Friday, December 28, 2007


Happy New Year to everyone!!!!

Short little note today since I am off to the round bale to git mine!!!!

Love HRH

Happy New Year

Monday, December 24, 2007


I wish all my friends and my human's friends a very merry Christmas. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy holiday.

I am a very lucky girl to have a nice room at night and lots of space to roam with my girlies during the day.

I gave me Mom a great ride the other day since I have heard the rumour that our Coach is coming soon and we are going to show in the spring. I am so excited. So I showed my superior moves to the White Stallion in the arena. I so rock!!!!

To my BFF, The LandShark, Diva, The new Girl, Speedy G, Devil Pony, Twizzle, Brad Pitt, The Czar, Mr. Cool, The White Stallion, Stinky & Juan, and my friends the Island Girls, thanks for being my friend and have a great holiday. I hope Santa brings you lots of stuff. I did ask him to when the girlies and I had our road trip last week. I said you all were just the best.

Merry Christmas

Love HRH Christmas Tree

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

TIS THE SEASON..............

Well I am just so stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laugh

We had our barn Christmas party on the weekend and you should see what my human got and even better it is stuff for ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The other humans gave her stuff for ME!!!!!!!!! How smart are they???? Just the best, since you all know EVERYTHING is about ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a really cool bling saddle pad and GUESS WHAT??????? It has my name on it. Mine, all mine, mine, mine mine!!!!! And it is purple, my favorite colour. Plus it has pink on it which is my human's favorite colour. Just the best.

I also got a new flash rock and roll halter with silver on it. My favorite. Mom says it is my dress halter for when we have parties and guests at the farm. I can't wait to wear it. It so rocks.

I am as usual just the belle of the barnyard. Hot, hot, hot I am!!!!

Keep the gifts coming!!!!!

I like this Christmas thing. More stuff for ME!!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Wow, a big day!!!!

I heard the humans talking about what they are getting us all for Christmas and I heard that I'm getting hanging balls. That can only mean ONE thing. I'm finally going to get to put out!!!!!

So Twizzle, my BFF and the LandShark were talking over the hay bale and we thought it would be smart for us to go and get pressies for our humans. Off we went to the big city. It was so much fun. I heard that my Mom has Calvin near to her heart. Nothing comes between her and Calvin, whoever the hell he is.

So we gallop off and the four of us arrive in the big city just a styling. They were very surprised that four such beautiful specimens are running around the perfume and makeup department in this really big house in the city. Good thing for us the lady there spoke horse and I got my Mom her present and I know she will just smell great. It even has stuff for her hair so I won't be grossed out if I bite errrrr smell it!!!!!

Twizzle, My BFF and the LandShark got stuff too but they won't let me tell in case their humans read my blog, which, of course I know they all do. The LandShark was muttering about having to sneak back the credit card.

We went every where, checked out the Museum, the Art Gallery, and I checked out my old pals the police horses at the stable I was at ages ago. It was hard to drag the girls away from these guys, but I kept them in line. I didn't bring Diva for obvious reasons. She would NEVER have kept her dress on.

We visited Santa and told him what I want, what I really, really want for Christmas. He asked me if I have been a good girl and I thought WTF are you kidding me??????? Do you know who I am??????

So we are thinking we better haul our pretty butts back to the farm before the day Wench finds us missing and sends out an APB. Or worse calls my Mom or any of our Moms.

So back we are without anyone being the wiser, but Speedy G and the Devil Pony are threatening to tell on us. Gave those two mare glare and told them they better keep their big fat traps shut or I would make sure there were no carrots in their stocking at Christmas. I can because I am now friends with Santa!!!

Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle all the way. All the way baby!!!!

Can't wait


Friday, December 07, 2007


OMG - It has been a terrible week for me. Not getting anything at all. Not a happy girl.

I have hardly seem my human all week and when I do I give her the bum. No way she is ignoring me and getting away with it. Well......... not sure maybe I should think this one over since she is the provider of all.

I heard the humans talking and it seems she has had to have some work done on her teeth. I get work done on my teeth by the yummy Doctor V.A and I don't disappear for a week. Mind you I get to go on a nice vacation when this happens. I have been everywhere after I get the needle in my neck. Bora Bora, Badminton, Churchhill Downs..........!!! I am such a star!!!!! My human on the other hand looks like a chipmunk!!!! A not very attractive one at that. Looks like she is storing roughage cubes in her cheek!!! I think I better shut up in case she read this. HEE HEE. Love ya Mom, you rock!!!!

