Tuesday, December 28, 2010

NEW STAFF.......

Seems, that the Furry Mouser/Barn Manager has got herself staff!!!!!

Recruiting the local mousers to come in and do her night work while she is hanging out in the club house.

Of course My Mom is very happy about this little development since she loves the FM and wants to keep her safe from the Devil Dogs that dwell near the little farm.

A win win for everyone......... I'm telling the FM's workers to hang in. Once you get a name you are in....... Sure enough this morning My Mom skips in to do our early hay and gets friendly with the little kitty. Soon I hears her says ..... " Peppermint Pattie you're a good girl, You get those mice"

Got a wink from PP, swear I hear her says "score!!!!"

Love to all


Saturday, December 25, 2010



He Came...........

Lots of Swag for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And all my friends....... Gots our stockings filled too!!!!!

Just the effin' best this Christmas thing

Love to all


Friday, December 03, 2010


Is the Christmas month!!!

This is when I have to be good all the bloody time or else I get no swag.........

Things must be heating up since I got the bestest stocking hung on my room door yesterday, plus my very own festive wreath.

Deck the barn with boughs of Holly.........??????

Who the eff is Holly????????

Love to all


Monday, November 15, 2010


Had a big brain fart this morning...........

Apparently biting My Human on the back of the thigh just under her butt is a sensitive area......

Got in big doo-doo. Turned her into a screaming Mimi and got my neck whacked hard.

Feel bad since she was just asking me to move over so she could put my water bucket back up with fresh water since I had been busy making hay soup overnight. I thinks I hurted her feeling since she was really mad and left the barn with out saying how special I ams.

I feel more bad since she has only told me and a couple of the humans the big news from our paddock. A certain someone is leaving and My Mom gave me the heads up so I can resume my rightful position as the Grand Dame. I've been recruiting the new kids to get ready.......

Mind you I think I have a certain right to be P.Oed at her since nothing has come back for me since she went to the Royal Winter Fair to see guess effing what.......??????

Bloody Dressage...........

Usually I get somethin but this year nothin..... Heard her saying to one of lodgers human that everything she liked I already have..... Can't be serious.....

Better spend the rest of the day grovelling

Love to all


Monday, November 08, 2010


It has been a hard slog as of late.


My hind end being not right and then there was that clusterf*ck in the field...... which brought My Mom out of her rooms and into the paddock in her PJ's. Hates that but I was glad to see her and told her I was OK. Ran me around on the bloody longe that afternoon and to make sure I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine I told her and you are just making me dizzy...

No hauling her around either until yesterday since she was hurted as well. We are both fine and went for a little hack yesterday. Seems we are both a little stiff and sore but I hears I'm the one getting the Bowen Lady. So glad that this little perk is coming back to me......

Luuuuuuves her!!!!

Just checking my hay-mail and there are picture thingys of the Halloween dress up but I will post later.

The winter grub has arrived in the paddock and thank the Horse Goddess we got 2 bales in ours!!! Of course DHMBIAB did her usual rubbing of her cooties on the bales!!!! Should have seen the look on the faces of the new ones. Two of them are so grossed out they aren't even touching it yet. Saves the rest of us from running them off. As long as I get mine..........!!!!!

Off to stuff me gorgeous face.......

Love to all


Monday, October 11, 2010


I loves being Canadian. We is different and this is a good thing.

Thanksgiving Pumpkin Smash

Stuff going on at the little farm. More kids in the gang and everyone is gettin' adjusted.


I'm being made to wait at the gate when it is time to go to our rooms. My Mom sees this so I haul her ass around and she makes sure I gets the tall grasses. She says I'm number one with her and she owns the place so that still makes me a big cheese!!!!!!!

Anyway don't really care since today I had a bunch of fun out in the forbidden fields with the Big Guy and The White Stallion.

We are like the Mod Squad.........

Yup, just got out there when I heard a funny noise. I was looking and says to the boys...... Yo ho dumb dumbs....... You hearing this????????? Of course the chick has to do everything........... BOYS, BOYS....... DUMB ASS GELDINGS LOOK TO THE EFFIN' RIGHT AND THE WOODS....

