Monday, June 16, 2008


Busy, busy, busy!!!!!!

All sorts of things going on this weekend. Me and the White Stallion were out in the forbidden fields with our humans when this loud smoke belching two wheel thing came out of nowhere and we were afraid it was going to eat us all!!!! Then I remembered these things from a visit they paid to the farm some time ago but still we all thought it best to turn around and go home since the smoke belcher was going where we were.

When we got back to the legal fields me and the White Stallion had lots of piddle and vinegar in us and we were cantering along the trails. Won't say nothing about the bugs that are the size of stealth bombers though. Then, if you can imagine the White Stallion was gone!!! WTF!!! No way you are going to run home faster than me so I kicked it up a gear. Made my human very happy since she has not felt this pace since my eventing days. I hear her say to the other Head Wench when we caught up "I didn't think she still had it in her" Triple WTF!!! Of course I still have in me. Yeeesh!!! So when we got back to the farm we jumped everything and the White Stallion too. I showed my Mom that I still had it in me. I can still gallop and jump. My Mom was up there saying ''not so fast, not so fast". Don't have it in me indeedy.

The Devil Pony went to a show and my Mom and my BFF's Mom and a whole bunch of other people from the farm went to see her. She was trying a new division and still came home with a ribbon on her door. She said she saw these scary flowers in her jumping round and they kept talking to her so she was scared to jump over them. She told me when we were in our rooms that they kept singing when she was coming up to the jump!!! Yikes!!!!

Plus my BFF and her Mom had a great lesson yesterday. Made my BFF's Mom very happy, happy and all the humans were happy for her too. My BFF's Mom is very happy with her new coach and it is the same coach Twizzle has too. Plus she has a piggy!!! The coach that is, not my BFF or her Mom. It is very cute and my Mom was playing with him yesterday.

Twizzle by the way is almost done her room rest. Another two more weeks to go and I know her Mom will be very happy when this is all said and done. Even though Twizzle has a hurted foot her Mom has been teaching her to long line during her hand walking exercise. Very smart thing because I know Twizzle has been very bored with all this. I love her outfit when she does this, my Mom says it is her bondage gear!!!!!!!

Well my Mom needs the puter to do the work thing to pay for everything for me. OMG I almost forgot I got a new halter this weekend and it has diamonds in it!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is my rock star halter!!!!

Love to all,



Islandgirls said...

hi HRH, its me....Gorgeous Gray...yep, thats my new handle for all you girlies and boys out there. Solitare (aka. MegaBeast, spawn of satan, demon seed, bleepin effer....those are my mums names for her)is so envious of me. All the pictures are of me and everyone thinks I'm the prettiest,well I knew that but was biding my time to shed my dress and shine.....
I have become a tough kid too, I stay out in the rain now and do not like to come in to have a rain dress on, mainly because I have discovered the pur heaven of mud baths, we have our very own built into our pasture.Sol told me that we will soon have company in the form of many black and white fat knobby things that drop messy poop pies everywhere and when they come to visit, Sol and I must go back on the hay bale and leave the lucious green behind,,,,that made me leak but then she said that it was either that or we would have to find new humans to boss about and worry....I like my mum so I am not going to protest....
I am also excited because my rented human is taking me schooling, and she is going to get me a teacher and we will learn together, Sol should come too but she needs to be made go to school and is protesting all the way ...mum says that she has no choice and now that she has checked out all her sick time and insurance coverage, she ia anxious to make Sol go to school too. Must dash, I have green to eat and posies to munch, filling my belly before the spotted monsters arrive.
Love Gray Goddess

As The Manure Turns said...

Hello to you Miss Gray Goddess aka Gorgeous Gray. Good to hear from you. Sol has not sent me a blog note for a little while but I do hear that she is getting the Island version of the polo playing guy in the form of a lady trainer!!!

I was once at a stable that next door they had the spotted blobs as well. Man are they stinky. Not stinky like my friend Stinky at the farm but they smell really, really bad.

I am out naked as well these days but if I come in too muddy I have to go and get the cold hose on me. I really don't mind it too much but I hate it when the hose goes under my tail, if you get my drift. Too cold for the girlie bits and I have to hump my butt. My Mom always always says to the point when I must swat her with my tail. "You can hump your butt like that but can't get it underneath you when we are riding"

Can you imagine the gall??? I roll my eyes and think WTF, why don't you say THAT again.

So sorry that you guys are losing the green stuff. It is going pretty good here this year since we are having rain. Last year none and I know it was causing big stresses on my Mom and the other Head Wench.

Glad to hear that you guys are good and hanging out. You are smart to be nice to your Mom, she is great and brings me nice pressies when she comes. I keep telling Sol that she should be good and get the good life but she is stubborn and won't listen and I fear she will end up in the sale place. This is not a good thing.

Anyway, smack her around the butt for me and tell her to be nice.

Yeesh, I don't understand why she dosn't know this is how you get everything.
