Thursday, December 31, 2009


I can't believe that not only is it a new year but a whole new decade!!!

Where does the time go???? Hard to thinks about how much stuff has gone on since the beginning of this decade and now we are at the end of it already.

I hopes everyone has a fun time tonight and very happy and prosperous 2010 so you can look after your furry kids in style!!

New Year Cheer

Love to all


Saturday, December 26, 2009

BOXING DAY GREETINGS..........!!!!!!


I was not able to get me hooves on the 'puter yesterday to wish everyone a Merry Merry so since this is Canada and we also celebrate this day HAPPY BOXING DAY to everyone. Not sure what it is all about since I don't seen no humans with boxing gloves on but this is a boarding stable.... Hee hee!!!!!!


OMG I got the best thing for Christmas. Diamonds!!!! Yup!!!! On a new halter. I even modeled it for My BFF's human. Stylin..... Can't wait for the rest of the girls to see it but I said to My Mom this morning that I wanted to save it for later to show my girls since the Mother Nature Dame is leaking all over us and I want to keep it nice. Plus I gots pink sparkle bell booties.

I was very worried you see..... nothing came out when all the humans descended on the barn to help My Mom on Christmas morning.

Soon, everything was done and we came in early so all the humans could eat their turkey. I am SO in favour with this tradition since you all know how I feel about meeting these creatures when I am hauling My Human around the fields legal or otherwise.........

Once we were in I got my pressies and lots of treats so order had been restored to my world.

Joy to my world........

Love to all


Saturday, December 19, 2009


So VERY excited!!!!!

I gots my first EVER personal Christmas Card in the snail mail from my homeys out in Newfoundland!!!! THANKS!!!!!!! Me Mom came and put it on the door of my room!!!! Hey Jiglet looks like you on it. It also looks like the Barnyard Baroness who currently resides on our little farm.

Getting very festive!!!!! My room is decorated and I have a stocking to fill!!!


Plus I heard My Mom talking and she told one of the other humans that she got my pressie already!!!! Can't wait!!!!


I have been a very good girl.........


Love to all


Monday, December 14, 2009


OMG!!!!!!!!!! Look what the humans are doing.........!!!!

Little Miss Sweetie Pie all decked out!!!

Where are the boughs of holly????

Better not try this on me unless there is a tiara involved!!!!

Love to all


Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Well the weather outside is frightful....
But the hay is so delightful......
But as long as I am loved so......
Let it snow, let it snow.....

Apologies to the human who wrote the song... I think my version is catchy, n'est pas????

Well, WTF happened??? Winged monkeys howling outside, My Human showing up looking like a Yeti, not going out to our paddock but rather put in the indoor with MY BFF while our rooms were being done.

The Old Man Winter Dude came riding in last night and this morning. I guess we can't complain too much since this is Canada after all and we was eatin' up green yummies until recently.

At least I am able to get me hooves on the 'puter finally.

Bunch of new stuff. Got a new gal in our little herd. She is a Cheval Canadien. I have decided that she will help me with one of my old missions to only communicate en Francais!!! Must let her near the bale so she can keep up her strength.

A new boy too!!! Calling him Mr. Walmart since he is greeting all the kids as they are put out saying "Welcome to the paddock and have a nice day!!!!" Personally I would bite him since I feel the same about this store as My Human. Not that there is anything wrong with it but I understand there was a road trip that involved her being dragged into every Walmart from Toronto to Baltimore and I think she said something rude to a poor human greeter when she was at the 6th one. No idea where she gets this from!!!!

It is the Christmas month!!! Makes me very excited!!! My Mom hung my stocking which says I have been very good. This is true. Fill it up will ya. I didn't even get a lecture this year about getting on my blog and trolling for treats. Not doing that even now...

Really, I am not.....


Love to all


Sunday, November 22, 2009


Sing my song..... Apologies to Led Zeppelin........

Was a rambling out in the legal fields for a bit yesterday before I joined the fabulous JJ and Grace Kelly in the indoor. Had to give Gracie lots of mare glare in case she felt she would hone in on one of my boys but then she reminded me that he is her brother for F's sake. She even said the real word but being a lady I won't repeat it.

Not a whole lot going on my world. My BFF says the Bowen Lady is coming again for us and I am looking forward to that. Fabulous. The Bowen Lady lays her hands and makes me feel like I got a neck poke and I don't get violated in any way after!!!

How good is this????

Uber good I say.

Love to all


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Is here.

Usually The Mother Nature Dame is busy in cahoots with The Old Man Winter Dude but not this year. Finally it has become nice in our little neck of the woods. After months and months of slogging in it we have some nice days with sunshine and even the green yummies have started growing again. Praise be!!!!!

I was seriously P.Oed when My Mom went to the Royal Winter Fair and nothing came out for me. WTF is THIS I wonder. Rumour has it that she got new pink boots for her and My BFF overheard the humans yakking and apparently there are pink boots for me too but I have yet to see them. Mind you I did get a new smashing pink bucket for me room which I just love.

New kid across the hall, youngster, haven't thought of a blog name for him yet but I must say I do admire his style. Made a HUGE entrance to our little farm when My Mom introduced him to what was supposed to be his new gang and all seemed to be well at first but then a couple of hours later he decided to show off his jumping abilities and leaped out of the paddock!!!! Came running down the side of our paddock beside the indoor making all sorts of noise and you should have seen all the humans running around totally freaking out!! BAAAAWAAAHAAAAHAAAA!!! He is now hanging out next to Stinky in private quarters.

I tested My Mom's reflexes the other day when I realized the tire jump had been renovated and I took great affront to this. Silly woman was hanging off me after I did a spooky dookey side pass combination at it. Got me ran over to this for a good look. Yeah, yeah seen it before, done it before just wanted to make sure you were awake up there Mom!!!! Yeesh...... Not like I was trying to dislodge you on purpose or anthing.

I hear we have some new kids coming at the end of the month and a new gal for our little gang.

Well off to make sure that DHMBIAB keeps her derriere off the winter grub. Still can't figure WTF is up with that. Seriously

Love to all


Friday, October 30, 2009


Triple WTF!!!!!

I knew something was up when My Mom was dishing out the morning fare. Where is the Day Guy I wonder. We finished up the grub and were still inside. Waiting.....

Soon he arrives and I see him and My Mom running around outside and I am a wondering, could it be, could it just be.........???????????


That is what they were doing putting out the winter grub!!! Cowabunga!!!!!! Not sure what happened to them but I be digressing here...

Anyhoo....... Out we go and I am admiring the bale and I have everything in order, kids in the proper places, everything is tickity-boo when who comes out...........????

DHMBIAB!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she did it again. Planted her body and rubbed herself ALL over the effing bale. Front end, back end, her face EVERYTHING!!!!! What did My Human do.......????

She stood there laughing her ass off!!!! Are you kidding me....??

I was so utterly grossed out that I just had to leave. Decided to slop down to the bog and eat the what is left of the green nummies. All by myself.... Everyone else was just a hoovering up the bale with all those cooties on it. Yuck, yuck, triple effing yuck and more yuck on top of all that.

Not sure what I am going to do next, but I think I have to get this fixed. Someone complain to My Human about it as if that would help, she may just laugh some more. I know, I can start a rumour...... Not sure what yet. Must think of a plan......

La, la, la, la, la, la........!!!!

Off to plot



Saturday, October 17, 2009


Something new came rolling up to my room.

I gots the Bowen Lady finally.