Then we all saw......... This ginormous monster of a machine sucking things in and spitting things out. Are you EFFING kidding me?? W. T EFFIN' F............ I hears My Mom up there saying "you are fine", "you are fine" and I'm thinking I'm going to be finer when I am the EFFING EFF outta here........ Then I see The Big Guy halfpassing across the field, the White Stallion doing his piaffing thing and I'm thinking can I not get away from the bloody dressage..... which distracted me and then the horse eating ginormous monster of a machine stopped.

I've gots the power...........

Made My Mom really happy on that one!!!!!

So it was decided that we would all get over it and off we went. The Mother Nature Dame has been smiling on our part of the world as of late making this a beautiful day to hack about. Jumped over a little log in the woods when My Mom was not expecting it but I must say it felt better than our little jump school over the cavelletti the other day. Not that I'm saying but her timing is a little off...... Needs some coaching......... Made her laugh though.

Everyone came back to the little farm in good moods.

Makes me thinks that since it is our Thanksgiving I should say that I am thankful that I don't have to worry about food and stuff like some other kids that I hear about. Plus I know My Mom is thankful for me..........

Who wouldn't be.......???????

Love to all


Monday, September 20, 2010


Check out the swag!!!!!!
Love to all

BIG NEWS............!!!

The mobile room unit was busy yesterday with comin's and goin's.

First of all My BFF headed off to her show and came back as the champ of the whole year!!!! All of us in our little herd are very proud as well as all the humans. Both My BFF and the Red Headed Wenchette We All Love bested everyone and has ribbon on her door as big as her tail!!!

Well My BFF's tail!!! Picture of this to follow as soon as someone sends to My Human.....

OMG I nearly peed myself on this one....... mind you I have been doing that a lot lately..... digressing here..........

Shake of my fabulous head........

A different mobile room unit came in late yesterday as well. It released a new kid for the farm. It is a poneeeeeeee. The Humans are all cooing and ahing but it is scaring the business out of some of the big kids. I'm thinking have you all never seen a poneeeeeeee????? JJ was blowing and puffing and you should have seen Stinky this morning when she went outside. Telling everyone that the humans are shrinking us all.........

Snort...... A duh!!!!!!

Anyhoo on the peeing issue...... My Human has been rather perplexed as of late with my sudden overwhelming attraction to the new gal in the field. After much discussion the herd has decided that she is just the bee's knees!!!! I love her.......... we all do. I thought I would show her how welcome she is and took matters into my own hooves.

My Mom took me for a hand munch and I dragged her back over to the barn and called from outside to TNG. Need a really special blog name for her......... I called, then ran to our paddock, ran around in it for a bit...... Then came back in and marched My Mom down the other aisle. Poked me head into LMSP's stall, nope you're not the one and then I found her........... Oh New Gal, I love you and then I peed everywhere to show her. You are loved and welcomed. Spent the better part of last week calling over to her everyday from my room on the other side of the barn........... My Mom asked me finally if I was trying out an alternative life style at this point in my life.........


Love to all


Thursday, September 09, 2010


Check it out. My BFF in the ring showin' off at the recent Dressage show.

lookin' at the mud.


Love to all


Wednesday, September 08, 2010


My Mom has been telling everyone that her favorite word as of late has been CLUSTERF*CK!

Things sure have been crazy for everyone at the little farm.

The best news is My BFF TOTALLY cleaned up at a recent show not only getting 2 first place ribbons but won the entire division beating all the other humans with The Red Headed Wenchette We All Love. Pictures to follow as soon as someone sends some to My Human that she can figure out how to work it. I am better at the 'puter than she is. To call her technologically challenged is a freakin' understatement.

Bunch of kids coming and going. We got a new girl in our paddock the other day. Big, really big, really, really big. I was getting totally pissed since she obviously didn't read the script and even though we were all telling her STAY THE EFF AWAY.......... She just kept coming over to us all again and again and again. Gave her the shitty face a bunch of times and Little Miss Sweetie Pie was tossing the bum and yet she just wanted to be with us. Wondering about the sanity of LMSP since she is twice her size for the love of the Horse Goddess...... Digressing........