Plus, the white stuff just keeps coming and coming and coming. WTF is up with this. I don't live on Baffin Island. It is covering everthing, the hay, the paddock, the fences everything. I am so glad I have my winter styling shoes so I can get around safely.

My love life has also gone for a poop. I noticed last night that Mr. Cool seems be in love with Diva. You should have seen the two of the going at it. I am thinking like go get a room you two. Yeesh. I am pissed at her let me tell you. First the lovely Juan, then Brad Pitt and now she is honing in on Mr. Cool. Some guys just don't respect the nice girls and only go for the fast and easy ones. I want to put out but my Mom says no way, so I don't get any. Another reason to give her the bum.

Anyway, must be off. The haybale is calling me and I want to get there before the LandShark eats it all. At least she has been keeping her dress on lately.


Friday, November 30, 2007

IN DEEP DO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG I had a huge brain freeze this morning.

Me human was putting on my sparkly purple bell boots this morning and she lost her balance and bumped into my chest. I am very sensistive there and I was thinking WTF is happening and I bit her head.

Holy crap is her head big!!! I couldn't get my jaws around it so I gnawed on it a bit and all of a sudden she starts yelling "are you biting my effing head???"

I realized what I was doing and starting sucking up really big time. Worked too!!! We stood there looking at each other and I am thinking what do you put in your hair. No show sheen on her, tasted like crap. I am like blech, yuck, GROSS. Of course I didnt' SAY this to her I was saying I am SO SORRY Mom, please don't be mad at me. I love you Mom, you are the best. Here let me pick the hay off your pants. Gimme a kissy Mom, I love you!!!

Anyway she must be ok about it since I got my hay and some extra attention before she went off to work. Good thing she works so I get my bills paid. It was silly of me to bite the provider of all stuff I get. Better behave, Christmas is coming.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


A big howdy do to everyone.

Sorry been too busy to write. Hanging out with my posse takes effort ya know!!!!

I was very surprised to get out to the paddock the other day and the white stuff had come down and stayed on the ground. My human is running around complaining that it feels like January and not November. It is very cold and I have on my winter dress. Oh very excited. I got my new bell boots and they are purple with sparkles. I am the bomb. Lady flash.

Things have been boring lately which I know makes the humans running the place happy. You would think that she has more time for me but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I am not being treated with what I am due. I barely get a smile and a nod these days. Sure she comes in and I see her first thing in the morning and she tucks me in at night, but gone are the days of lazy grooming and all the treats I can eat. I must confess I get my treats at the end of the day when all the other humans have gone and she is checking all us kids. I get special attention then but I should be getting more. More for me I say.

Still, I am the Queen of hill. Got my new winter shoes which is a good thing since the white stuff came down. I am not slipping or walking on high heels. The LandShark's shoe dude didn't do her or Stinky and the LandShark says she will bite his ass when she seems him next so he better watch out. She will git him for sure!!! Ha Ha. Should be fun to hear about.

Well the round bales are calling me and I must get my share.

Talk soon


Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well the humans finally got around to getting the round bales out to our fields and us girls are feeling pretty special because we got two!!!! How about that. There are 8 of us now.

We have been munching away for days now and the other day it was so nice that me, my BFF and the LandShark all settled in for a big nap. I was not impressed and neither was the LandShark when my human came and woke me up since she wanted to go hacking. I was like mumble, grumble OMG you are making me get up. LandShark was out cold and she was like "where am I" when my human was getting me. The human had a big laugh at her , big tough sleepy heads all of you, sleeping in your hay. I am thinking we are going to eat it anyway and it makes for a soft bed. Go away, but of course I was dragged into the barn and tacked up and off we went. Don't really mind though. I love hacking.

I was showing my superior moves to the White Stallion and boy was I on. I feel good!!!! I am just the belle of the barnyard I tell you. No one is hotter than me. I am trying to get the human to get us showing again, but I fear she is not in shape. She had better start working out soon so I can show my superior moves. Must send an email to the coach, get her up so the human can practise jumping things.

