Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Check this out.............................................!!!!!!


OMG!!!! Enough said




Islandgirls said...

hi from reform school, yayyyy I finally got puter privilage for being sooo very good,,,yes me, goood....I am wowing them all up here and I miss GG alot but have lots of company here, theres a nasty hose named Karl accross from me who makes faces all while we are in our rooms because he isn't as lovely as me....I say...don't hate me cause I'm beautiful...he tried to bite my ass other day...I think he secretly loves me.
Next door is Boy and hes nice but he works hard, the owner thinks hes 13 but word is that he is over 20....and you know what HRH, those two cost five figures from what the barn talk is and in comparison, you and I are hot tamalies, we may have cost less but worth our weight in gold....
WELL, my human is fianlly catching on after telling her for two years that I am ouchy in back leg, they are finally getting dolty doctor back to re check me, not her fault really cause he said I was fine last time and she believed him, I got a stick pin last night in my neck but mum says it will make me feel better, she says that my auntie Di is the best ....mum went to doctors house I hear and didn't leave till he had a plan in place...now she wasn't going postal or anything, he invited her...
I was out in the nice indoor other day and I decided to be a star cause others were around, I was so beautiful, everyone stopped to admire, I even jumped a little sans rider of course, they need to fix me leg first...but I was being good. I kind of like reform school even the work isn't bad cause I remember it all, must toddle now, have to eat grass...no human for two days cause shes doing that'overtime' thing that keeps us going in stuff

As The Manure Turns said...

I should teach you what I have taught my BFF!!! Add a little snarl to your face and Karl will cower in the corner wimpering!!!

Glad you hear you are doing good at reform school and I heard My Mom talking about the Dr. Dolt on your island. WTF???

I have the lovely Dr. M and Dr. D who come to see me from time to time. Dr. M helped me when I had my vapours!!!!!

I have been dragged around the indoor lately. The other night I had to do the dressage thing AGAIN!! You know trot at E 20 metres, canter at B crashing down transition to trot and then right away to walk. I had to do it over and over and over. OMG I thought I would die.

Last night too, I am dragged in there and I pitched a fit coz I am dressaged out!!! She actually smacked my beautiful butt with the stick so I bucked a couple of times but was not able to dislodge her. FOILED AGAIN!!! She was bitching and complaining up there saying "if you did what was asked in the first place I would not have to spank you"


I did't FEEL like trotting so I stopped dead and looked at her with my best "I don't think so look" Drat, drat, drat I NEVER get away with anything. I did however scare some of the other horsies that were there when I had my bucking fit. I think it was the squealing and shrieking that made them a little nervous!!!

I guess it wasn't too bad since we were in the indoor (it has leaked from the skies here for days now and our outdoor is a mud pit) waiting for the lovely show boy The Mighty Quinn to go on a hack.

If you can believe it he has never been on a hack in his life. He is a show horse and I must say he was a star. When he first came he was scared to stay out all day but soon he loved it and now he stays out all the time and hangs out next to Stinky. He has his picture on me blog with his Mom a couple of posts ago

Anyway, Me Mom says I have to be fit to go eventin' in September and I can't have cellulite on my ass. Not sure WTF cellulite is but My BFF tells me that middle aged humans (my Mom is one of those) get that. I think she has some and is using me to get rid of hers!!!


At least I get the day off today. I hear she is going tonight to the work of the LandShark's Dad for a Chris Irwin clinic on guess effing what????????? DRESSAGE!!!!

Holy Big HUGE EFF!!!!! It will never end all this dressage stuff. Tell your Mom to send my Mom a haymail reminding her we JUMP too. I LIKE jumping but the dressage thing......

Grumble, grumble, bitch, whine, major snort.....

Fill me in when Dr. Dolt comes and looks at you and I will let you know about my torturous dressage training. Enter at A, halt at X.

Bite me at C!!!