Had to take matters into my hooves of course and I decided that the best course of action was to guard the gate. I just planted myself there with my posse. Got foiled by My Mom who didn't appreciate my new status as Gate Keeper and routinely came and hustled us out of there and told us to go eat grass. I was prepared to hold out but I got out voted, WTF........


Plus I got a haymail from the Fat Bottomed One in the other barn saying she saw My Human looking up at the ceiling in her barn muttering that it didn't look like that last night. I know how she loves these 6am barn surprises. Apparently it was worse in Stinky's room, but some humans came in and fixed it so it wouldn't fall on his noggin.

She also told me that the rumour is true that they DO in fact have boys in their field. The White Stallion (we only let him think he has his bits.......) is there apparently plus The Kid decided he preferred this paddock to the boys because he has a gelding crush on Golden Boy and he is also out with them. The Kid did his best limbo routine a bunch of times until the humans finally just started putting him out there.

Like My Mom says............


Love to all


Wednesday, August 04, 2010

BACK AT IT............

I guess I shouldn' complain........

As if..........!!!!

Took My Human for a little spin the other day. A little test ride so to speak. See how I was....

Just fine let me tell you....... I strode around the indoor like I was a youngin'. Thinking, you see, that would get me out of there so we could go and hack.

And off we did......... I must say that it was nice to get out back and get re-acquainted with the Portal to Hell ditch and the freaking fly frenzy. No, really, it is was nice, really.....


We were going along the trail..... la tee dah...... When it happened.....

Got stung in the freaking teats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was doing airs above the ground, yelling to My Mom "My teats......my teats............ MY FREAKIN TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETS............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course The Human is up there saying "what the eff............."

The bloody hell I have to go through.......

Love to all except that teat stinging creature


Monday, July 26, 2010

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA........!!!!

I hads to cover me nose with me hoof this morning when I was getting my bloody meds.........

The pressure was wonky in the fat plastic tooby thing and when My Human turned it over it had loud farts and it went everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mostly all over My Human!!!! She has white spots all over her........!!!!


Love to all


Thursday, July 01, 2010


Check this out. What are the humans breeding now????

Never seen a kid like this.......????? The confirmation is funky and I am wondering about the bridle assessory??????


Still, very glad I lives in Canada.

Everyone enjoy the holiday

Love to all


Saturday, June 12, 2010


Been very busy lately with no time to blog until now.

Check this out.... This is the Show Jumping Wannabe......

From the recent show. Handsome devil, me thinks!!! Comes from the land of Edam, Gouda and wooden shoes!!!!

Lots of stuff going on at the little farm. A couple of new boys have rented rooms in the past while. Not really acquainted with them yet since I am setting my sights on MSJW. My Mom keeps calling me a cougar about this which does confuse me since I don't even have fur for crying out loud. This must some bizarre human term that applies more to her gang rather than mine.

Plus I got a new best thing!!! Finally I get to hang my head out my room door. My Mom got me a room rope so I can have my door open. I got stern lecture on keeping me teeths to me-self and if I didn't she would take away this privilege. I took her very seriously on this but got caught tonight at dinner getting pissy with My BFF and in a flash it was gone. Don't get away with nothin' for effs sake. WTF..... Will put my pleading look on but not too much in case she thinks I'm sick and I get the temperature taker up the derriere again.

I always got to be on me hooves, always thinking.....

Love to all


Thursday, May 27, 2010


The mobile room unit pulled up a couple times this Sunday past. First for The Kid and then for My BFF and Mr. Showjumping Wannabe. Remember him from a post past when he jumped out of the paddock??? Really he is training for Dressage. Must have a talk with him about that.


This is My BFF doing her thing with the The Red Headed Wenchette we all love. Their first show together. Everyone was very proud and I don't know how she manages get an entourage every freakin' time. Glad they are all happy though

Mr. Handsome, The SJW was getting his hooves wet checking out the show grounds. Don't have a picture thingy for him. Must get My Human to have his human send me one.

