Wednesday, December 24, 2008



With so much going on it nearly slipped me by!!! Sure my room has a stocking and tinsel and I am a very festive horsie....... Don't you snicker at me in the next room Frauline; I am so festive, just you remember that the round bale belongs to me.... OR ELSE!!!!

Right now, back to it. I have been so bothered by the effing weather that I lost my focus. Let me tell you about that. Snow, snow and more freaking snow. So much that the hay people were having trouble bringing the grub!!! What will happen???? The food is still coming like normal and yesterday truck rumbled up with more of the outside hay. For me!!!!

OMG!!! I nearly forgot this too. My little herd is matchy, matchy!!!! I have my big winter dress on (new one!!!) and Little Miss Sweetie Pie has the same!!! More on her later, but she is bay like me. My BFF has this plaid number on and Miss Frauline has the same!!! Then there is DHMBIAB....... wait for it!!! She is naked!!!! She says you got to show it off when you got it. Not sure what she means by that, but I am thinking she may be giving me a poke!!!!!

Back to Christmas..... What will be in my stocking for me this year?? I have so been a good girl and Santa knows this. Plus I am sure the Human will be giving me more stuff. Plus I should be getting bunches of treats. It is hard work being me!!!! You betcha!!!!!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas

Love to all


Saturday, December 20, 2008



NO, really I hate the stuff!!!!

I nearly drowned yesterday. I could't believe no one was coming to get us!!!! WTF!! It just kept coming and coming and coming!!! Finally my human showed up and IF you can believe she took DHMBIAB BEFORE ME!!!!

Slogging in it we were. Took 3 humans hours to get us kids in. Canada eh!!!! Effing bite me!!!! I think we need to move somewhere warm!!!

Not likely.

Now I had better watch were I put my hooves since Christmas is this week. I have a stocking on the door of my room and I had a candy cane in there which I was saving but someone stole it!!! TRIPLE WTF.... WHO would deprive me???? The human was even perplexed!!!!

My big leg is getting better and Mom keeps sticking stuff on my mud fever. Need that to go away.

New kid came in this week and is across the hall from me. A boy, cute, bay like me.

Short post since we have this dial up thing these days and I don't like it and neither does the human so I will sign off.

Remember, Christmas, send me stuff!!!

Love to all


Sunday, December 14, 2008



So much happenin' lately I don't even know where to begin. I guess at the begining is the best spot. Well here goes.....

Sent the human off to the cash job and she came home early one day and is still home. Seems they do not want her anymore at the cash job and now she is home all the time. I was VERY worried about this change of situation especially how it relates to my status but my BFF told me that she heard our Moms talking about it and it seems my Mom is ok on the cash front so I don't have to worry about this.

Just to test things out I stood shivering in my "Rolla" dress (only a mid weight you know and this IS Canada) on a colder than Hades day and sure enough me lovely Mom went out and got me a new heavy weight. Smashing little teal number for the coldest of days. Phew!!! Still gittin' stuff so the BFF must be right about this.

My BFF's hurting tootsie is getting much better but I just got to laugh at the bale!!!!! Miss Frauline and my BFF have the same dress and they come with neck attachments!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA aaaaaaaahhhhhh.......!!!!!!! Miss Frauline is wearing hers but not the BFF!!!!

Oh yeah!!! I had a case of big leg so I have been givin time off for the last couple of weeks for my swelling to come down. Mom sweated my leg for a couple of days because it looked like a tree trunk and the human was looking at it and touching me all the time. I have to watch my step since she is around to check on me I can't get pissy at the bale. I must tell you all that "Don't Hate Me Because I Am Beautiful" keeps trying to upsurp my authority in my gang. WTF???? I know I have promised to diss on her for a bit and since I have my hooves on the new lap tap (confused a bit since I don't have a lap......?????) but I do know how to tap!!!!

Anyway DHMBIAB is an Andulusian..... All together now everyone say Whipee......!!!! Plus she is a grey and has a freakin' black mane and she thinks that she is EVERYTHING!!!!! IF you can believe she thinks she is in charge. TRIPLE WTF.........!!!!!!!???? Since she is somewhat limited in the brain power department and she comes screaming to the bale in the morning like a freaking banshee, I git out of her way. I am biding my time. The other day she tried to get in front of me when my Mom came to get me and I let her know. This is my HUMAN, you have your own human so bugger off. She was a little surprised and the next day she didn't get in my space at the bale. Plus I laugh under my breath when they bring her to the gate. Pony Club rules for her!!!!! HEE HEE.

I have a new youngin in my gang. She is a little bay morgan with great hair but I have yet to think up a blog name for her. I will soon I promise.

All the other kids on the farm are good.... Little Miss Saddlebred's tendon is getting better. We have another new girl in the LandShark's bunch. She yells a lot so I have to think of her blog name too. All the others are still here and doin' fine. Mind you Elvis has been bad with his dress and the Kid's too. His humans are geting them dresses like they are goin out of style but he keeps wrecking them. I must have a chat with him about becoming more stylin'!!!!

Anyhoo I must tap off since the human wants to check her hay mail.

Off to the round bale and I shove DHMBIAB out of the way. It is a new one afterall

Love to all


Monday, November 10, 2008

I KNOW Y'ALL MISSED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought I would try a little southern speak on. No eh!!! Back to Canadianese!!!