Not much else has been happening in my life, but I know my human has been a wee bit stressed lately. Other humans are bugging her and that takes away from me and I don't like that very much. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! JUST STOP IT NOW. If you don't stop bugging her and the other head wench I will get the LandShark and we will git ya. Don't let the barn gate hit you on the butt passing by our stalls, ya hear!!!! Ok mini rant over!!!

Still I am very excited because I think this is the day the carrot lady comes. Yippee!!!

Ok off to bale, move over LandShark time for me nap.


Monday, November 12, 2007


My human headed off to the Royal Winter Fair with the human of my BFF and I told her "Don't you dare come home without a present for me" And you know what???? She came home with the best new thing for me. I have new jammies!!!! I can wear them under my smashing purple rain sheet and I'm just styling. I have, are you ready pink jammies with cave horse drawings on them. Just the best thing. No one else has this!!!!! I am just a fashion maven. They peek out from under my rain sheet and all the boys are just looking at me because I am the barn yard hottie for sure!!!!!!

The humans were busy all weekend with the arena so I only went hacking with the White Stallion on Saturday. We were heading out to the forbidden fields when all of a sudden we started hearing strange noises. My human and the other head wench were wondering if this noise was coyotes or kids making fun of them. All of a sudden we all hear this yelling at us to git off our land. The humans are like WTF??? So they decided to go see what what was up.

We turned around and me and the White Stallion thundered up to where the noise was coming from and we were surprised to see little kids. Boy were they surprised to see us. Me and the White Stallion blowing fire out our nostrils since we had been disturbed from our little hack. These boys had eyes the size of round bales when they saw us there.

Anyway we soon were on our way again and it was a lovely fall day. Nice and cool and sunny. Just the best.

When I got home, this is when I got my wonderful pressy. I am so happy. Just happy, happy, happy.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


HRH has let me borrow her blog for today. Thank you very much dearhart but quit talking about my butt or I am going to git ya!!! No not really, all in good fun. If you havn't guessed I am the LandShark and I want to talk about what happened to my Dad and put the rumours to rest.

Seems some other horse at the farm where he works bit my Dad. Bit part of his finger right off and people are talking that I did it. I did NOT. I love me Dad and me Mom and even the head wenches from time to time, when they give me mints. I love mints!!!! And carrots!!!! And apples too!!!!!

I would never bite him and I really don't want to bite anyone else for that matter. I am very worried because he has this nasty thing on his hand and it looks pretty bad. If anything happened to my Dad or Mom I would be very worried about what would happen to me. Until I owned them I didn't have a great life but now I do, just like HRH!!!

I know this other horse feels really bad that he did this. HRH picked up the signal on the hayfield express and he has sent his heartfelt apologies via the hay-mail. He said he was very sorry this happened and asked that we put it up on the blog because he said he keeps leaking every time he thinks about what he did.

HRH says there is nothing to worry about since my Mom and HRH's Mom will help with me and Stinky until he gets better.

I think this true so I'm off to scare someone now. I will get HRH to help me


The LandShark

Monday, November 05, 2007


OMG - You should have been here this weekend. The LandShark, the Diva and the New Gal are all in heat and are carrying on with Juan and Brad Pitt. I am talking full blown winkin' and blinkin' and carrying on.

Brad Pitt had the LandShark by her dress and was trying to rip it off her. Be still my aching eyes but she was LETTING him do this. Diva was a squealin' at Juan and then the New Gal was trying to hone in on both of them and they LET her. What is up with that.

Of course I was acting like the lady I am. Personally after all this going on the weekend I am going to set my sights on Mr. Cool. He is very debonair, handsome and I bet he would not be sniffing up the butts of those three hoes!! I am sure he knows a classy lady when he sees one.

You should have seen turn in last night. Diva was so intent on getting to Juan she broke in the back door of his barn and was standing there when my human brought in the new girl. Then the Devil Pony got in the act. Well my Mom made short shrift of this and told them to get their skanky butts to their own stalls NOW. Both of them made hay for the big barn where they live and they went to their own rooms before they got in trouble with my Mom. The Devil Pony said they now know where the carrot and apple stash is in the other barn and that is what she was looking for not one of the boys.

Now Twizzle and the LandShark are upset with the Devil Pony because they think she is stealing their treats.

What I have to go through around here to keep the peace. It is just a darn good thing I am so good natured.