Stern lecture from The Human about my behaviour before hand along with a Sunday best grooming. My BFF has been raving about this for ages. Couple of other kids too. Everyone says it is fabulous so I was excited to try it and had been wondering what the problemo was with me not getting this.

So at last the lady comes and she lays her hands on me and it was good but I felt from time to time like I got a neck poke, but I am sure I didn't........ Feel pretty good, well as always!!!

Must catch up with the gang

Love to all


Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hard to believe that it is again the time of year the humans give thanks for having us horsies in their lives. They also feed on the demon turkeys which means there are less for me to encounter on our little hacks. Somehow I rather suspect these turkeys may not be affected since I can't imagine My Human out there grabbing one. Suspect she uses the cash thing for that.

Very sad to say that our German friend Miss Fraulein has headed off the sale barn. I know it made my Mom very sad to see her go and we all miss her in a our little herd. She will have a great career as a show jumper and we hope she goes to a nice human and maybe someday we will see her on our big screen when we are seeing what is going on at Spruce Meadows.

A couple of new kids. One I met briefly and she is out with the other girls. A new guy too and he is out with JJ and Elvis and is the kid of the red headed wenchette we all love. Settled right in like he had been here forever.

Been floating in it as usual and we are in our rain gear. The mud novelty has worn off but the other day I did try to look like an Indian warrior horse and painted myself up with the mud with artistic flourishes. I was very proud of the symmetrical lines on my face which extended deftly down my neck, over my dress and finished at my legs. Of course The Human did not appreciate the effort I made with this and proceeded to brush it all off me. Eff me gently.....!!!! Was I P.Oed!!!! Been tossin' her the bird ever since and gettin' in uber trouble for it. No appreciation for great art around these parts!!!

Still, when I thinks I know I have lots to thankful for. I have a tolerable human. I loves my gang especially My BFF. I get great clothes and everything else I need. I hang out all day and eat and do spend a lot of time relaxin' and chillin'

Yup things are good and the livin' is easy. Just don't let My Human know I says so!!!!

Love to all


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


They're baaaaaack!!!

The smelly bovine creatures are back across the road. Coming at us like Mongol hordes but being prevented by us superior creatures using our super powers aided and abetted by the ghost of Xenophon......

HUH?????? Sorry went somewhere......... Didn't even get a neck poke. 'Fraid I may be goin' as loopy as My Human!!!!!

Speakin' of her, got dragged for a hack in the legal fields the other day. Truthfully been too long since I had her lumbering around up there. Was nice, no bugs and when I got back I saw we had a new kid on the little farm. Don't know nothin' about her but I am sure there will be a tale or two down the road.

The Mother Nature dame is spitting on us a bit today and she still has the oven on.

Must get back to my post, keep those bovine creatures in their place.

Love to all


Friday, September 18, 2009


Hard to believe that summer is almost gone but the signs have been everywhere. The dark comes sooner and the week past our bovine neighbours were gone somewhere and there were bales and bales of winter chow hanging around across the street. Soon the winter chow was gone to be saved for when the Old Man Winter dude re-appears. Shudder the thought.........

Been playin' a game of psych with My Human!!!!! Not been eating my hay, but saving it for later. Got me a bunch of night visits after night check with her in her effing PJ's looking like somethin' that got dragged out of a nightclub after too much fun with the happy juice!!!!!

Couple of kids have gone. Big Mama and the Kid Across the Hall. Big Mama got a new human that everyone likes and will still see her old human from time to time. KATH's humans moved to different part of the province. Rumour has it new kids coming but I haven't met anyone new yet.

Off to enjoy my day

Love to all


Sunday, August 30, 2009


My Human says that little things matter so she was happy happy to have the poop pile taken away this week.

Don't know WTF she is talking about since the poop pile was no little thing but she is busy showing off the empty hole for everyone to admire.

Seriously........ Get help for her..........

Love to all


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The Mother Nature dame was busy last week past and she went and blew up the local show yard near our place....

I got me a job with NORAD since I have that bloody white fly shield on again so they asked me to monitor their radar for them. So I knew... Plus My BFF had the big screen on again and they said that bad weather was coming. So we used our mental powers and the humans ran us all in before it got too bad at our place.

This was more than winged monkeys....... The sky looked like a bruise and the clouds were moving funny. My Mom was looking at the sky and was looking rather er..... confused. Then the humans all got the word. The Mother Nature dame wrecked the show yard with a Toronado????

Holy Feezzaaak.......

The good news is that no humans or horses were hurted or worse at this place anyway. Big mess though....

I heard that stuff has blown everywhere so we are checking our paddock to see if we have any swag in in!!!!

Love to All


Friday, August 14, 2009


Well hardly,

So much going on around the little farm I hardly know where to start these days.

My little gang is good, the usual mud slinging but I must confess coming in covered in mud has worn thin since I am not getting any reaction from the human, spoils the fun. She did have me out a couple of times recently and we were on a hack where the flies were like stealth bombers and both of us were agreeable to get back to the farm. Not impressed about having to run around the out door but did show off some of my superior moves to Miss Monroe's human.

I think My Mom was thinking she was running a little hospital since a number of kids had issues with stuff but everyone is off room rest right now.

The Mother Nature dame was VERY evil the other night turning off the lights again and I was worried since My Mom was trying to get water for the kids who only have the auto waterers and was out by the trough with the light sticks being tossed everywhere. I used my mental powers to bring her back to the barn and told her to go back to bed. Seriously. Can't have her getting hurted so my bills don't get paid. WTF!!!!

Bevis, Butthead and the Big White Whale (aka JJ, Elvis and Stinky) have been playing pick up sticks with the fence rails between their paddocks. JJ says they want to keep the maintenance guy working. You know we all do what we can to help the economy and keep everyone working. Just contributing you know.

Well, off to do what I do



Sunday, July 26, 2009



The bloody Mother Nature dame is just tossing it at us again and again and again.

The skies seem to NEVER stop leaking.

My Mom has been hogging the new 'puter so this is the first time I have got to use it.

Miss Fraulein went to a show and got some more ribbons on her door and oh yeah she and Miss Saddlebred switched rooms. LMSB lives next to me now. She got really mad the other night when I told her she wasn't all that when I was being groomed. Shrieked like a banshee she did and then was kicking her room down which inspired My Human to move the cross ties in front of MY BFF's room. Took all the bloody fun out of jazzing up LMSB.

Freakin' turkeys are back. I was out in the legal fields with My Mom and smelled 'em. Got smart this time. Didn't hit the panic button. Just turned us around and went the other way. Smart I am!!! Makes My Human think that I know something she doesn't and I get my own way then.

According to our new friend the Weather Fairy we get some sun this morning and then leaking will begin again.


Off to dodge the puddles



Thursday, July 16, 2009


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - check out our barn manager- The Furry Mouser on the roof!!!

Doing what she does best.........


Finally the Mother Nature dame is giving us some nice weather.

Just been hanging out with my homeys, lolling away the days in the pasture under nice sunshine.

Our little bog is drying out causing My Mom great joy!!! Still giving her the bell boot flip even though the Bog Olympics are over. We decided to call a tie in all categories!!!!

Off to enjoy my day

Love to all


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

CHECK IT OUT.........!!!!!

This is what Twizzle's Mom saw one morning when she was farm sitting.

Cute little varmint

Elvis and Grace Kelly seem to be on personal terms with him!!!!

Very excited today. Got a new puter and we have a Techno God to help us out. Taught My Mom how to use the picture thingy so good things to come!!!

Off to the bog in the meantime

Love HRH

Friday, July 03, 2009


Oh My!!!!!