Well I hardly know where to begin since there has been so much time passed since I got my hooves on the 'puter'

Me Mom has been home for weeks since she was at the human vet clinic again and then home to rest. I sent her off to the cash job this morning because I need stuff and she needs the cash to get it for me. I did get a new dress. Stylin' new number with a change of slip depending on the temperature. Oh and I also got stylin' new sparkly bell boots...... Not bad considering.....

I did have a big vacation but I needed one since I nearly died on bad worming meds. Couldn't swallow. Mom thought I had the chokes again and was scratching her head and asking the LandShark's Dad on how the hell I could choke on wormer....... Anyway the new Vet came and she is nice too but I got the tubes and I was not choked but my mouth and throat were all swollen up and I couldn't swallow my food. Plus the White Stallion had lips like that rock star in the Rolling Stones and it happened to another kid too. Mom came and checked me all through the night and by morning I could eat some hay. My Mom is VERY pissed to say the least at this certain drug company in America and I understand there has been words about them keeping a product on the market that hurts us horsies. My Mom always says that if you hurt me then you have her to deal with and I wouldn't want to be them because I have NEVER seen my human this mad. EVER!!! Seriously!!!!!

After me Mom came home from the human vet place she was running around like she was on tons of bute. I would get a pat and a treat but my BFF's Mom was helping look after me and stuff. I was glad to see her though. I was good and didn't bite her like I did the last time. I am still ashamed of meself on that one but I have been forgiven.

It took a long time but we went for a hack in the legal fields the other day with Brad Pitt and then came back and we did a little jump. Mom is feeling good and me too so we will get back at it.

I have a new girl in my little herd since the new girl left. This one is German!!! We keep telling her speak English at the bale but she keeps saying "Dunka, Dunka" What ever!!!! I have to be nice to her since she is the new kid of one of my favorite Wenchettes and lives in the room next door.

Anyway, must give the 'puter' back to the human. She needs it for the work thing.

Off to hang at the round bales since they are out already!!!!


Love to all


Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Bloody Hell!!! I couldn't believe what was happening Saturday Past. All my friends have gone out and I am left in my room. I am thinking that maybe I am going for a nice little hack with my Mom or I am getting a massage or the bone guy is coming. The next thing I know there is a stranger in the room next door just a screaming away. I think WTF is going on. Who is this, why am I babysitting.

After a while my Mom comes and gives me a groom and I get tacked up and out I go to the sand ring. Then I am getting a longe line put on me. I am thinking "you must be kidding - have we not dealt with this in the past - I do not longe" I am looking at my Mom and this other lady is in the ring along with another strange horse I know know. Great, I think, it's a clinic... OMG they are going to make me longe. Yippee, Dippee, Cowgirl... Just wait

So she gets me and I passed gas, bucked, kicked at her, reared and tried all my tricks and she kept making me do it. She didn't scare.....

Ya right lady

Finally I just stopped. Where the eff is my human. Be still my eyes, she is standing at the side of the ring laughing!!!!

Finally it was over and back to my room I go. I am thinking what next???????? I should be out with my buddies. My BFF is calling and calling and I call back saying I am stuck in my room and they won't put me outside.

My Mom comes back again later and I get tacked up again. WHAT NOW!!! Me and Mom go back to the legal fields and I am thinking well ok then. This is better. Sucking up to me eh Mom. Then........ we are back in the sand ring and this lady is there again and now she is on my effing back.

Triple WTF..... I just glare at my Mom. Don't you dare laugh at me again..... Don't you dare. So I set my jaw and I won't give in and the lady won't give up......... I am thinking I am NEVER getting out of this.... So I give, I drop my head like she wants, I work from my bum, well a bit, not too bloody much or everyone will expect me to do this all time.

I am thinking I am 17 years old for the love of God, get off my back and leave me the hell alone.

Finally my Mom comes and she gets on me for a bit. Then finally I got to go back to my barn, I have my stuff taken off and I finally get to go see my BFF and the rest of the girls.

Clinics..... Schminicks...... Blech...............

Love to all



I am waiting for the evidence before I have my little rant about the clinic I was made to play in on the weekend. More about that later................

I was scarfing back my dinner last night, paltry as it is, seems the human still thinks I am a little too voluptuous and some of it got stuck in my throat.

I am thinking where the eff is my human. Nowhere to be found. OMG I am can't swallow this lump.. I lay down, I get up, I curl my lips and I am panting away.

Finally my Mom comes into my room and I look at her and she looks at me and the action starts. I hear her say "I think she is collicking" - No, Not, Nyet, NADA, NFW I am not collicking I have a lump in my throat. My Mom pulls me out of my dress, sticks the thermometer up my rear end and I am looking at her saying "you have the wrong end" WTF!!!!

Then she gets the LandShark's Dad and he is checking me out and telling me human that I have no gut sounds and I see her going whiter, whiter and whiter...... She runs to the phone and calls the vet and drags me out of my room into the arena.

Now she wants me to walk around.... I am thinking great, I have this lump in my throat and you want me to effing exercise??????????????? What to do, what to do, WHAT TO DO????

I poop. A really big one. Now my Mom is looking a my poo and I am quite impressed with this and so is she and she is checking it all out....

And she looks at me and I am still breathing funny and curling my lip and my Mom is now thinking WTF..... So I let out a burp, then a cough and then I gag a bit.

