Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I was very worried this morning about my BFF.

My Mom came to do the morning hay and noticed my BFF was poop-less or so it seemed. I heard her kicking around in my BFF's room and she looked very worried when she came to put on my boots, so I tried to make things right by giving her a little nip and boy was THAT a big no-no.

Anyhoo the day guy couldn't find any either. Oh No!!!!

So my Mom called my BFF's Mom and they were all worried. I stayed in my room next to my BFF and lo and behold she did the deed and had that poopy!!! Yes!

Just to be sure my BFF's Mom had the lovely Dr. M in and my BFF got the big blue glove and she is fine. Saw her coming and boy did that make her go!!!!

So all is well at the little farm, we are back in our field just a frolicking like fillies on a Spring day, we are!!!!

I love my BFF




Islandgirls said...

oh my HRH i hope your BFF is OK, my human said she was a cute pony....our brother Jigger had that problem one time and he protested something fierce to that blue glove but was fine afterward too, I hope I never have to get one, mum says I need never worry...
I was so wonderful the other day, I trotted and walked and cantered just like mum asked and then my dad came to watch cause he's never seen me run so I galloped all around the perimeter of the big pasture twice for him and he was so happy, happy, he said I was the best ever and that at least one good thing came from something called the 'big effin mess' last year...I'm not sure but I think it has something to do with that nasty human who nearly starved me last year...my mum is not a fan of his I tell you. Anyway, you think you saw a belcher other day, you should see what my Dad was on when he was praising me, it belched so loud I nearly peed when he started it but Mom told him to go ahead because she knew I would be good for her.... there a pocket ful of marshmallows waiting which influenced my decision to be still, AND apparently she said that if the belchy thing stays I will have to work less, very pleased I must say.I need to go forage now lest mega beast eat all the yellow posies

As The Manure Turns said...

Hi back to you Grey Goddess!!!!

Yes, My BFF is fine. But boy were the humans worried!!! She has a show on Sunday and I think my Mom is going.

Super Sol must be some pissed at you!!! All behaving getting all the attention. I told her and told her and told her, but she would not listen, would not!!!

OMG if one of those belching things had gone off near me I would have run to your place. Betcha I would have got there in no time too!!! Not that I'm scared or anything, it would have been to protect my human. Don't listen to her stories about the turkey either. All lies!!! I am not afraid of turkeys, I am not, I said, not.

I have a question?? What are marshmallows?? I do not know of these things. Not sure why but I think they are edible and they sound really good.

You knew hunger too?? You should start a blog like Argus, Freeway and too many to count on the horsie-net. I am not hungry and I can't even remember my life before I owned my human. She makes sure I get all and I am sure yours will too.

You are lucky lucky like me. Lucky we are.

I am a rock star!!!!!