I am as liberal as the next filly but I must say I was taken back yesterday when My Mom came to get DHMBIAB for her pedicure. Her and Miss Fraulein were glued together and indulging in ....cough.... a display of affection not seen before in our little paddock. Sure this stuff goes on in the LandShark's paddock which we all know is a den of sin especially since the boys are next door. We are like a private school paddock, not co-ed nor do we have the boys across the lake so to speak.

Then this morning Miss Fraulein was waiting and waiting for DHMBIAB to come out (!!!!) and they were happy happy to see each other and skipped off.

My BFF said she had watched a parade on the big screen recently and said she saw humans doing stuff like that. We looked it up and the humans have a word for it. Thespians!!!!! Miss Fraulein and DHMBIAB are Thespians!!!!!

WTF next?????? Oh well to each their own I say.

Rumour has it some sunshine is supposed to come today. Asking the Mother Nature dame nicely especially since more rumour has it that the new hay is coming today too.

Off to wash my eyes!!!!

Love to all


Sunday, June 28, 2009


Last week past The Human comes by and tells me she is planning a visit her see her Sire and will be gone for a few days. Knowing she would not just let us all fend for ourselves I was wondering who was coming to care of things.

Sent My Mom off while I was having my breakfast and soon after Twizzle's Mom appears to help the Day Guy!!!

I am thinking Toga, Toga, Toga, Toga!!!!!!!

Soon my little gang is in our field, eating and hanging the bog. We have a garden in there, some lovely lilies have taken root in the stream that is still there. We plan on picking them for the Grand Champion of the Bog Boogie Olympics.

My Mom recently got me a white FPS (Fly Protector Shield) and My BFF said that she was going to have that Stacey girl from What Not to Wear come and see me. She said it makes my head look a big egg with ears!!!! Thinking since My Human was away this would be a good opportunity to destroy this monstrosity I busted it. But be damned, Twizzle's Mom gets her hands on it and puts it by my room. Got bloody punked on that one.......

Felt I was lagging the the Shoe Event of the BBO and having some concern about the financial welfare of my pedicurist I paid extra attention the next day and made sure that I came back to my room without my shoe. Thinking this would be a nice surprise for My Mom when she got home but the next day who was there???? My pedicurist!!!!

My friend the Mother Nature dame turned on the oven and all us horsies were sweating up buckets when Twizzle's Mom, the Wenchettes and everyone were sponging or hosing us all down. Said to the gang, no flies on Twizzle's Mom and decided it best to tow the line.

My Mom was home before long and she was sure glad to see me!!! No pressie for me which is most unusual.

Off to hang with the gang

Love HRH

Friday, June 19, 2009


WTF next?????

The furry mouser caught the attention of My Human yesterday stalking a gargantuan snapping turtle of all things in our outdoor.

With the assistance of our Landlord, one of the Wenchettes, the furry mouser and My Human he was carted off in the wheelbarrow and returned to pond life as it should be. The furry mouser of course was expressing her displeasure later in the paddock but as we pointed out to her the reptile creature could have eated her!!!!

My BFF pointed out that this Mother Nature dame not only controls the weather she is also controls the creatures that roam our little world. Knowing this dame I fear she will bring other creatures to us. No turkeys, no turkeys, no turkeys, puleeeese!!!!

The Bog Boogie has spread to the LandSharks paddock with MM returning to her room covered in mire last evening. Me thinks her human was aghast at the sight of her but she did receive bonus points in our little event. Personally I have the bell boot flip sewn up and I am neck and neck with LMSP in the most mire per day category with MM climbing the standings in this event.

Off to boogie!!!

Love HRH

Monday, June 08, 2009


Found this when I was checking out the Fugly lady today.

Makes good horses sense to me!!!!

Plus he is funny and a little potty mouthed!!!

Love to all


Sunday, June 07, 2009


Things have been rather quiet as of late on the little farm, but you know as soon as I think this there is a sheeet-storm of uber portions that causes everyone to worry but I be digressing here as I want to do!!!!

My little gang has discovered the bog!!! Please do not listen to My Human who has gone swimming when my tootsies have felt the pending soaking at a water jump, this is different.

This is true sport.

Each day we have a little friendly competition to see who can come in covered in the most bog mire. We have separate categories for the most unusual spots, the bell boot flip and of course the grand prize being who can lose their shoe today!!!! I am miles ahead in the bell boot flip and I believe that I am in good stead on the shoe trophy and challenging each day in each and every event!!!!!

Got a haymail from my buddy Twizzle saying she thinks she got some bad hooch out of the LandShark's still and felt like crapola last night after dinner. Got My Human going when she discovered that Twizzle didn't look so good which inspired My Human to call Her Human. Of course by then the Tummy Ache Routine (TAR) was put into action. Twizzle said she giving My Mom mare glare when she took away the rest of her supper and her hay and trying to tell her this will pass in a bit so leave the freakin' food FFS!!!!! Said she took it all anyway, WTF!!!!

Soon her Mom was there and both of our humans determined that she was feeling much better, but she did get dragged into the indoor for a bit. She was thinking she would get out of that little aspect of TAR when she went for the grub. Thinking...... not likely knowing our humans and she is bloody lucky she didn't get the big blue glove and stuff.

Thankfully all is normal this morning including that Dame I am no longer allowed to criticize for her choices in weather is back at it making the skies leak again. Not saying a bad thing about her!!!


Love to all including this unmentionable Dame!!!!


Saturday, May 30, 2009


I was rubbing my eyes this morning when our Saturday Wenchette crew came in early. We were outside before our usual breakfast time. Somthings up?????

We were checking things out watching a bunch of our humans running around and there was stuff being put up and cars coming and lots of humans being busy everywhere. My BFF had her zoom spy glass (that addiction to the Shopping Channel comes in handy!!!!) and we were all watching and then we saw it!!!!! OMG the stuff has come to us!!!! The humans get our stuff brought to us now!!!!!! I got a stylin' new pink breakaway halter and My Mom got some new cowboy boots and stuff for her. All the humans had fun and I saw the Mom of Bob my buddy from long ago.

The best thing about all this is that we got to help other horses that live at the Cannington Horse Rescue that is on my blog. People gave cash and donated their swag to them. Makes me glad to help out other horsies who don't have as much as all of us.

After we all came in I noticed My Mom looking at Miss Monroe across the hall since she was doing lip curls and wasn't eating. Soon her Mom and Dad were at the barn and everyone was staring at her. MM's Mom took her to the indoor when all of a sudden the Mother Nature Dame struck again and the sky was leaking, tossing light flashes and the Winged Monkeys were howling up big time. Then the lights went out. Seriously, what have we done to this dame???

The humans were again feeding and watering us by those light sticks. They don't scare me anymore but some of my buddies think they come from Satan. I wasn't even able to finish my blog last night since the 'puter was running out of juice since there was no plug in happening.

Thankfully today, MM is fine, the lights have come back on this morning but we still have the bloody Winged Monkeys giving us all a bad mane day. Sloshing around in the field again.

I think this Mother Nature being is just plain mean, but don't tell her I said so.

Love to all


Monday, May 25, 2009


Last week past I learned about The Fates. Humans talk about this when they talk about being in the right or wrong place at a certain time.

The Fates were about on Tuesday past when My Mom and My BFF's Mom were hanging out together doing the ladies that lunch and shop thing. When they came back to our little farm me and My BFF were up at the gate and the humans thought My BFF was snoozing in the sun. Our Moms got us dressed for riding and we had a little ride and got to eat long green grasses afterwards. We were put back in our rooms when MY BFF flopped down in her room and just lay there stunning both our humans. Soon the Vet was on the way and it turned out that My BFF had to go to the horse hospital again. And off she went.