Lightbulb goes off. OMG I hear my Mom say to the LandShark's Dad I thinking she is choking and not collicking after all. I see the colour come back to her face and and a whole bunch of humans are checking me out and I see my Mom looking like she is going to leak. I am thinking for effs sake don't leak.... Anyhoo she starts rubbing my throat and I am thinking FINALLY. She rubs, I curl my lips, she rubs some more, I do more lip curls.

She tells me the lovely Dr. M is coming and I am thinking, this might not be great.... I may get the tubes, or the big blue glove or both. I am trying hard to swallow, swallow, come on, swallow this down now I am a thinking.

My Mom says, the Vet should be here soon so we will go back to your room to wait for her. She puts me in my room, just as the lovely Dr. M is pulling up to the barn and I turn and I look at her.....

Hi Mom, Thanks, feeling much better, got the stuff down..... You can send the lovely Dr. M home now. She is looking at me and she knows I am ok now, and tells Dr. M that I seem to be ok now.

I get checked over anyway and the humans have a bit of a laugh saying this is the best way to resolve an emergency call.

I am thinking ok, this is good, no tube up me nose, no blue gloved arm up me butt and then I hear it.......... NO FOOD for a bit.


OMG, this was not in the program. I am better now... OMG I will STARVE...........

I am picking up all the stray hay pieces in my room and looking at all the other kids get their night hay and thinking where is mine.........

My Mom gives me a little bit... Thanks, love you Mom but I will waste away on this ration. She comes back a little later and gives me more. Thank heaven.

Anyway this morning all is well, but I am now on the mush diet. The Day Guy has been instructed to feed me mush. What Ever.........

You know I must compete with My BFF who apparently is having a wing at the clinic the lovely Dr. M works for named after her. I am thinking I want a wing named after me too....

My Mom thinks otherwise

Love to all


Friday, September 26, 2008


I just don't get away with anything........

My Mom actually pointed her finger at me the other night and gave me what have you on my biting... I was enjoying the sport but not enjoying her getting me back.

I had my growly face on and was snarling because she was brushing my chest. I am very sensitive there you know.

Anyhoo. She started...... "That is enough" said my Mom. "If you continue to try and bite me or anyone else you will NOT get ANY treats" "I don't like your face right now and I don't like it when you try to bite and this WILL stop RIGHT NOW"

She had the mare tone on. Plus she did this in front of other humans who wondered if I understood English. I just looked at them and thought - what do you think there Miss Boarder Pants??!! Of course I understand freaking English, it is you humans who need to learn to speak horse.

Anyhoo....... I figured I had better be good or the treat train would chug out of town. So I have been and the carrots have been plentiful since I have been keeping me teeth to meself!!! It is so hard sometimes to be me......!!!!

Then get this, The White Stallion told me that the clinic I am going to is the same clinic my Mom went to a couple of months ago and she came home speaking horse!!! WTF???? I am FREAKING DOOMED!!!!!! If this happens there will be no out smarting the humans. OMG!!!!

What to do.

Calling my buddy Sol in Newfoundland..... Dial in please. I need advise on this one.....

grumble, mutter, growl, spit. But no snarling Mom...... I want my bed time treat!!!

Someone help me!!!!!

Love to all


Thursday, September 25, 2008


As usual, things are happening at the little farm.

I will miss my buddy Diva since she is moving to a different farm at the end of the month. We all wish her well and hope she is happy in her new place.

My Mom says a new gal will be come to my field and her human is a friend of the human who owns Stinky and the good half of the LandShark. The LandShark is getting a new gal in her field too. I havn't spoken of her lately since I never see her anymore. She lives in the other barn next to Stinky and we really hardly ever see each other. My spy tells me though her butt is as big as ever!!!!

My BFF is getting better finally. Her hurted tootsie is not so tender and everyone has been Doctorin her up to get her over the abscess. She had a real nasty one. She isn't skipping around anymore so her entourage is happy about that.

The new guy, I think I will give him the blog name of The Boy Next Door. Works eh! Anyhoo he is better and he got his teeth done this week so hopefully this will make him all better so he dosn't get the tubes any time soon.

No sightings of the furry mouser Whiskers. My Mom is very upset about him being missing but we had to get a new buddy for the lady mouser so my Mom went and got this guy. This is the
picture of him at his old home. He has been around a bit. The lady who had him said she had only had for a month and then she was giving him away. He lived in the big house for animals before she got him and now he is at the farm. He is a little scared but I am sure we will all make him welcome and he will have a good time with us all.

If Whiskers comes home I am sure the humans will all be happy to see him and we will have 3 furry mousers instead of just two. His name is Husky and he will be out and about in a couple of days as soon as he isn't scared anymore

I havn't been doing much lately myself. Just hanging about. I hear me and my Mom are doing a clinic next weekend at the farm so that should be fun.

Anyway off to hang with the girlies.

Love to all


Monday, September 22, 2008


So sorry to say that the boy mouser Whiskers is missing. My Mom has looked high and low for him but is not able to find him anywhere. I know she is holding off leaking in case he comes home but I can tell that she is upset. Here is his picture. If you see him then let my Mom know or the other Head Wench.

We all would like him to come home soon. The girlie mouser is missing him.

My BFF's abscess has been crazy. She is an all or nothin kind of gal. Vet visiting twice a day to give her the needle. She looks like she is getting better but is still limping. Causing mucho stress to her Mom and my Mom too.