The Kid doing his thing with his entourage. Good week for The Kid. Goes to his first show, is a superstar and then gets himself in the co-ed paddock that came to be this week. Waiting on a hay-mail from the Fat Bottomed One over there to find out what is going on. I tell you though, if they got boys and not us I am going to be un-holy P.Oed. More on that later.... Digressing.......


Check out his HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAHAAAAA. My Mom said it looked like a bad perm she got in the 80's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picture thingy isn't doing this justice. Get My Mom to haymail you the original.......


Love to all


Saturday, May 01, 2010


The human came bouncing into the barn this morning and announced the following little ditty....

"Hay, hay, it's the first of May,
Outdoor screwing starts today.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

My friend in the other field, that fat bottomed gal got this idea a day earlier.

Shimmied under the the fence and got into the gelding field and was being very unladylike enticing the boys.....


Love to all


Saturday, April 24, 2010


Thankfully my master plan worked!!!!

I got my birthday tiara and a sign on the door of my room that lit up announcing that I was the birthday gal!!!!!

Got a HUGE apple and a bunch of swag from My Mom!!!!!

All is well in my world.

Love to all


Friday, April 23, 2010

I'M LEGAL.........



Looking for champagne but The Human has vetoed that.

Was a little surprised this morning when she was getting me ready to go outside. "Oh yeah" she says "its your birthday." "You have a good day"


Ya, right..... You have a good day too Mummy????

Where the eff is my swag????????

Mind you I did get remembered early by My BFF. Smashing BD card and a new pink lead that the Human of My BFF told My Human that it was for me only...

Kind of worried here though......

Maybe I went too far on the fence thing.........???? I know, I will use my horsie sense and send her a message to make her think I did it to HELP her!!!!!! I did it so she would know the fence was down and she would know to fix it before the rest of the gang got out too......

OMG I am so freaking clever........!!!!!

Ya haaaa..... No stopping me

I gots the power...........

Love to all


Monday, April 19, 2010


I am so clever..........

The lovely Dr. M was in today checking out some of our breathin's and I thought I would try to impress upon My Human that there is was nothin' wrong with me hind end since the vet was here already. You know like a 2fer!!!!!

The Day Guy put me out FINALLY after having to wait inside for my turn to have me lungs looked at so I thought there must be somethin' I do to get out of my program?

Ran off like a banshee and ran around the back and I busted down the fence and galloped over to where My Mom and Dr. M were standing in the parking lot.

LOOKIE, LOOKIE I am trotting beautifully, nothing wrong with me. See, my stifle is good.

Of course My Mom is muttering HTF did she get out and Dr. M is putting me back in my room and My Mom finds the busted fence and I hear her say. "WTF is today your day to be the idiot"

Thinking about my little plan not being so great after all since I had to stay in my room until My Mom and the Day Guy made some repairs so we would all stay in our paddock. When she finally came around and asked me if it was really necessary to bust 3 posts and tear down the entire corner of the paddock????

Just doing my thing Mom, just doing my thing.

Off to frolic like a filly

Love to all


Sunday, April 18, 2010



It just hasn't stopped. The human antics out pacing ours!!!!!

Well this one is a combined event.

Seems Elvis was out in the legal fields with his school teacher and she was asking him to put a toe in the pond. Planning for his Eventin' debut and water is part of the course. I thought I could teach him a trick or two on water hazard antics but I bow down to his greatness!!!!

We heard her asking him with the usual stuff. Go on, you're okay........ You can do it......

We all wondered over to see and when he saw us gals he puffed up his chest and in he went......

And went, and went and then he was swimming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Snort, snort, snort...... Phew...........

OMG just the best. Waaaay better than My Human falling in the bog last weekend.


Off to sell tickets to see what the humans do today

Love to all


Tuesday, April 13, 2010



Gots me hooves on the effing 'puter....

I could hardly contain myself on Sunday past.

Seems My Human took pity on My BFF's human and said she would go and get My BFF out of the bog. Along she comes with the Red Headed Wenchette we all love and the rest of the gang were hanging in the bog but not on the farm side of the little creek. First they both sank up to their knees and My Human was swaying around and FELL into the bog. Got sucked up to her elbows.


