Monday, June 30, 2008


A big Happy Canada Day to all!!!!


Busy weekend as usual. I did a bunch of hacking with the White Stallion and the Royal Cousin this weekend. Man the bugs were baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddd!!! The evil flies kept chasing and biting me. They are huge. My Mom had sprayed me with the stinky stuff and I had my Hiawatha fly fringe on but still they kept eating me. I tried hard to out run them but they stuck to me and I was fearing they would suck out all me blood. Then they started biting my Mom too. OMG!!!!!!

Anyway 'nough of my complaining.

We had a whole bunch of kids go to shows this weekend and they are all stars. My buddy the Devil Pony came home with ribbons and they are on her door and she did well for her Wenchette doing her Hunter thing. The Big M accross the hall went to the Pony Club show and he did well for his human too. He got lots of ribbons too. We were wondering about what was going on with him because he was going and coming and going and coming. He says he likes the cross country the best, me too!!!

Plus the Mighty Q went to his first Quarter Horse show with his Mom. He had been a show horse before but this was his first with his Mom. Here they are. Don't they just look stylin'!!!!!!! He was gone for days and all the girlies in the LandShark's group kept wondering what had happened to him. Anyhoo he was a star too. Lot's of ribbons on his door for everyone to see too. He did a bunch of classes with his Mom and some more with his Coach. Everyone is so happy, happy.

I am so proud of all the show kids this weekend. Everyone is a star!!!!

Well off to hang with the girlies, get some rest before my Mom comes home and drags me off again. Something tells me that she is making me work hard now so I can go and show off sometime soon too.

Dreaming of show ribbons!!!!

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

HRH, I’m so happy that you live in the world of superstars, you should rename your farm to ‘Horseywood’…..on second thought, nawww, you’d have to move to the Niagara Falls tourist zone with a tacky name like that ….ANYWAY…I digress…guess what! My human took Solitare out on Saturday and pretended she was the polo player guy and Sol didn’t try to kill her, not even once. She got up and made her run and run and run, when she finally broke to a trot on her own, I thought she would be good and walk beside me but she started to act up and she made her run and run and run some more. It was pouring rain and mum and Sol both had all this smoke coming from them and I feared they were going to combust but this new human called it steam and said they were fine, I believed her cause she’s really nice and praises us both…her name is Dressage Diva and she belongs to Majestic Maddie who lives up the way. She’s a Morgan/Percheron cross and very beautiful…..and get this….her human has even more bling bling for her than your mum does and I didn’t think that was possible.
They might come on board and say hi sometime, Maddie doesn’t get to a puter much though cause her human works hard in a hospital for those little humans that bring us treats all the time….
I digress again though, Solitare told me after the ride that she was stunned that our human made her work so hard and wasn’t scared. I was being ridden by the other human we own and when Sol started cantered around, we did too, we kept up for ages but now they say I need hind galloping boots cause my fetlocks got skinned out….I’m off for a few days but Sol was made to work again yesterday, not hard though cause it was humid and also Canada day and mum was ill so they just lunged at a walk and trot and I ate grass and orange nummies and watched.
Oh, we were stylin for Canada Day and pictures to prove it, but you know what our human is like, she is still trying to send your human the ones of you looking glorious back in April. Well must go, not much to do today, mum is back making the green stuff that buys our green stuff and we are jailed inside the zappy ouchy fence enclosure again because the spotted demons have taken over the field and mum has declared war on the farmers son….love to all
Grey Goddess

As The Manure Turns said...

A big howdy do to you Miss Grey Goddess!!! And a happy Canada day!!!

I am so glad that Sol has decided that she wants to stay on the treat train and behave herself. OMG I would be so sad if she left and went to the sale place.

Someone has more bling than me?? You know, my Mom went to see the Mighty Q at his show, missed the class by the way but my Mom and the other Head Wench take every opportunity to shop and I got nothin'!!!! Now I happened to hear via haymail that she bought something for herself, but is is horsie related. It is a stock pin. So you know what that means!!!! We must be going to a show soon or she would not be buying show things for her. She needs her bling when we go and show off!!!!

Now anyone who likes bling can come on here and write me!!! Bling is King!!!!! I love hearing from new kids!!!

So sorry to hear about the spotted freaks eating up your green stuff. We hear them sometimes at our little farm but I never seen them unless we are out on a road trip.

I got a new kid in my herd yesterday. She is grey too!!! I don't know much about her yet but I am sure we will chat over the bar and I will get the skinny. She has a brother who screamed from the boy field for her all afternoon. Gave me an effing headache!!! Geldings!!! WTF????!!!

I went hacking with just my Mom yesterday for Canada Day. Just her and me and I love doing that!!!

Please send the Canada day pictures of you and Sol and I will get them up on the blog.

Anyway, off to make sure I stay number 1.



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