The new guy has been good and not needing any more Doctorin for a couple of days now. The chat I had with him worked.

On a good note, Autie Kim came by yesterday and her and My Mom went shopping!!! I finally got something new!!!!!! It HAS been a while. Anyway a new dress for winter!!! Pink with grey trim and flecks of pink on it with a slogan!!! It says "born to roll" So cool!!!

Anyway, just a short one today. Too sad on the kitty issue and my new dress has been put away until it gets colder

Love to all


Thursday, September 18, 2008

DRAT, DRAT AND MORE DRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am SO bummed out. Not like giving my Mom the bum but very disappointed.

Not doing the horse trial this weekend. Since my Mom had to go the human vet clinic we missed all our training and we are not able to go. No one is going now. The White Stallion isn't nor is Elvis and his Sister.

I am so sad that I won't get to wear my ensemble with my show name on it. Plus my Mom had stuff to match...... She says we can go next year..... Pouting.

Then she said maybe we could do a winter dressage show and I said "That's ok Mom I can wait" Bloody dressage!!!!!

Anyhoo My BFF is taking a long time to get over her abscess and stuff is still oozing from her hurted tootsie. She is being a trooper but I can tell she is very ouchy.

The new guy seems to be ok again. He had a big tummy ache the other night too. Poor guy had the tubes now 3 times.

Everyone else is just hanging out eatin and poopin, eatin and poopin.

Well off eat grass and be upset about not getting to show off at the horse trial

Love to all


Monday, September 15, 2008


Oh my!!!!!!!

My poor Mom!!!! I have to be sympathetic since she is showing everyone the bruise I gave her on her arm. At first it was the perfect fit to my mouth but now it is leaking downwards. Me bad girl and I am sorry, sorry, sorry!!!

Anyhoo My BFF has a nasty nasty abscess and is wondering around trying to be stoic but looks like her leg is broken. My Mom and my BFF's Mom and her Pet Rider and the lovely Dr. D have all been "doctorin" her up. Today the lovely Dr. D came and took the pressure off so the humans and my BFF are relieved for sure. Soaking and poulticing and wrapping, all that stuff.

Plus my Mom was just about to go in to feed her face the other night and the new guy had choked again. He is my new neighbour and I had a thing to tell him. "Stop scarfing back your food since you are taking my time away from me and my human - get with the program pal" Actually he is very cute and I think he is handsome and then some!!!!! I heard my Mom say mushy beet pulp for you pal from now on. I have to ask his Wenchette what his blog name can be. He spit on my Mom's head too and I could tell she was very impressed with this!!!

The Royal Cousin has a swollen leg and she is now out front with Elvis's sister who also had to have a visit from the lovely Dr. M.

OMG I think I am going to get me a nurse's hat!!! Me Mom at the human Vet Clinic, a bunch of kids hurtin..... I would be a great nurse. Florence Nightinghorse!!! If you don't like what I'm doing I will bite you..... errrrrr no...... heal you!!!!


Givin' the needle is better than gettin' it, I say!!!!!!!

Love to all


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Just check them out!!! My BFF and her pet rider with all their winnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They won the overall championship for their class at the Blue Star shows and were reserve champion in their last one. They even did test #3 and came in 4th on their first try!!!

Such STARS!!! Everyone is so proud of her and this ribbon haul is from her last show. She got a first, a second a fourth and the really big ribbons are for the Championship.

Brings tears to me eyes I tell ya!!! She is just the best my BFF, my second in command!!!! Keeps the other girlies in line when I am being worked to death!! Ooops better be careful what I write here since I am not sure I am still not in doo-doo from the big bite incident!!! My Mom was showing people her bruise on her arm and I do feel very ashamed; really!!!

Anyway back to the DQ.......... Everyone is so excited and proud especially her Mom, my Mom and I am sure her Pet Rider's Mom!!!! Lots of ribbons on her door now for everyone to see.

She can only get better and better!!!!

Love to all


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

WHAT IN THE WORLD...........

I was thinking WTF was happening one morning a couple of weeks ago when my Mom came to my room before I went out and was hugging me and stuff. I was like "why are you not at the cash job where you are supposed to be and would you please stop. You are embarrassing me in front of my friends."

Then she was gone. And gone some more and STILL gone.......??????? Triple triple WTF.....????? I am thinking I have been deserted. My BFF's Mom and a bunch of other people were helping look after me but I am thinking "Where is the human for eff's sake?????" I am thinking I better be good just in case there is a change in my situation. Maybe this is why Mom was all over me before, maybe she is never coming back??? Nah I think, she is off gallivanting somewhere without me.. I am getting more and more pissed each day.

Suddenly I see her running down the hill in the paddock towards me. Harrumph I think she's back. I am not going to pay any attention to her!!! I didn't look at her, I didn't come running to her and I didn't even lift my head from my grass. That will teach her. She hugs me anyway and tells me how glad she was to see me. Yeah right I think.

Then I come to my room and she is there again and I give her the bum big time. She gets me out and gives me treats and I am thinking this is more like it. I get a good groom and lots of carrots and I am thinking well you better be nice to me. When she came to tuck me in I thought that she had given my BFF treats and not me and then I lost my mind and I bit her, hard on her arm. She smacked me and left again. Then My BFF told me that her her Mom had told her that my Mom had been at the human vet clinic in town stuck in there for days... OMG I thought this is why she was not here.