Then she recovers from this and falls on her ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRIPLE BWWWAAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA, hee, hee heew, sigh!!!!!!!

I was so surprised that I was later dragged away from the green nummies, tacked up and still be on my program.


I'm on a program. The Human thinks my stifle needs some exercise and OMG she has been walking and walking me. Walk, walk a little trot. So Boring......... O lookie, goin' to do a figure eight now. Stifle this!!!!!

So today......... OMG I nearly peed myself with this one.......

Noticed My Mom running around the little farm, all dressed to ride and then she noticed..........

Geldings not where they are supposed to be. I see her drop her stuff and start to go and get them. We are trying to tell her "they busted the gate, they busted the gate" and finally she does some horse listening and realizes HOLY SHIT THEY BUSTED THE GATE.


The next thing the boyz from the hood buzz by on their smoke belcher, just a hootin' and a hollerin' and I watch My Mom go bat shit with this and the geldings thought it best to let them be collected and returned to their paddock. With this mission accomplished she marches, like doodoodoodoodoodoo, doodoodoodoodoo out the hacking gate in search of these boyz. I am thinking holy shitzilla raise the bail money now.

Thankfully My BFF's human arrives and then she heads out the hacking gate in search of My Mom, worried because she found the gates all shut and figured something was up.. Great there goes the bail money and now we may have bail out both of them.

WTF!!!! Just about starting to worry about my future when I see My Mom coming back with no blood on her so I'm thinking this is good. Still will be gettin' my stuff........

I heard My Mom and My BFF's Mom talking and apparently My Mom got the Alpha Mare of one of the boyz and explained to them that jazzing up the geldings is not cool and I should add not to bother us mares either because we will just give you the bum anyway.....

Best part of the whole deal......??????

I got out of my program, I got out my program......

Off to eat the indoor nummies.......

Love to all


Saturday, March 27, 2010


Me and My BFF were just in shock the other morning when we got to our paddock and there was no more winter grub?????? Just the old stuff we had left there the night before. This can only mean one thing............

The green nummies must be coming up. Off we headed down the little hill and behold little green shoots coming up!!!!! Praise the Horse Goddess.......

I loves it when Spring sprungs. Warm days, sunshine even when the skies leak it is nice especially when I get to be outside commando.

I think someone made a deal with The Mother Nature Dame because it has mostly been brilliant here.

Well mostly, the last couple of days have been shit-tastic. Very worried about the status of the green nummies gettin' frozen out there. Thankfully, the catering service is providing the indoor grub to us so we are not wasting away out there. Doin' patrol on the greens and telling everyone to get their bellies adjusted so there is no visits from our health care providers involving the big blue glove and the nose hose.

Off to get the best pile

Love to all


Monday, March 22, 2010


The Mother Nature Dame has been a regular Joan Rivers this month.

Turned on the oven for the last little while and made the green nummies start coming. Then she fooled everyone on the official first day of the spring month and made it cold again and even tossed some of the white stuff around yesterday.

Cheered up My Mom last night. Took her into the arena to play carrot tag with me. Thinking she needed the exercise but most certainly she needed a giggle. Had to make sure I didn't go too far because she fears when I am being sweet that there is something wrong with me and I end up with the temperature taker up my derriere!!!!!!

Anyhoo....... Soon the outdoor will be ready for us all and I can go hacking and snatch the big green nummies on the fly. Head over to the forbidden fields again. Did a little scout on them the other week with the White Stallion and his Mom. Was ok but had to slog through a whole bunch of deep white stuff. Thankfully I gots the Bowen Lady right after who fixed me up. Man I loves her!!!!

Well here's to Spring and Summer soon after

Love to all


Sunday, February 28, 2010


WTF...... WT SERIOUS F.............................. But then I think better about blogging about it since all it does is give me an effing headache and all....

The February month is ending finally and I think I spooked the Horse Goddess a few opinions ago saying nothing was happenin.........

