Thursday, June 12, 2008

I AM A ROCK STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check this out!!! It is a personality test for us horsies!! I am a Rock Star!!!!!! You would imagine anything different?????? Of course not!!!!!

Do the test and tell me what you are!!!

Love to all,



Islandgirls said...

Apparently the equine world has been turned on its ear by the fact that I have dropped from blog sight...well here's the thing...MY human banned me from blogging pending an attitude you know me, I'm not doing that, humph and more HUMPH......cause...........I'm a WILD CARD baby, oh yeah, that was my title on the quiz and then the gray beast's rental human did it and I was a BOSS and then a RELUCTANT Rockstar, so I ask you all.........does my human really believe I am going to change, neighaha, neighaha....and I know my human, she won't sell me or do any of the other things she promises because am sooooo beautiful. I am shiny black and trim for summer and yesterday when she took gray beast on a hack I led the way when Gary Beast got scared on bushes, I took the lead and brought them tyo all my favorite places and then back again, I am the lead horse who doesn't need a rider. My human has been giving me yummy stuff to make be feel better but really, I feel better than ever, she needs the calming stuff if you ask me....Gray Beast has gotten plump as of late and I am making fun but seems it gets her attention and shes being told she is beautiful by passerby's so I found a nice patch of wet mud and cow kicked it on her white carcass and now shes not so beautiful.She also has a new stringy fly thingy that I do not approve of because...where the EFF is mine???? Anyway, I am making quick work of that, I already have one stringy thing eaten and tried for another but human caught me.
On an early note, HRH, you should see our new outfits for canada Day, we will be stylin and hoping to make the I did last year with my pretty purple dress....anyway, I digress.... we have beautiful big red and white bows for our tails, red with white kerchefs for our necks and tattoos of the flag for our bums, we are so excited! you should get some bling too and tell your human that Canada day is not pink or purple in any way/shape or form....must gallop, I hear the human calling, must hide or at least ignore her....
your glorious cousin
Super Sol

As The Manure Turns said...

Well SS, I sure have missed your wit and wisdom. You are one smart horsie like me!!!! I have been worried about me blog since I have not heard from anyone and I was wondering if it was working you see. The Royal Cousin was supposed to send me something and I haven't heard from her either.


Wild Card eh, does sound like you. Maybe it should be changed to Wild Child!!!!!!

How cool, though hacking with your human while she is riding the Grey Beast. You eatin her stuff. I have a stringy thing too but it has not come out this year. I am waiting for a pink or purple one since the one I have is just blue. Not even an exciting blue, just blue.

Me Mom usually dresses my room for these occasions so I am sure something will come out for Canada Day.

Anyway, I must run and see what is up with the gang.

Thanks for writing me and try and be nice to your human. I love it when she comes to visit me.


Speedy G Harris-Arnold said...

I am a SEAF - The People Pleaser

As The Manure Turns said...

Good to hear from you Miss Speedy G!!! People Pleaser eh, I guess you are at that!!! You pleases the Head Wenches, you pleases your pet teenager, you pleases all the other Wenchettes!!!!

Now I have forgiven you for trying to upsurp me when I was blind a couple of months ago, but I would have been totally P.Oed if you had wrecked me dress!!!

Good thing you getting out and about these days doing the show thing and those ribbons on the door, I hear all the barn is pleased to hear all about it.

See you at the bar!!!
