Wednesday, July 02, 2008

OH GEEZ....................................

Update on Twizzle. She is getting better but she still has to stay in her room for another 4 more weeks.

At least she dosn't have to go to the horsie hospital. Whew!!!!

I know she is not happy about all this because she was givin' the get go to her pet teenager. She wouldn't dare with her Mom!!! Mind you, my Mom was giving her a scratch the other night and she was making my snarling face at MY Mom. No, non, nyet, nada, nein, NFW - Do not bite me human. This is my job - not that I EVER get away with it.

Short one today. Off to make sure I stay number one in my herd. New girlie in my gang yesterday.

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

OMG, I saw heaven yesterday HRH, I really did. All us girls (minus Sol…who is finally getting the idea that she has to be nice)….. went out for a hack and there was me and BBG (aka big bottom girl- Sandy) and the new girlie Maddie who’s human calls HRH too (Her Royal Harshness).
We hacked for hours and found yellow flower posy fields and I was allowed to run and run, I ran too far up the bum of Maddie once and had to be slowed down cause I can easily leave them in the dust should I please…..I wasn’t fussed when Maddie came up my butt though and let it be known, but my warning kick got Maddies human in the foot and I think that was wrong cause mum was mad with me over that one…..Sol was left home in the barn alone and she tiold me when I got back that she wants to go to the posy fields too one day and I said she had to be good then. I’m not listening to her advise anymore though. She told me to be bad for mum going to the meeting place and so I tried it cause she said it would be fun …IT WAS NOT FUN AT ALL. I first refused to go forward on the road and backed into some moving and oncoming piles of metal, mum got off and walked me what she said was over kilometer, she wasn’t happy but better than being slatted she said, well she got on and I though uh-uh, I’m not moving forward….well I tried rearing twice and danced and got a whack on my shoulder which made me go backward even faster, missed two cars and then I got it. My Human whacked my arse so hard I did 0-60 in no time, I tried her a few times more but decided to be good cause it was NOT fun, Sol must be mad. We had great fun and when I got home I told Sol allll about it and she leaked a bit wishing that she had not been so bad so she might see the posy fields too…..when mum came down Sol actually walked over to her and put her head out over her gate and asked for scratches and rubs, she behave very well. I hear that Sol is going for a mini vacation this week where she will see maddie, I want to go too and I just might get to go cause my pet human wants to pay to keep me with Sol for some ‘schooling’,,,,hmmm….what will that be like I wonder…OK must go, we have two hours on the green stuff before we have to go back inside, talk soon, Love Gray Goddess

As The Manure Turns said...

Nirvana!!! I too have seen it!!! Just the best!!!! Out hacking in the forbidden fields with lots of hay (don't tell anyone but I pretend I am in a nice frame so I can eat the tops off the hay!!!!) and flowers, sunshine an blue skies. I know of what you write!!!

Glad to hear Sol is smartening up. Took her long enough. Jeez!!! You listen to me, not her and it is ok to go by yourself out in the beautiful fields. My Mom and I go together, just us two and that is the best time. She tells me her troubles and I listen to the drivel because, hay, she loves me!!!

Her Royal Harshness??? Why I ask would she have such a handle???

Oooooh the kick. That happened to the other Head Wench once. Not me!!! Another kid that used to be at our farm. The White Stallion and this other kid were hacking too and she kicked the other Head Wench and hurt her pretty bad.

Schooling eh!!! Is Sol going to reform school???

I have been schooled and that is where you are in the ring and made to go around and around and do circles and stuff and you must work from your bum and look show worthy. It is hard work but you can ease your mind knowing it is hard work for the humans too!!!

Glad to hear you had a good time and I am off to hang with my BFF and the rest of my gang.