I felt so bad and I was so worried that she wouldn't come again since I had bit her. The shame. I didn't sleep at all in my room and I spun my hay all over and made a mess that even the wenchettes commented on.

Much to my relief, there she was the next morning to give us all our hay and put my booties on. I rested my head on her back when she did so she would know that I was sorry and I put my best please forgive me look on my face.

So she did forgive me and she has been home since Saturday past and I have seen her morning and night and I will try hard not to bite her again. She said last night I have used up my biting allowance for the next 5 years.

Anyway, lots of stuff going on at the farm.

I will blog more later since I have to give back the puter to my Mom.

Love all


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

TRAVELLING MAN.......................

Yesterday the mobile room unit came up the drive. I am thinking yawn......... Someone new, someone going to a show, someone coming home from show................

The Day Guy had put me out and I was lumbering my aching body around my paddock and then I saw....... I had to rub me eyes with me hooves....... By the far corner of my paddock I could see him.........

The lovely JJ was back!!!!! What happened I wondered. I gathered the girlies and we all ran over to chat him up over the fence. Seems he didn't like the footing at CARD so he is back home at our place. Really he is a lifer!!!!! He came to our little farm on the same day the humans had their open house years ago. Nearly the very first boarder!!!!!

Happy, happy he is to be home. Back in his paddock with Elvis and The Kid.

Plus my Mom says we have a new boy coming tomorrow and he will go in Speedy G's old stall.

So our little barn is full again.

Off to admire the guys



Monday, August 25, 2008


I am so sore.............

On Friday past I was screwing with me human's head and thought it would be funny to run out of my room backwards when she had my door slightly ajar. I usually don't do things like this, but I thought I would be a free spirit and amuse myself. I ran into the door of The Diva's room and I didn't tell anyone but I busted it!! Just let on like nothing happened, and thank you very much all you other kids in your rooms yelling whoo whoo trying to get me in doo-doo!!! Anyway my Mom checked me over since I knew she would be more worried about me than the door and I almost got away with this too....

The next morning she is looking at the door thinking WTF did the Diva do........ Hee, hee. Diva is looking at her and telling her not me, it was your own bloody mare you silly wench.... But me human didn't listen... Grumbling around....... I just put on my happy good morning face and said here's a kissy for you Mom!!!!

Later we were out hacking with the White Stallion and I could hardly move. We were cantering in the forbidden fields and I had to stop. My Mom was up there thinking, what is up???? I heard her talking to the other head wench something is wrong here. She is getting fitter but she seems to be very ouchy. So we took it easy, just walking around and she let me go at my own pace and I did a little trot and felt ok and then a little canter and it was ok. Coming home I could hardly get up the little hill in a trot and I had to stop again.

Then it happened. Light bulb went off in her head!!! I heard her say to the other Head Wench. It wasn't the Diva that busted the door it was my girl. Foiled, drat, rats, spit - found out again!!!

So she checked me over again and the humans all felt that I was just sore. Thinking I would get some time off........ BUT NO.......... Who shows up the next day........ The coach!!!!

I am thinking this can't be happening. I can't have a lesson. So I put on my best I can't DO this but no one is buying it. I am being asked to trot, go forward, work from my bum......... Triple WTF!!! I try balking, I try bending the wrong way, I try going backwards, sideways EVERYTHING. I hear Mom asking my coach, I don't think she is lame but she must be sore from bashing into the door. Ya DUH Ladies!!!!! I get checked over again and I am thinking this must be it, I will get to back to my girls but no............................ Work some more. Finally I just gave up and co-operated and did my thing.

Later at night I gave her the best dirty look I have but she just rolled her eyes......

Anyway, I hear my Mom is tossing back the Advil today too..... I could really use some Bute here............


Off to bitch to the girls



Friday, August 22, 2008


Everyone is so proud

I wouldn't kick Hickstead out of my room for leaving cookies!!!!!



Thursday, August 21, 2008


The New Girl, Royal Cousin and Don't Hate Me Because I Am Beautiful (more on her later) snuck in a huge big screen TV and we have it hidden behind the poop pile.

Watching the Lympics!!!

Holy Canada, we won us a GOLD MEDAL today!!! Hickstead that stud muffin stallion went clear, clear and more clear and we got to hear Oh Canada on the TV. On top of the podium!!! Hickstead's human Eric did good too. How about that I ask!!! Just made us all so proud.

Plus the entire team got a silver medal the other day so we just rule in Show Jumpin'!!!!!

Off now dreaming of medals!!!

Maple Leaf
Love to all


Thursday, August 14, 2008

HAPPENINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL, NOT MUCH!!!!!

Since I didn't go to the Olympics.................!!!!

But I am in training for the horse trial.............

Horse Racing

Looks like us in the legal fields!!! Well if I am following Miss Saddlebred.

Me Mom says the coach will visit this weekend which is a GOOD thing since my Mom needs help. I am perfect but man she needs lessons again!!!

I hear we are schooling at the Eventing yard soon with the White Stallion and his Brother and maybe two of the kids from the other barn.

Updates soon

Love to all


Wednesday, August 06, 2008


The equine kind, that is!!!

Seems I heard a rumour that the LandShark's Dad said that my ass was two Big Macs AND a Quarter Pounder!!!!

I thinks that the LandShark should take her wide load and help this poor ass out!!!!

Hee Haw!!!