I kept looking at her empty room and I was so worried about her. I was leaking in the corner of my room but didn't want anyone to know. All of the gang and all of the humans were worried and upset too.

Two days pass and there she was!!!! Her Mom letting her out at the gate. Back in our little herd and we were all so glad to see her. Mind you DHMBIAB was being a little over the top and wouldn't leave her be. Everyone wanted to say hello and glad your back and wanted to know what went on when she was gone.

We have had some time to talk since and she told me there were nice humans at the hospital who made her feel better. Got the drip machine, the big glove many times, no food (the horror of this) and had to stay inside the hospital until the mobile room unit returned her home.

We think these Fates were with us since both our humans were there in the afternoon to see her starting to get sick and were able to get her help earlier than our bring in time. So glad they picked that day to hang out and I am so happy to have my buddy home.

Well off to hang out with the girls and make sure My BFF stays fine.

Love to all


Sunday, May 17, 2009


It is hard to imagine that there has been hardly anything too crazy going on and then in a blink of an eye everything happens at once!!!!! Seriously!!!

The Show God and the Kid Across the Hall both went to shows this weekend and cleaned up big time. The Show God doing his thing at the AQHA Show and the Kid Across the Hall (need a blog name for him - digressing here!!!!!) he went Eventing at the local eventing yard. Many ribbons on both their doors and their entourages being happy happy with the results. Everyone is so proud.

Got one over on My Mom the other night... hee... hee. Saw her in her boots and stuff and knew for sure that we were going for a ride. Didn't let on that my shoe got sucked off until the very last minute before the tack starting going on. My pedicurist is out of town too!!! Felt bad after I heard her say we were going to have a little jump school. What evvvveeerrrr!!!!

Then this morning holy crapola... The White Stallion really did it....... Schmucked up his eye good in his room. His freakin' eyelid hanging making all the humans very squeamish. Everyone standing around looking at him bleary eyed and then looking away real fast. He didn't come out with the rest of us. Later heard him bawling his head off from the barn. Waiting for the Vet no doubt. We knew when he got the neck poke..... After a while I saw him with The Other Head Wench eating the tall greens around the outdoor. Looked like his whole face was bandaged but My BFF pointed out that he was wearing a FPS (that is Fly Preventer Shield for the un-initiated). Will have to get the inside 411 tonight after all the humans go.

All is well that ends well so said someone....

Love to all


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We have had some nice days but have been told the sky leaking will begin again tonight. Yeesh!!

Took The Human for a little spin last night. Quite pleasant little jaunt for us both me thinks. I must be getting soft admitting this. I even didn't kick up a stinko in the arena. Mind you I did toss a big spooky dooky when I heard the cat/bird beast and did startle My Mom since she was begging me to stop up there. Seriously this is a bird that sounds like a cat and hisses when you are at the top of the arena. Thought it best to get us outta there but as usual my common sense is over-ridden by My Human's desire to live on the freakin' edge and of course we kept going back to that spot until she bored me into hanging out there.

Others say it is not about this beast.............

Now I have heard the stories about the ghost horse that is in there too, but I must say I have never met this horse personally. Many kids have seen this horse and have lived to tell the tale but I personally wonder WTF they are drinkin'!!!! A little moon shine!!! Heard the LandShark has a still back there now that her tattoo parlour got raided!!!

Oops I wasn't supposed to blab that!!!!

Oh well off to get my tan while I can

Love to all


Monday, May 11, 2009


Again this Saturday past, horrible, horrible weather. Complete with crashing light sticks from the sky along with leaking, more leaking and more leaking still. Our little bog in our field is an ocean. Same with the LandShark's and MM's field. We have beaches now!!!! We all were sent to our rooms early that day but I do think we all smell better since we all got showers.

You could have surfed on our outdoor ring. Again the indoor flooded and water from there came into the barn but not our rooms thank the Horse God.

Yesterday winged monkeys again and we were all back in our dresses and I was wondering if the Old Man Winter dude was about to make an appearance. I think he must of said something to the Mother Nature dame because she made the sun shine in the afternoon and it became much nicer.

Today is nice with sunshine.

All for now



Friday, May 08, 2009

MAY DAY!!!!!!

Finally, the April month is gone!!!!

I've been mostly hanging around eating up the green yummies, getting some sun during the day and showing off my new figure. No one can call me voluptuous anymore. Just svelte I be!!! I need to figure out the picture thingy on this again so I can show everyone.

Some news, The Royal Cousin and Grace Kelly are in our gang now. Miss Fraulein cleaned up big time a show recently has a bunch of ribbons on her door.

Everyone else is good. I thinks the rooms are no longer leaking which makes Little Miss Sweetie Pie and Little Miss Saddlebred happy, happy.

Life is good and the livin' is easy!!!!

Love to all


Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Day is done, gone the sun........


SERIOUSLY!!!! Putting my cranky thong on again this morning when the rain dress is back on. Yesterday we are all like fillies frolicking in the fresh fields of green grass and warm sun-shine and today, back to leaking skies, mud and more mud.

The shoe sucking mud.

Triple WTFola!!

Off to sink and stink!!!!

Love to all


Sunday, April 26, 2009


OMG it is turning into B. Day Week!!!! Well a couple of days for me anyway.

We all got cake yesterday. Horsie cake!!! It was Little Miss Sweetie Pie's B. Day yesterday and the LandSharks today so LMSP's Human made cake for everyone!!! It was so yummy. LOOOVED this!!! My Mom even let me have seconds since it was a special occasion.

Plus I got remembered by My BFF and MM too and I thank them both for being my buddies. Loves you girlies!!!! I love everyone really. Really I do. Really.

Just a short note today since My Mom wants the 'puter.

Love to all


Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'm eighteen and I donno what I got but I like it, love it, yes I do. I'm eighteen and I apologise to Alice Cooper!!!!!!

The big day today. I was effing bug eyed when I saw the lovely Dr. M today (again - WTF????) and I am getting the freaking nose vaccine ON MY EFFING BIRTHDAY!!!! Will the torture ever stop???????

Spent the day hanging with my homeys. Got to see some sun today finally since we have been mostly floating in it again.

Tonight My Mom came and I got my pressies. My first fly sheet. It is smashing, the bomb. It is a print for summer. Plus these really mod summer bell boots for when I am out "commando"!!!

Uber relieved that I was spared the humans singing the Birthday song this year but I do like my B.Day hat.

Rumour has it more festivities to come.....

Love to all


Monday, April 20, 2009


I've been laying low over getting my teeths into the Massage Lady, who is ok according to My Human.

Now I am not allowed to get on my blog and tell everyone that my birthday is soon so I can lobby for stuff for me!!!!!! Wheeeeeee!!!

So I won't. Hehehehehe.

I will tell you that it is Little Miss Sweetie Pie's B. Day soon and my old buddy the lard ass LandShark - no cake for her! - she has one coming up too!!! Plus Brad Pitt just had one.

My Mom is looking a little stressey poo this morning since the effing winged monkeys are here yet again and I think she is expecting another event from the Mother Nature dame.

Off to slog in it and eat my greens.

Love to all


Sunday, April 12, 2009


I did a bad thing.................

I bit the Massage Lady. Hard...... I made her yell. Everyone is mad at me. She even gave me my massage after I did that.. I felt really bad about biting her....... I knew after I was very wrong.

Nobody will hang out with me in the field....... I think My BFF feels sorry for me because there are so many horses and humans mad at me and she came over to say hi.

