Monday, June 09, 2008


My Mom says we can only complain about one season a year and she complains about Winter and hates it, but over the weekend the oven came on. It is so hot on our little farm!!!!! Not the hot like me hot, but the HOT like you feel like you are through the gates of the portal to hell.

Boiling Hot

So all us kids spent the weekend hanging out in the field except for the Royal Cousin and Speedy G who went to shows. The Royal Cousin was so happy to see us all when she got back from her adventure and we all hung out at the bar talking about the road trip. Seems both of them did very well and their humans have hung the prizes on their doors for all to see.

I finally got my first bath of the year and it was about time too!!! I made sure that my Mom got a bath as well and one of the boy's human was there to watch and I made sure I helped her stay cool too. Plus I got a full fledged beauty treatment, not that you can improve on my perfection but I did need a hair cut!!! I am shiny, shiny now and of course all the boys just admire me as I go by!!!!!

Yesterday the White Stallion and I were supposed to go on a hack but our humans looked like they were melting so we didn't have to go!!!! No coach, no hack, no ride, no work!!!! NO WORRIES!!!!

Life is good!!!

Well off the hang with the girlies

Love to all