Friday, August 01, 2008

IT'S A LONG WEEKEND HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This makes the humans really happy.


I know mine is off tonight to hang with her human BFF and get on the wine so I will not be seeing her until later and I may step on her foot when she comes to pick mine and tuck me in!!!!

Everyone have a good one!!!



Thursday, July 31, 2008

GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS............

A big howdy doo to everyone!!!!

Finally some good news on the Twizzle situation. She has been given the all clear and she will be freed from her room tonight I hear!! I know her Mom is very excited and happy and we all are very happy for her. I am sure my Mom and her Mom will watch the antics this evening. I am going to chat her up and tell Twizzle to not do anything silly that will make her have to go back to her room rest.

The bad news is the lovely JJ is going to be a CARD horse. It is bad news for us since we will all miss him terribly. JJ was one of the first kids to come to my Mom's and the other Head Wench's boarding stable and we are happy that he will have a nice new career helping kids that have challenges learn to ride. I know he will be really good at his new job and the CARD people are really excellent and he will be a happy camper before long. The good news is that his humans can visit him and I think my Mom will visit him too since she has friends near the CARD stable and can pop in and see him.

I havn't been doing much this week since my Mom gave me Monday off since I had such a hard weekend. Then she has been busy the other days so I got a lovely groom the other night from one of the wenchettes and hugs and kisses from Mom. Mind you she got me again yesterday morning when I tried to bite her leg. Such sport you know. I just can't help myself. I don't really mean it but I do enjoy screwing with her head and running my teeth up her leg when she is dressed for the cash job. She always nails me, you would think I would learn. Plus she is doing all this stuff she learned at the Chris Irwin clinic and I keep feeling compelled to do her bidding. Yeesh!!!

Well, I must be off to the paddock to hang with the girlies since I know my Mom will be after me soon to fit up to go eventing.

Love to all


Monday, July 28, 2008


I have had to wrestle the keyboard from my human who has been way busy with stuff lately.

I think she has been doing the work thing to pay for all my stuff!!! Good thing too. Not sure if you have noticed but I am slightly high maintenance!!!

She did go to the Chris Irwin clinic and I think he teaches humans how to speak horse!!! Very scary stuff. If she learns this, I won't get away with ANYTHING. She is sending off vibes and stuff and I feel compelled to do things that I really don't want to, but I feel I must. Stuff like lift my hoof when asked!!! I rather like to challenge her on this but now she has learned this new move and I feel compelled just to lift it up. I am somewhat puzzled. Why am I doing this? Why am I not protesting? WTF?????

Any way her winning streak at these clinic seems to be over and she came home with nothing for me but a book for her. Nothing for me, shocking!!!!

In fact I didn't get nothin' this weekend except that I went for a crazy hack with Miss Saddlebred who's slow trot is faster than my canter and when she started her fast trot I nearly had to gallop to keep up. Sped around the legal fields and by the time we got back I was spent!!! Then me Mom expected me to jump stuff. I am huffing and puffing and thinking nooooooo......

I want to go back to the paddock, hang with MyBFF and the other girlies but here I am working up a nasty sweat.

Good thing for me that Uncle Paul came soon after and I got my massage. My Mom was very excited because I have lost some of my pork-choppyness and Uncle Paul can feel my ribs. You should have seen my Ma!!! So happy, happy.

Yesterday we both sucked with our dressage pattern. I think our coach will be home soon to help us out.

Anyway off to hang with my girlies



Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Check this out.............................................!!!!!!

OMG!!!! Enough said



Monday, July 21, 2008


I am a wee bit confused but I got a ribbon for my door at the barn BBQ this weekend. My human let Devil Pony's wenchette ride me in the some of the classes. I would have rather just watched this from the side lines but I was tacked up and out I went. Sigh!!!!

The first class my Mom was cheering me on and I was thinking no way am I going to go!!! The next class I was last but I won a red ribbon and I got hugs from my Mom. WTF?? Last but I win?? Very confused!!! Seems the class I won was the turtle walk and I had to go as slow as possible. Foiled!!! I was trying to do that anyway!! One of the other classes was a canter so I made sure that I took off and came first but that one I lost!! Well the human is happy anyway I got a ribbon on my door!!

This is the costume class and the humans dressed their kids up funny!!! Check it out!!!

The winner is in front and his name for the class was Don Whoa!!! You can also see the White Stallion with his human doing Arabian Nights!!

Everyone was stylin' I will post more pic's as they come in via the hay mail!!!

All the humans had a good time and thanks to the Pet Rider of My BFF and My BFF's humans for getting this together.

Plus, I got the best new thing!! I have an ensemble!!! Cooler with my show name on it, matching shipping boots and a tail wrap. All in pink and silver!!! Means only one thing............!!! I must be goin' eventin'!!!! Soon. This must be the reason I am learning the dressage pattern!!

I got hauled into the indoor yesterday and made to do this pattern a couple of times. Seems my human now knows it off by heart and we are working on making it smokin'!!!! Must get fit and be ready to wow the judge!!! Very excited!!!

So all and all it was a great weekend!!! All us horsies had fun and all the humans had fun!!! Mind you My BFF was a little confused about the games thing!!! She said later she was scared that she wouldn't get to go hang out in the little white fence ring no more. I said poo-poo, yes you will. This was all for fun and the humans were being silly. Mind you I didn't notice any of them on the wine until later!!!! Hum...........