My Mom is super mad at me since the Massage Lady had given me a B. Day pressie and a card and everything. She did come to see me in the paddock earlier when I was all by myself and talked to me. She said I should go and eat the green yummies and that she would call the Massage Lady to see if she was ok.

Me bad., ashamed.


Friday, April 10, 2009


Happy Easter everybody and Happy Birthday Auntie Bren!!!!!

Sooooooo much going on I can hardly keep up again. This Mother Nature person is not a nice lady. In fact I would suggest that she is not a lady at all but I fear we will feel her wrath yet again. OMG!!!!!

After making the skies leak for an entire day plus some, she then made white stuff come for days and days. Then yesterday she made the warm stuff come and you will never guess what happened again.......?????

Duh!!! More leaking rooms for us kids. What EVER did we do to this woman????? Anyhoo, I fear My Human may be teetering. I didn't even snarl at her this morning. She was muttering stuff. I think it will be ok since things seemed to be normal later. Plus I hear Auntie Kim is visiting for Easter so I am sure they will get on the wine.

Which reminds me..... Yesterday when me and My BFF were going outside, My BFF was headed for the pile of hay I wanted so I chased her off it and she ran right into My Mom and stomped on her foot. I got in trouble for this. How is this fair I would like to know??????

What evvvvverrrrrrr.!!!!!

I was chatting up JJ over the fence again. He has the best stories!!!! Such a great guy!!! He is in a gang you know. The Baker Sheet Gang. They all wear plaid dresses. All the girls want to be one of their Molls. Seems the other day when the humans were putting everyone outside, the kid that lives across the hall from me decided to leave the property. JJ said that he couldn't believe his eyes watching this. The New Day Guy was putting Elvis in the paddock and this kid just left. Walked out the gate and down the driveway. The New Day Guy couldn't do a thing about it.

Then he said My Mom came walking down the driveway after him. He said My Mom sped up really fast as he decided to head up the road. JJ was laughing because My Mom was telling him to freeze and he just kept going. Finally he stopped and My Mom got him and brought him back. He said later he did because he is just sick of the mud and I told him that this is all the fault of this Mother Nature person.

No human on my back for ages. Kinda missing it, but don't tell her for the love of the Great Horse Goddess. She will get this notion that I need work. I will be forced to do the dreaded dressage thing. This is My BFF's thing. I like to jump and hack about.

Must go now and make sure the green stuff is ok. Not sure if gets hurted if white stuff gets on it.

Love to all


Sunday, April 05, 2009



It sure seemed that way. We were out slogging in it two days past and it kept coming and coming all day and all night too for that matter. We heard it early in the day......

The machine that sucks water out of the stable... Oh NO. Who's room was it this time???? Turns out Little Miss Saddlebred's again. Plus Little Miss Sweetie Pie, The Royal Cousin and Brad Pitt all affected. Plus more kids I don't really know that well.

A bunch of humans were using the machine on Friday night even when us kids were in so you know it was bad. It came into the barn and the arena too. Holy"'F"!!!!!

By yesterday AM things were under control again with the Wenchette of Miss Fraulein heading up the crew getting out all the muck and all the kids getting dry rooms again.

My Mom was making comments about Mother Nature speaking of her in Bovine terms. I am thinking it is worse to piss off this Mother Nature being than to piss off My Human but last night I couldn't help myself and tried liven things up by showing her my snarl and chomp but I got an arm in my face for the effort. Me, MM, My BFF, My Human and MM's Mom and Dad were all chatting when I thought I would sneak one in.

Seems My Human was at one of those Chris Irwin clinics again getting a refresher course in horse speak. WTF, foiled again. Heard her talking about bringing in the woman from the clinic at our place. Shudder!!!!!!!

Now today is nice and sunny but rumour has it that the Old Man Winter dude has not gone on his vacation and is planning tossing some white stuff at us still. My BFF got the weather report up on our big screen and has said so. Says it is ok to dump the snorkel gear right now.

Waiting to see what this Mother Nature being tosses at us next. We are strong, we are invincible we are mares... Apologies to Helen Reddy!!!!!.......

Love to all


Thursday, April 02, 2009

SPRING JABERWACKIES...............!!!

And so it begins the annual neck jabbing event of spring.

The lovely Dr. M rolls in again before turn out this morning and I see the cart a rollin' down the aisle.

Ho hum..........
Here we go.
Poke, poke .........
Out I go!!!!

Ah poetry!!!!!!!!

I was entertained this morning when My Human is putting on my bell boots and put one on my front leg and the other on my back leg. WTF??????? I know I am a trend setter but I am not a fashion victim.

Starting to get the green yummies coming up. Hopefully Old Man Winter has gone on his vacation but you ever know in Canada eh!!!!! He may have forgotten his lunch like the LandShark does sometimes when she forgets her way out of the barn. Getting a little senile over there I hear. Lordy!!!

Off to eat me greens.

Love to all


Monday, March 30, 2009


OMG!!! The new guy arrived yesterday and let me tell you handsome!!! He is a blond!!! He spent the night in my barn and I kept giving him goo-goo eyes from my room. I had to set MY BFF straight this morning since she was trying to hone in on him and I let her know right away after me, you come first honey!!!!

One of the humans attached to the Royal Cousin said that his dress was like a Speedo!!! Ya duh!! What a hunk, could see the six pack on him under this Speedo thing.

Plus I got my wish yesterday and My Human waltzed in with a new dress for me. It is pink and green plaid and just stylin. There were some snickers in the barn last night suggesting it may make my ass look big. WTF!!!!

New bale and I must git mine

Love to all


Sunday, March 29, 2009


Just been hanging around eating, pooping and ruling the world.

Rode last night with Marilyn M. It was a bay mare equestrian pas de deux!!! We are stylin' but I told her last night to stop with the piercing fetish. Looks like she attempted her eyebrow this time. Told her "stop listening to the LandShark eh!!!!"

Glad to say that the Show God is staying. All the gals are very happy about this development since we would have missed him terrible if he left. There is also a rumour that he is getting a brother who is coming from America. More on him later when I get my eye balls on him. A new boy, how exciting.

My BFF has got a whole bunch of new stuff. New saddle, bridle and stylin' saddle pad. Looking good and I am thinking I should be due for more stuff too. If you are out shopping with My Mom don't listen to her when she says I have everything. Tell her to buy me stuff!!!!!

Oh and my Birthday is soon!!!!! Can't wait to see what My Mom gets me!!! I guess I better stop my biting attempts........hum!!!! I can wear my cranky pants looser since it looks like my fevers are gone and My Mom has stopped attacking my legs every bloody night.

The skies will be tossing buckets at us today but that is ok since soon the green grasses will be here. Plus flowers, sunshine, long hacks in the forbidden fields and maybe, just maybe I will get to show off this summer.........!!!!

Love to all


P.S My Mom says everyone has to read my blog buddy Argus's blog today. Made her leak but the story has a happy ending which made her leak more.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

TOOL TIME!!!!!!!!

Well, the lovely Dr. M showed up and I got to be first just because My Human is not good with procedures involving me and the lovely Dr. M wanted to get it over with no doubt. All this stuff starts rolling up by my room and I notice that the other kids are going out but not me and a bunch of others. Yeah, yeah here it comes. Getting my teeth done by machine. I am thinking this might not be great and I am seriously thinking more about putting up a fuss when the lovely Dr. M is giving me a neck poke and the next thing I know.....................