Friday, November 02, 2007


Got an message from my human's coach on my email which is really how I like to hear from her. Better than having her make the human crawl up on my back and expect me to haul her around the riding ring doing things that will help the human's riding skills. I am perfect of course the coach is there strickly for the human's benefit, just so we are absolutely clear on this.

Anyhoo this has the HRH stamp of approval and I am sharing it all with you and I have added my comments of course.


1. We do not need to show up with our hair combed, make up on and wearing a clean shirt

2. Moaning groaning and complaining about aching muscles is perfectly acceptable as is taking motrin before a ride

3. Helping someone on or off the horse does not mean the rider is an invalid. It only means thehorse got taller overnight

4. No one will comment on how big the someone's butt looks in a saddle. Ok, HRH interjecting here. Good thing the LandShark dosn't sit in a saddle with HER butt!!!! YOWZA!!!

5. Everyone will wait, patiently while someone dismounts and adjusts equipment. Everyone must also wait patiently until that person remounts and is ready to move on. No matter how long that takes.

HRH advice here - take this opportunity to eat what ever is around you when this happens. You must make sure you slobber up your bit. Human do love to clean off the crust after you have been riding.

6. When a horse is acting up we will accept that the horse is just having a bad hair day and it is not the riders fault - HRH - DUH!!!

7. Mentioning it is too hot, too dry, too humid, too wet, too buggy etc is considered selfexpression, not whining

8. Wanting to be first, last, walk, or just stop does not mean the rider is a wimp. Sometimes it is
necessary to teach a horse who is in charge.

HRH- THAT is so funny. The humans think they are in charge. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

9. We will acknowledge that horses are very strange animals and sometimes for no reason we fall off them. If this happens to any rider the other riders will ascertain that the person is ok and then not mention the incident to another living soul, expecially husbands and significant others.

HRH - But the horses will take this back to the hayfield and all have a good laugh at the humans expense. This is especially true for the East Coast Princess who writes here underthe handle of Island Girls.

10 Our horses are not fat they are big boned - HRH enough said!!

11 Looking at my bouncing fat is NOT an acceptable way of determining if I have a good seat. My fat always bounces, thank you. It is cushion I carry in case I fall off.

12 Although I will beat your butt around the next corner I need to tell you again "I am not competitive.

13 I never treat my horses to anything I don't like myself. Ever tried hay???

HRH - leave my bloody hay alone. YEESH!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007


I shot the sheriff.............

Not sure what the human is talking about but she says I have dreadlocks. She says I am a Rasta horse.

I have been in the far end of the field with my good buddy the LandShark and we keep coming back with burrs on us. I had them in my mane, tail, forelock, on my purple rainsheet. Just covered was I. The human even came out in the field to take them off me yesterday. I am thinking that she should just leave me alone to eat. I was embarrassed that she was picking them off me so I took it out on the Diva. I didn't dare give the human mare glare so Diva was in my line of fire and she got the ugly face. WTF is up with the human, next thing you know she will be out there cleaning my privates.

I caught a glimpse of the neck on the White Stallion the other day. Halter tag gone amok with Stinky. Those two boys, well using the term loosley play rough. So WS has a big lump on his neck which didn't make the other Head Wench happy. He spit all over my human the other night when she gave him meds to bring down the swelling. I was so laughing in my room since she was covered in white slop. Got away with it too. She still tucked me in that night with my carrot ration. I so rule!!!!!

It was pretty boring this weekend. The human didn't get on me at all, but I did get a good grooming last night and got lots of treats so that was fine, fine, fine.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I have just the best life. I'm all dressed up in my purple rain sheet looking so hot and guess what??????? Brad Pitt thinks I'm all that so he went out and got the same one. Now of course I am still a little miffed by his wait in line comment last week so I'm not letting him know that I think he is really hot too.

LandShark said last week that she knows more boys on the farm so I have made it my mission to meet them all and I have met Mr. Cool. Tall dark and very handsome is he and he lives in my barn down the aisle from Brad Pitt. I think he is really sexy too. He hangs out in the paddock over the driveway near the White Stallion and Stinky. He can see me from his field and I have noticed him looking at me with sexy eyes. Boys oh Boys more boys for me!!!! Now if I can just convince the human that I have needs that don't involve a big blue glove.