Anyway, off to eat the green grass and dream of cross country fences!!!!

Love HRH

Friday, July 18, 2008


You humans get so excited about the end of the week. My BFF tells me that it is because this is when most of you stop having to go and earn the cash to keep us kids a stylin'!!!!

I am very excited because tomorrow is our barn BBQ and you know I always get lots of stuff and attention and I can't wait to see what comes next!!! I know me Mom has something special up her breeches for me!!!!


Well not literally up her breeches, cos if it was very it wouldn't fit there!!! Hee hee!!!

Plus we are having a little friendly competition at the barn and I am sure to get a ribbon for my door!!!!

Horseback Riding

Plus the humans will probably get on the wine so that is always entertaining.

I am sure we will have pictures and stuff.

Pretty hot here today, so we are just hanging around down by the stream.

Love to all


Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Some more pictures have come in via the haymail so here they are,

This is a bigger one of the White Stallion!!!

This is the Devil Pony with her Wenchette showing off at Palgrave. Stylin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am an athlete!!! Since I am going to the horse show in September me and my human have to get in shape. I was out in the legal fields last night just chugging along!!!! I need to be fit!! So does the human. She needs to lay off the cookies, pie and chips!!! If I am getting fit then so is she.

So around we went. Don't listen to her if she tells you the only reason I was moving me butt was to out run the nasty squadron of deer and horse flies. I am on a mission here!!!

Anyway, short one today since the human is busy and needs the 'puter. Off to run up and down the hill. My BFF is my fitness coach. One up the hill, one down the hill, two up the hill.......

Love to all


Monday, July 14, 2008



So many ribbons everywhere in the barn!!! All the kids that went to the shows are stars!!! Everyone came home with decorations for their doors.

My friend Diva was divalicious at her show. She got Champion, Reserve Champion and there are so many ribbons on her door there is hardly room. Me and my BFF was chatting her up last night and she is so happy that she got to go to the show and show off for everyone. All her humans are so happy too. Diva was very proud when she got home and we were all chatting at the bar.

Plus on the other side of the barn more kids went to shows. My friend Speedy G was busy cleaning up at the show she went to. She has tons of ribbons on her door too. She got 1st place in her hack class. Now I have known Speedy for many, many years; in fact I have known her the longest of all; even more than the White Stallion but I digress here. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine Speedy winning a hack class. She used to do eventing like me but now she does Hunter stuff and who would have have thunk it???? She is called Speedy for a reason but she is just a star too!!! Plus she got a bunch more for jumpin' stuff.

The Royal Cousin and her human were their usual elegant selves. My Mom and the other Head Wench saw her ride her rounds. Lovely combination they are. She got a bunch more ribbons to add to her collection including a red one. Not sure what she got it for, but she was stylin' for sure.

We are very proud of the New Girl. She isn't so new anymore but her blog name has stuck. She went to only her 2nd show and she placed in two of her classes. Her Mom is so happy since they have been working very hard together and are becoming a lovely combination. The New Girl was so proud when everyone met at the bar after their shows. She came running over saying I got ribbons, I got ribbons!!! Me and My BFF gave her a horsie hug since she was so excited!!!!

So I am thinking in all this excitement that I would just have a little hack yesterday with the White Stallion in the forbidden fields. Me Mom comes and gets me and we get dressed and out we go. Moseying along and we get back to the farm and all of a sudden the other Head Wench is holding this paper in her hand and started saying Enter at A working trot....... WTF is up I think as my Mom is asking me to trot forward. At X halt and salute..... So I halt..... Me Mom gives me a nudge and I am thinging what is going on???? I stay halted because really this looks like work. Anyhoo all of a sudden I am doing a bloody dressage pattern. Why,I am thinking. Next I am standing in the ring and my Mom is reading the dressage test to the other Head Wench and the White Stallion and they are running the dressage pattern. The White Stallion is going WTF........?????

Turns out me and the White Stallion are going eventin'!!!! Mark your calendars September 20th!! We will be showing too. I am so excited that I don't even mind doing the dressage thing since I know I will get to show off then!!! Maybe I will get a ribbon for my door too. I keep asking my Mom to get out my old ones but she won't hear of it!!!

Plus we are having our Barn BBQ this weekend I have heard on the haymail express there is something stylin' coming for me!!! How about that.

So much excitment this weekend I can hardly stand it. Just had to get all the news out!!!

Anyway, I must run and catch up with the show girls. They all live in my group so we will all be back together today, just lounging and hanging out.

Love to all


Friday, July 11, 2008


Not much going on so I thought I would put some pictures up of my friends

Here I am!! In my winter clothes!!!

My BFF in her room, stylin in her winter dress. She is so funny.

Speedy G with her pet teenaged Wenchette

The White Stallion. We don't let him know that he really dosn't have his "bits"!!!!

My BFF at the show with her Pet Rider. Happy, happy they are here!!!

My friend Sol from Newfoundland. She gets in lots of trouble all the time

My friend the Grey Goddess with Auntie Bren my Mom's friend. She always brings me good stuff when she comes to visit. The Grey Goddess lives in Newfoundland with Auntie Bren and Sol.

Me again in summer

My Mom's friend Auntie Kim doing well with her favorite horsie at a horse show. I don't know this kid but she is stylin'

The new furry mouser Puma

The boy mouser Whiskers!!

If you want you can send me your picture and I will put them up too.