I am running down the beach at sunrise and in the distance I see green meadows and I am laying down having a good sunshine nap when all of a sudden Miss Fraulein who is in with me tells me to quit effing snoring???? Silly mare woke me up and I am hearing the machine thing going for other kids which is creeping me out. No worse for the wear I guess but yeeesh........!!!

Dr. M also gave My Human stuff for my fevers and thankfully it seems to be working but I must say that I am sick and tired of having my leg picked at every night. It will work because it is pink and I do love pink!!!!

Sick Bay round up includes Marilyn Monroe recovered from her piercing attempt, DHMBIAB recovered from her hurted tootsie, Elvis's Sister no worse for the wear from her episode of the scoots, skedaddles and vapours and every one's hangover from the La La Meds from the teeth day extravaganza is gone. Mind you JJ keeps insisting he was violated when he was sent on vacation. He is going on and on about having his willie washed.....!!!! Elvis on the other hand says that he could only be so lucky!!!!!


Off to git my share!!!

Love to All


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Finally some nice weather has been sent and I have been enjoying the sunshine and gentle breezes.

Stuff happening as always.

DHMBIAB has a hurted tootsie and she is being stoic about it and trying not to show it. It is big give away when she came out this morning and had diaper wrap on her foot. I won't laugh because I know how much this hurts. She said she fought the humans all the way last night when they were putting it on. Just shaking my magnificent head at her and told her you don't fight the humans when they are trying to make your tootsie better. She said My Mom, the LandShark's Dad and Little Miss Sweetie Pie's Mom were all there and she said that she made them all work really hard. She said she wouldn't let them pick up her tootsie and they were all grunting and groaning and stuff. I guess I can live with it since My Mom looked like she had intentions of riding me last night.

My poor Mom and the Wenchette of Miss Frauline had a rough night last night. Elvis's sister had the scoots and skedaddles when she was coming back to her room and then she slipped going in and fell down. Scared everyone but she is ok.

This morning My Mom comes into the barn and the carnage. Hay from one end of the barn to the other and one of the Big Mama's in the LandShark's bunch is eating all the freaking hay. The hay from MY aisle and she pooped all over it too. I sent a haymail to the LandShark and asked her to puleeese get her ladies under control. Seriously WTF!!!!!!

A glimmer of hope came in about the furry mouser Husky. One of the Wenchettes said that he had been coming by another barn she works at in the hood. My Mom and My BFF's Mom and Dad and the Royal Cousin's Human went over to look for him but he wasn't there. So we are hopping that he comes back there or here or something. I think all the humans feel better thinking that he is out running around but he missed by everyone.

So tomorrow is the big day. The lovely Dr.M is coming to deal with my fevers and stuff.

The green stuff is trying to poke their heads up in the paddock and I am doing my level best to git each and every one before anyone else can.

Love all


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sad days have continued and I know My Mom is grieving the continued loss of the furry mouser Husky. Still no sign and I know she thinks the Evil Dogs of Satan that lurk out in the fields had something to do with this. The other furry mouser is still here, thank the Horse God for that.

As usual much other stuff going on to keep everyone hopping.

My BFF had a DQ workout with one of the trainers and was right on form. Her hurted tootsie seems to be better finally.

MM hurted her ear. I keep telling them over in that field to stop the bloody piercing and tattooing but they don't listen. The humans all think she got bit by one of the boys and we will just keep it at that.

The bone guy was here for Mr. G.Q this morning. Made me wonder when it was my turn to see him.

The yummy Dr. V.A was here yesterday and did a bunch of the kid's teeth but not mine. I am not too sure if I have dodged one on this or not. My BFF said that she had hers done with a machine but wasn't too sure what happened since she was sent on vacation for the event. Thinking the human has something up on this so made sure to be very pleasant last night.

Mother Freaking Nature is still tossing it to us. Nasty mud everywhere since the skies are dropping buckets all the time, then Old Man Winter shows up for a bit and today we have uber Winged Monkeys running around.

WTF. I do wish the kitty comes home.

Love to all


Friday, March 06, 2009


I am very sad to say that the furry mouser Husky is missing and I fear the worse for him.

Last night My Mom and My BFF's Mom were both leaking because of this development. All the humans are very upset because the little guy was loved by all.

I thought I would try and divert My Mom's sadness at all this by biting her arm but I didn't get the result I wanted. Just made her more upset.

I know My Mom was hoping he would be in his bed in the grain room this morning but he was not and think this will make her leak more. I was happy that the other furry mouser was around. I tried to make her feel better this morning by putting on my happy face and giving her a little nudge. She knows I mean well .

If you seen My Mom running around leaking, please get her on the wine.

I have asked for the Horse God to take care of the little guy but not sure if she has the power over kitties.

So sad, I think I may leak too.

Love to all


Friday, February 27, 2009


"A long time ago when the earth was green,
there were more kind of animals that you've ever seen.

There were cats and rats and elephants but as sure as you're born,
the loveliest of all was the unicorn....."

We will be going the way of the effing poor unicorn if the sky doesn't stop leaking. Just floating in it again today. At least we have a new bale.



Monday, February 23, 2009


I gave My Human a big 5:30 am wake up yesterday when she discovered that I have the fevers on my front leg too. Man is she potty mouthed sometimes.

I was not impressed with being taken out of my room at that time of day and I was wondering WTF WHY?? She slapped some of the new stuff on my leg and went to her rooms just a muttering about mud fever being the biggest pain in the you know where. Later, I was sneaking over to her rooms to use the 'puter but found her on it before me. I checked out what she was looking at and I couldn't believe what I saw through the window.

She thinks I could have mange or mites. Triple WTF. I have no mangy dog thing on me nor do I have effing bugs. She CAN'T be serious. I am thinking she always tells the other humans in our little stable to not freak out about what you read on the Internet and there she is doing the same thing. I am probably in line to have a visit from the lovely Dr. M soon since this what usually happens when things aren't right with me. At least I don't think I will get the tubes or worse on this visit.

Today she shows up all bleary eyed for our pre-breakfast hay fest when I see her go straight over to the other side of the barn. Usually she comes right to me so I can greet her with my usual morning cheerful snarl but today she bolted over there. It was about time she got over here. I kept trying to send her messages all night saying that Little Miss Sweetie Pie had busted out of her room and was visiting the Royal Cousin, poking Little Miss Saddlebred, pooping up the aisle and eating the hay all night long. Good thing she stayed on her side with her room because there would have been high hell to pay if she had eaten the hay on our side of the barn.

I let her know this morning out at the bale, while I thought her actions were amusing I do not appreciate having My Human's attention taken away from me. Mind you she does remind me of myself at her age. She is like Mini Me but she says she has better hair which gits in my craw.

Anyway, new bale this morning and I must make sure the gang stays in line. Plus surprise, surprise it is effing really cold again here today and the winged monkeys are out in full force. Saw Elvis getting the scoots with the New Day Guy

Winter, sminther, get lost!!!

Love to all


Saturday, February 21, 2009


I stole the 'puter from The Human's rooms today since I knew she was at a horse show watching one of the Wenchettes. Doing the bloody Dressage. She better not be getting no freaking ideas about me becoming a DQ. Must remember to stick my head up in the air unless I see the jumps out for me.

Anyway I digress.

I have been getting in big trouble with my trying to claim the bale as my own. Other humans have been complaining to My Mom that I am sinking my pearly whites into others in my little herd, right through the blankets......?????!!!! Of course I have denied all charges but I don't think My Human is buying though. Mutters on about my reputuation with my teeth and given I have demonstrated my agility on My Human's somewhat fragile body. What evvvveerrrrrr.