We have had a new gal join out little herd. Another chestnut mare like my BFF, Twizzle and LandShark. She is nice though. LandShark went right up to her when she came in and said I am the boss, don't you forget it EVER. The new gal said ok fine. I went over and spoke to her but she was kinda spooked after the LandShark spoke to her and I have explained to her that even though the LandShark THINKS she is the boss, she had better pay heed to me since I am the one really in charge. Stop your laughing BFF and Twizzle, see my face not looking nicey nicey at the two of you. I MEAN it stop laughing at me.

Oh the hell with you two. Oh LandShark, Twizzle and my BFF says your butt is really, really big!!!!

Don't mess with me, I can be evil.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


So yesterday I was talking about us all wanting boyfriends and Speedy G reminded me that we have some guys attached to our own field. She has been holding out on me. Speedy and I go back a long way but my nose has been out of joint with her since she has been a big huge braggart about her showing this summer. Gives me more reason to give her the bum, but I will tell on her so you all know what is going on.

Seems she has been flirting with Brad Pitt and the Czar over the fence line and the guys have been drinking up at our watering hole and Speedy calls this the bar. They guys come over and get a drink and they all hang out talking. I am mightly miffed that I have not been informed and I can't repeat what the LandShark said. It seems that the Devil Pony is the bartender.

Well I marched over this morning to see for myself and sure enough there is Brad Pitt. I reminded him that we were an item at a former stable and he just tossed his head with his jaunty red fuzzy and said get in line baby. Can you imagine the nerve. Me, waiting in line for a boy. My BFF started to laugh and I had to tell her to simmer down or I would get the Landshark after her. That scared her into poopin her panties I tell ya. Mind you my BFF likes to play chicken with the LandShark from time to time. She goes over to her and pokes her and then runs away laughing. I think she is on crack when she does that.

Then my BFF tells me there are more boys on the farm. There are more beside Stinky and the White Stallion and there are the really big boys in the far field. Why have we not been introduced I ask. The LandShark says she has met everyone since she used to be able to run away when the humans were trying to get her outside. She says the reason she did this is because she wanted to make sure that all the boys in the barn thought she was the most beautiful and the most popular. Harumph I think they couldn't see you past that big huge butt you have. OMG she is coming after me. Where is my Mom. No really LandShark you are as beautiful as me, you are, really you are.

I am such a liar!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Twizzle, My BFF and the LandShark were thinking the other day that it would be a good thing for us to all have boyfriends. I am telling the girlies things are just not done naturally any more.

A couple of years ago I was the superior horse at a lousy stable and the silly woman actually bred horses. I was so jealous thinking these Oldenburg girls were having one up on me and having their own boyfriends but then my Mom explained to me about the big blue glove and that ended that notion.

We have a couple of guys we get to look at everyday. We all think that Juan is very sexy and he is tall dark and handsome, but right now he seems to be into Diva (not literally - in case either of their humans are reading this!!!) Of course he likes me the best and is just trying to make me jealous by hanging out with her but I stick my nose in the air, while she sticks up her tail. The little tart. No idea where she learned that.

We all get to look at the White Stallion and Stinky too. They look like twins. In fact they both have the same dress!!! Two metrosexuals at the barn. These guys spend more time playing with each other than looking at us girls. What is up with that I ask. The LandShark knows Stinky quite well since they are related and I know the White Stallion since his human is the other Head Wench at the barn. LandShark says they are just not into us. I can't imagine why but LandShark says I need to read some book and move on.

I think the LandShark has been watching too much Oprah and Dr. Phil!!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007


I was hanging out yesterday with Twizzle, my BFF and the LandShark and we are wondering where the heck the Devil Pony and Speedy G. have gotten to. The wenchettes didn't put them out. We kept looking and looking but they were no where.

This morning they are skipping around the field with their noses in the air acting like they are superior to the rest of us. The LandShark is like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!!

Of course I have to act as peacemaker and it turns out they were at a show yesterday with two of the wenchettes and they came home with ribbons. Speedy G is especially proud of her human since they came in 2nd place in a big class and she has the ribbons on her door to prove it.

I knew all this of course since the Devil Pony has the room next to me and was telling me all about it last night when they got home. The Devil Pony has lots of ribbons on her door from showing all summer and she just braggs all the time. I keep trying to get the human to drag out my ribbons from my show days for my door but she says I have to actually do a new show before this will happen. I say bring it on and she just laughs.