I know for sure My Human is done with it even though she seems to have caught olympicitis and has been watching things like 2 man luge, speed skating and other sports that involve humans hurling themselves down mountains, ice sheets and flying through the air with sticks on their feet??????

As long as it doesn't involve ME actually participating in no winter events except hacking with no cart pulling involved, I'm as liberal as the next filly.

Yet, during this February month there were things that happened that were with some humour. The Show God sent me a haymail saying that My Human was escorting him back to his room the other day and got herself cast in a snowbank!!!! No pictures though.....!!!!!!

Speaking of haymails, I got one from my old buddy Bob who used to be at the riding school a bazillion years ago with me and got adopted by one of My Mom's friends. Sadly she has a a very hurted back and was just worried sick about what to do. There were haymails between her and Auntie Bren and as luck with have it, Auntie Bren in Newfoundland is taking him to hang out with the Island Girls on The Rock.

Bob is just stoked thinking about meetin' all the girls and everyone is happy, happy. Glad that My Mom has nice friends and I must remember to suck up to them the next time they are around just in case!!!!

Just glad the February month is ending and things will not be so crazy at the little farm for the March month.

Here's hopin'

Love to all


Sunday, February 21, 2010

SNORTIN' PUPPIES................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The humans were worried that I was going to eat him but My Mom said I like puppies better than humans and got no argument from me.

Off to hack



Tuesday, February 02, 2010


We heard the bloody rodent saw his shadow and tells there will be no early spring again this year on the little farm.

Being nice about it since the Mother Nature Dame has been pretty nice to us all considering the time of year and what happens when she gets riled up. Yeesh.

Not much happening around here, in fact almost boring.

I know, I know I should not speak too soon!!!!

Off to keep everyone in line

Love to all


Monday, January 18, 2010



I was getting everyone in their proper positions this morning when Little Miss Sweetie Pie flipped me the bird and I had to take care of this pronto. I marched at her right away with my shitty face on and then she deked right and three guesses on who was standing there.

My Human!!!!!!

Did a quick right myself and pretended like I didn't do nothin' and drank up some water really quick.

My Human stood there laughing her ass off at me again!!!

Gettin' away with nothin' lately

Such insolence will not be tolerated.

Must think of a way to punish the insurgents


Sunday, January 17, 2010

WINTER IS NOT SO BAD.............

My Human showed up in our paddock the other day and asked me if I wanted to go for a hack and off we went.

I was styling in my blue bling quarter sheet with no sign of anything I had to pull thank the Horse Goddess. I was having such a good time I shimmied out of my sheet and kept on going. My Mom only noticed this when we got back to the little farm so we had to go back out again to find it!!!! Snagged it back again and I still felt like hacking some more so I kept going past the doors and thought I should thank the Horse Goddess for her intervention on the pulling issue and headed for the church across the street. No sign of her but I notice there was a resemblance to deliverance at the car garage on the corner!!!!!!

Got dragged out again yesterday and was thinking "whoa"............. Let's not over do this. Twice in one week is not on my agenda. Humoured My Mom anyway and when I got back to the little paddock and caught up with MY BFF it seems that My Mom is also galumphing around on her too while her Mom is on a little trip. Apparently My Mom feels bad about riding her and not me because she is usually short on time because of the goings on at the little farm. Must send My Mom a hay mail and tell her that it is really OK, really, truly, really, really.

Rumour has it The Bowen Lady is coming today. Been a while on that little frill and I was wondering what happened. Can't wait. She makes me feel like a filly on a spring day!!!!

Just going to hang out at the bale until it is my turn today.

Love to all


Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Well the New Year opened up with the Old Man Winter dude tossing the winged monkeys at us and making the sky toss the white stuff all over the place.

We have all just been slogging in it.

Seems like my buddy The Grey Beast out in Newfoundland has been pressed into alternative means of transportation for her human. I nearly snorted roughage chunks out my nose when I saw this given My Human's penchant for trying new things with me.

Goin' to lay low on this one so she forgets about it.

Best that I appeal to the Mother Nature dame to turn the oven on a bit so the white stuff goes away and this will not be an issue for me.

The things I need to take care of.....


Love to all