I am sure that everyone is shocked that it is still crappier than all crap outside. More white stuff coming down tonight. Making everybody cranky.

Going to go sulk in the corner of my room.

Love to all.... except the Ground Hog, Mother Freaking Nature and the Old Man Winter Dude


Saturday, February 14, 2009


Oh my!!!!

Seems like the Ground Hog, Mother Nature and Old Man Winter are in cahoots. They never stop tossing horrible, horrible weather at us all on the little farm.

Everyone was happy happy a few days back since we got some warm air for a couple of days. Got to wear my stylin' rolla dress and all. The mounds of white stuff was going away nice and slow and there was no slippy stuff.

All of a sudden the sky starting leaking really bad. It just came and came and came and then the next day too. That day it was more like leaking white stuff.

Then we heard............

OMG Little Miss Saddlebred's room was floating in it. I am thinking "Just great. If that side of the barn is floating then what about my room and My BFF's too?????" Of course I can't get near the 'puter so we are waiting to find out. Little Miss Sweetie Pie is worried because her room is next to LMSB and also Brad Pitt lives on the other side. Meanwhile we are nearly drowning in it outside. I look at MY BFF and she has her snorkel outfit on. Oh yeah, she is so smart getting that from the Shopping Channel!!!!

Then we hear strange noises coming from the barn. What the Hades is going on in there???? We can all hear since our paddock comes up near the barn and there is this roaring noise coming out of it and the humans don't look any more stressed than normal and I am thinking ........???????

Seems they have some human machine that sucks water out of things it doesn't belong in. My Mom was very excited about this but alas....

LMSB had to room across the hall overnight. My room was fine and so was My BFF but the humans were not impressed that the other side leaked after they fixed the first side. I heard them blaming Mother Nature.

Now, I have been meaning to introduce the gal across the hall. Bay like me and everyone says she is bootyfull..... Well her booty has nothin' on the LandShark's!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I just kill myself ; move over Joan Rivers!!!!!! Her Blog Name will be Marilyn Monroe and may be referred to as MM.

She has been here a couple of months now and the New Day Guy is one of her humans. She yelled a lot when she first came and me and My BFF kept looking at her and telling her to SHUT UP. Well she did so we think she is ok. She hangs out in our aisle so she gets gussied up in front of my room all the time so we have chatted a bit. Her Mother Human gives me treats at night so I think she is spot on!!!!!!!!

I must say though I was taken back a few days past when I was un-ceremoniously undressed out my rolla dress and then MM was modeling it!! I am thinking TRIPLE WTF is this????? Where is The Human???? Does she know that other humans are stripping me naked??????

Soon enough order is restored and I am dressed again and I think of course MM's human just wanted to see what a spectacular specimen I am. Must be nice to keep the treat train coming.

Now the cold stuff is back again. I heard the humans talking about this Old Man Winter guy. What kind of sadistic cad is he???? Are the bloody Ground Hogs his evil little rodent trolls?????


Off to ponder life's mysteries

Love to all


Sunday, February 08, 2009


Yesterday the air became warm and my little herd was no longer matchy matchy!!!! Stuff started leaking outside but I think our rooms are ok since mine was good and My BFF was beside me last night. The Human looked relatively sane this morning when she came to give us our morning hay.

And, I got that little jump school in my smashing new pink furry jumping boots. Stylin'!!! I jumped pretty good too I might add, mind you the Human was out of form. Such a surprise on that one!!!! I am taking it easy on her since she is out of shape!!!!

All in all things are pretty good. Soon the green grass will be here. I can go for long hacks in the forbidden fields and maybe do that horse trial this year.

Off to the bale and dreaming of cross country fences

Love to all


Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Whine, snort, sneer and spittle!!!!

I can't understand why the Human is getting so pissed at me defending my bale!!! I am a benevolent dictator and currently everyone else (well except DHMBIAB) understands that they eat when I tell them.

My freaking Human actually came into the field this morning and chased me off the bale since I was chasing my BFF off. Man did I give her mare glare but thought it best to move off since she had her mare tone on.

Mind you I got a new best thing the other day. Jumping boots with pink fuzz on the inside. This can only mean one thing!!!! We are going to do some jumping soon. Excellent. I was out the other day slogging with the White Stallion in the legal fields and when we came back I was forced into the indoor to run around and we did the dreaded dressage..... Maybe I am going to go into training and do a horse trial?????

Hum, I wonder??????

Love to all


Monday, February 02, 2009


The bloody rodent saw it's shadow and we aren't getting an early spring!!!


I heard my Mom tell the other Head Wench that you could stick a fork in her because she was done and I feel the same way too. Not sure she was talking about winter though?????

Off to eat what is left of the bale

Love to all


Friday, January 30, 2009

ALL RIGHTY THEN................

So yeah, today another day in the Great White North. Enough already. The bloody white stuff came down again the other day and we are all slogging in it. Nothing to do but stand around the bale and stuff my gorgeous face.

If you can believe it DHMBIAB had a major sissy fit on the way to the bale and was jumping around on the rope with my Mom. My Human gave her a break today and didn't make her do the Pony Club thing (snort!!!) and she freakin' came over and rubbed her nakedness all over our FOOD!!! ACTUALLY GOT DOWN ON HER KNEES IN IT!! I am thinking WTF get yourself off the grub. "Are you praying to the horse Gods??? Sucky poo, big blue tarp on bedding pile scaring ya?"

Then, the new one also had a big sissy fit on the end of the rope with my Mom. Now I'm thinking don't kill her, she needs to pay my bills.

Don't tell anyone but the humans are doing switchies with us furry ones?????!!!!!

I was chatting over the fence with the lovely JJ and he told me that he got new Humans but is staying at our little farm and not moving away. Plus he is very happy that he still gets to hang out with his old humans!!! Seems that the two human herds got together and have a made a deal that makes ALL the humans happy. JJ is happy happy since he likes it here and has been on the farm since my Mom and the Other Head Wench started to rent out rooms for horsies.

Glad about this for sure.

Anyway I won't be bugged today since I hear the Human is out!!!

Love to all


Friday, January 23, 2009


Holy Tamale!!!!!!!!!!!

I am thinking that I am getting to be a field horse much to my chagrin today that little notion came to an end. I see The Human coming for me in the middle of the day and that can mean a couple of things for me but seeing how the weather today was actually nice I figured I am getting a ride. In I came and was getting dressed when...................

Much to my horror it was discovered one of my best things has been eated by mice!!! THEY ATE MY BIT WARMER!! I am crushed!!!! Those furry mousers are SLACKING!!!!! I think My Mom has taken it into her rooms to see if it will be ok.

I soon got over it since I was forced into the indoor to see if I was on form. Yup, sure am. All good. Showed off my stuff and then we went for a hack in the snow. It was pretty good being out in the legal fields. It was pretty with all the snow shining all nice and clean. The sun was shining too making the white stuff look like bling. I do share My Human's love of bling!!!

If you follow any of my favorite blogs please take a look at Argus's.

This is the poor horsie that was confined his whole life until he came to live with his new and if you have been following the blog his permanent human. I was shocked when I heard about him getting sick but I am glad to say he is getting better. I knew in my heart that he would be ok because the horse Gods would make sure he was. But bloody hell PIGEONS???

My Mom had to explain to me that this was not caused by pigeons. Thank the horse Gods some more since I was worried knowing about the freaking turkeys and all. You never know what the devil turkeys can do.

Off to rule the bale



Wednesday, January 14, 2009



I barely recognized my human this morning when she came in the barn. She looks like she has become an Eskimo or maybe she is going to one of those countries where all the ladies are covered from head to toe????? I could only see her eyes!!!

