then you should.

I am off to hang with my girlies.

Love to all


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