Twizzle says she went to a show with her human and she got ribbons too. Now I want to show off too but the human says that will involve work and getting fit and all so I'm kinda thinking that would be hard and I would rather be eating.

We are all very excited as well since the humans have brought out our dresses to wear since the weather here is getting colder and it has been raining a lot. Mine is splendid purple number that shows off my figure to the best advantage. I am so hot!!! Just call me the barnyard hottie.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Nothin goin on. Just eatin and poopin and eatin and poopin. Hanging out with my girlies.

I think someone has put valium in the water

Yeesh, someone stir the pot will ya

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I hope that all the friends of my human had a happy Thanksgiving and ate lots of turkeys. Best thing about them is on the dinner table but I digress here. If you know my human please tell her to stop talking about the turkey hack and bolt from years ago. It is getting around the barnyard and my reputation is at stake here. YEESH!!!! MOM!!!!!!

Anyhoo, I start the weekend doing what I do best (eating and hanging out for those who don't know) and I am thinking it will be that way all weekend. Saturday morning I see my human coming for me and I think she coming out to give me a scratch and treat, but noooooooooo she is dragging me in the barn. I'm thinking, you are disturbing my day and WHY are getting me early anyway. Turns out I'm going on a hack with my BFF, The White Stallion and the Diva. I had to protest and I tried to tell my human we are not going, I want to eat, bugger off but AS USUAL she MAKES me go. The White Stallion is getting to close to my beautiful butt and I had to give him mare glare. He understands that perfectly and even though he is a boy (he thinks he has his bits and we don't tell him otherwise) he got off my ass. My human dragged us all over the fields but I must admit it was nice to get out with my girlies.

Then again yesterday. I am thinking this all too much. I don't work this hard anymore and why are you getting me again. Back out hacking with the White Stallion and his human. We went to the forbidden fields and it was sooooooo hot out. We are cantering along and the White Stallion is getting way ahead of me. I just can't imagine his gall so I take matters into my own hands and deke across the hay field trying to cut him off. Of course my human is having none of this and I even saw him laughing at me when she made me stop. The nerve. Anyway I made sure I was in front for the way home and when we got there all the other kids saw me coming in first. At least I got a nice shower and got to eat grass in the special field.

Very excited, the carrot lady came today. Treats for me!!!!

Friday, October 05, 2007


The other day the wenchettes let me and my posse outside and we were doing our thing and then suddenly I hear this loud noise coming up the driveway. Me, my BFF and the Land Shark (the Land Shark thinks she is the boss of all of us but we just let her think that - we are not scared of her) are looking at this human on this mechanical thing with two wheels and it is belching noise and smoke and stuff. Suddenly there are 5 or 6 of them plus a whole bunch of those bicycle things and strange humans running all over the farm.

I know my human likes to sleep on Sunday morning and all of a sudden I see her coming out and marching down the driveway. Since I have superhorse senses I can read her mind and she is muttering WTF. Seems these people have set up for a bike ride and are using our farm as a rest stop. I can tell my human is not amused. The Land Shark and I are waiting for the fireworks to start and I can see her waving her hands around. Soon the belching two wheelers are moved and the bike things are on their way and we have peace and quiet in our little home.

I heard the humans talking the other night and the bike people sent to the farm a really nice gift basket with all sorts of stuff that humans like to eat. The Land Shark told me there are good things in there that she likes and I had better get the apricots for her or she will beat me up in the paddock. HAHAHAHA, as if, I will let my Mom deal with her

Friday, September 28, 2007

Getting to Know Me


Some of you may have received my emails in the past but now I have my own blog. For those who don't know me I am a 16 year old gorgeous horse who lives the best life at a boarding stable that my human has in Canada. Life hasn't always been that great for me but since I have owned my human for about 9 years now, she makes sure I get everything and I am her pride and joy. For those who know, you all understand why. For those who have yet to meet me you will understand why.

I hang out all day with my posse. A group of great gals. There are 7 of us in our little field at at the moment.

All together we have many horses on our farm. Big ones, little ones, pretty ones (of course I am the prettiest).

We all have pretty good adventures and I will tell you all about them.