Plus I heard her talking to the New Day Guy and we have to stay in our rooms it is so cold. I hate having to stay in but I guess it may help my big leg a bit. I have a big leg in my front and I have been done up at night with the tingly stuff. Blech!!!

I don't like the winter. White stuff, slippy stuff, stuff leaking in our rooms. The only good thing is that I get to wear my stuff.

Should be a boring day but the humans will keep the grub coming

Chat soon


Sunday, January 11, 2009


This is for the uninitiated but I thought I would introduce everyone

HRH - Me - Stands for Her Royal Highness. A fitting name for me I must agree. I have also heard myself referred to in the barn as The Grand Dame. Don't be listening to humans who have other names for me. I own my human who is referred to as such or Mom or sometimes the Head Wench.

MY BFF - My best friend in the whole world. She lives in the room next door and we are the belles of bale out in the field. She is also known as the Dressage Queen from time to time since she excels in dressage and doesn't like to jump. At least she never blabs on about it.

Miss Frauline - my other neighbour in the barn and pasture mate. She is German and we teaching her to speak Canadian eh. She has a Wenchette that works in the barn Does the Hunter thing with her Wenchette.

Little Miss Sweetie Pie - Our youngster. Hard to pick on since she is so sweet. Has great taste in clothing.

DHMBIAB - Stands for DON'T HATE ME BECAUSE I AM BEAUTIFUL. Our current wild child and pasture mate. She is a teenager. Enough said!!

We got a new kid in our gang the other day. More about her later. She is a baby though and DHMBIAB is driving her koo-koo so we have not had a chance to chat

This all the gang I hang with right now but we have others on our little farm that get mentioned from time to time. Sometimes because they do something that makes me laugh or cause a poop storm of sorts at the barn or I find them entertaining.

The Royal Cousin. We are distantly related though our royal lineage. Has her Wenchette that hangs out at the barn and lives around he corner and is a big help to my Mom and the other Head Wench. Used to be in our gang but now lives in front with Elvis's Sister

Little Miss Saddlebred - Zippy girl that loves to hack and and run around but currently has a hurted tendon. Usually see her on the trail. Hangs out with the LandShark bunch

Brad Pitt - Handsome, handsome boy that I used to board with at another stable before he came to our farm. Very acquainted with him if you get my drift!!!

J.J. Another handsome boy who has been on our farm since the begginning. We chat from time to time over the fence line about all the kids we have known. Good guy.

Mr. GQ - Lanky TB who is owns the daughter of the Other Head Wench Very excitable boy, handsome and hangs with Brad Pitt.

The White Stallion - Snort!!! The kid of the Other Head Wench, hacking buddy. He thinks he has his bits and won't hear anything otherwise. Hangs out with his brother Mr. GQ and Brad Pitt.

The LandShark - big bottomed chestnut mare (she has a song sung to the tune of Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls) called Fat Bottomed Mare which is featured somewhere on my blog. Not good at the puter connecty thing so you have to look for it. She is in charge of the other girl field and hangs with Little Miss Saddlebred, Twizzle among others.

Stinky - Lives in the room next to the LandShark in the little barn and they have been together for ever. The LandShark says they are just friends but you know what I say when things are being denied,...... Hum......

Elvis - What can be said about Elvis. Blanket destroyer extraordinaire. Big lovable guy. Tries to make the humans think he is dumb but he isn't. All round barn doofus.

Elvis's Sister - Hangs out with the Royal Cousin and regularly denies being related to Elvis. She is kind of like the Grace Kelly of the barn.

The Kid - Also related to Elvis and Elvis's sister but has been sent off to boarding school for youngsters to get started.

Twizzle - Fun gal that hangs in the LandShark's gang. Had been on room rest for a long time but now is ok but don't like it when the ground bubbles and then gets hard.

The Show God - Handsome boy that does the AQHA thing. He is happy at our little farm since he gets to hang outside all day at our place. When he came he was used to staying in his room all day. A true gentleman kinda like Gary Grant.

A bunch of new kids too on the farm which I have yet to write about on the lap tap but will soon. Everyone is my friend and I love everyone. Especially those who's humans give me treats!! Get you a good mention here if you stay on my good side!!!

Love to all


Thursday, January 01, 2009




So much keeps goin' on all the time.

Christmas has come and gone and I did get some rockin' sparkle boots!!! GOLD!!!! Gold sparkle boots for my hoofies!!! Stylin', just stylin!!! But I must say I was TOTALLY P.Oed when we were dragged in early on Christmas Day????? I am thinking WTF you keep us out when we are drowning in snow and on a nice day we come in early??? My BFF was happy since her humans were eating Turkey (I hope it was the one that gave me a heart attack on the trail a few years past) at my human's room so she was very happy to see them all day long. I guess it is ok since I have given this much thought since I have so much time to think because I hardly ever get me hooves on the puter. I told the BFF that seeing them all the time wears off since you don't get away with nothin, but it is ok to let them have a nice time at Christmas.

Speaking of my BFF and nearly drowning the other day the sky starting leaking buckets and all the white stuff was leaking too and it all ended up in MY BFF's room and mine too. My BFF had been in for a visit with her Mom and Dad and told us this when she got back to the bale. Water everywhere she said and then she said it was in my room too. She kepts saying she needed the thing she saw on the the big screen we keep behind the poop pile. Of course we inquired WHAT THING???? She says she saw humans with a tube thing on and and duck feet on their hooves paddling around with the fishes. They sucked their air through the tuby thing. I am wondering WTF her humans have put in her mash???? Then I hear the rest of her message...... My room too. OMG!!!!

Anyway by the time I got back to my room it seemed ok and MY BFF was in another room since she wasn't beside me. A little while later my Mom comes into my room and SQUISH, SQUISH, SQUISH!!! Some rather vulgar language which I can't repeat being the lady I am. She figures out FINALLY that my room was wet too. Not just MY BFF's which she spent the afternoon bailing out the "boat" next door. So I while I am getting my room cleaned up I figure out MY BFF is in the room across the hall.

By the next day things are back to normal and then the Winged Monkeys came calling. You know they swish by in the night and make things bang around and if you are not careful they can come and eat us horsies. They become invisible during the day and have caused many a bad mane day. Or blow up our bottoms and cause the scoots and skaddles.

Anyhoo........ The WM's kept coming and they made the lights and everything go away. I am thinking why are the humans bringing us in early again and then my room is dark and I am thinking WTF now???? The humans are all running around making sure we have all our stuff but it is totally dark??

A little while later the Wenchette of the Royal Cousin comes in and they are using things that shine circles on the walls (give me the creeps to tell the truth; not sure what these things are) but they are using them to give us our dinner. Soon My Mom and the Other Head Wench are there and with the help of other humans got us all our water and hay and stuff and tucked us in. Hours pass and then my Mom comes in early the next morning and she still has the light tube and she is talking to the Royal Cousin's Grandma and I can tell she is not happy. WTF she says we still have no power and it has been almost 20 hours!!!! I am listening and I can tell she is pretty stressed by now and I think she is going to leak. The ladies give us our grub and after that the New Day Guy shows up as normal and still no light. Finally just as we are getting our breakfast the lights are back on. I see the humans are doing the happy happy dance and once again crisis has bee averted.

Back to the routine - a good thing.

Today the sun is shining, we have the round bale but I do wish DHMBIAB would stop sitting in it. My BFF has the same hood thing on as Miss Frauline and I am holding my breath so I don't wet myself laughing!!!!

Happy New Year and love to all