Off to hang with my girlies



Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I know a few horsies that have been called a cow but.........

I love the hat!!
What style, what talent!!!!
Love to all

Monday, July 07, 2008


Another weekend for my BFF at the Dressage Show. This time at Blue Star Farm and the competititon was tough.

My BFF was all gussied up by her Pet Rider and off they went with her Mom and my Mom to the show. As usual she was a star. Spectacular!!!

I heard the humans talking and they were very happy about her ribbons. She got 4th for her first test and 2nd in her second test. Seems there was a dressage godzilla at the show!!!! This human was not gracious at all. She kept saying how everyone else was a loser and all she had to do was show up and she would get 1st and 2nd place again with her two horses. Plus my Mom saw her kicking her horse in the face at the tack check. I know my Mom dosn't go for this sort of stuff and she was very lucky that my Mom didn't come over and drag her off her horse and kick her. WTF is wrong with people I ask. This was in full view of everyone. Nasty, nasty.

Na, Na, Na!!! My BFF came 2nd and beat her!!!! That will learn her not to be sportslady like. All the humans were so gleeful and they all were saying how they would have loved to have seen her face when she didn't go 1 - 2. Here you go honey, one of your horses got beat by my BFF. A thoughbred with a big heart.

It is very sad that humans who are good riders and have good horses can't be gracious winning and losing. And kicking her kid is just terrible. Plus she has terrible ring manners and almost took out another horsie in the warm up ring. She was coming in the doorway and didn't annouce her coming so my Mom had to yell "DOOR" because she was going to crash into this other kid. My Mom gave her mare glare and rolled her eyes.

I hope the BFF entourage meets her again and we beat her totally. We're number 1, we're number 1!!!!!

So I am thinking it was a usual Sunday and we would come in and things would be normal, but nooooooooo........ I am coming in and there is my Mom with the tuby thing and OMG it is worming time. I acted up a bit because you know she was at my BFF's show and I hardly saw her on Saturday since she was busy with stuff. Blech this stuff is terrible. Anyway she came in to tuck us all in last night and I got lots of hugs and stuff so I have forgiven her. At least I know I will have another day off today since my Mom dosn't ride me when I am errr.... expelling the wormies!!!

Off to the paddock with me girlies.

Love to all


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

OH GEEZ....................................

Update on Twizzle. She is getting better but she still has to stay in her room for another 4 more weeks.

At least she dosn't have to go to the horsie hospital. Whew!!!!

I know she is not happy about all this because she was givin' the get go to her pet teenager. She wouldn't dare with her Mom!!! Mind you, my Mom was giving her a scratch the other night and she was making my snarling face at MY Mom. No, non, nyet, nada, nein, NFW - Do not bite me human. This is my job - not that I EVER get away with it.

Short one today. Off to make sure I stay number one in my herd. New girlie in my gang yesterday.

Love to all


Monday, June 30, 2008


A big Happy Canada Day to all!!!!


Busy weekend as usual. I did a bunch of hacking with the White Stallion and the Royal Cousin this weekend. Man the bugs were baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddd!!! The evil flies kept chasing and biting me. They are huge. My Mom had sprayed me with the stinky stuff and I had my Hiawatha fly fringe on but still they kept eating me. I tried hard to out run them but they stuck to me and I was fearing they would suck out all me blood. Then they started biting my Mom too. OMG!!!!!!

Anyway 'nough of my complaining.

We had a whole bunch of kids go to shows this weekend and they are all stars. My buddy the Devil Pony came home with ribbons and they are on her door and she did well for her Wenchette doing her Hunter thing. The Big M accross the hall went to the Pony Club show and he did well for his human too. He got lots of ribbons too. We were wondering about what was going on with him because he was going and coming and going and coming. He says he likes the cross country the best, me too!!!

Plus the Mighty Q went to his first Quarter Horse show with his Mom. He had been a show horse before but this was his first with his Mom. Here they are. Don't they just look stylin'!!!!!!! He was gone for days and all the girlies in the LandShark's group kept wondering what had happened to him. Anyhoo he was a star too. Lot's of ribbons on his door for everyone to see too. He did a bunch of classes with his Mom and some more with his Coach. Everyone is so happy, happy.

I am so proud of all the show kids this weekend. Everyone is a star!!!!

Well off to hang with the girlies, get some rest before my Mom comes home and drags me off again. Something tells me that she is making me work hard now so I can go and show off sometime soon too.

Dreaming of show ribbons!!!!

Love to all


Friday, June 27, 2008


My BFF!!!! Here she is!!! At the show were she won the two first place ribbons!!! Since I am a nice gal I am going to let her borrow my blog and tell everyone!!!!

Hi, and thanks HRH!!! This is me with my Pet Rider and I think we both look so nice. Or as HRH would say stylin'!!!

I heard my Pet Rider talking to one of the Head Wenches the other day and she was saying that she knew, that I understood that when we go to show off we always see the little white fence ring and I go in and perform. You know what?? She was right on!!! I do understand & I do like doing the dressage thing. It is fun getting all gussied up and then going on a road trip to the show place. As soon as I get there, me and my Pet Rider wander around and check everyone out. Size up the competition!!!! Now, of course everyone thinks that I am brilliant because of my performances in the little white fence ring. I try very hard to make all the humans in my life happy since they are so good to me.

I am so happy that my Mom changed my life and I get to be a DQ rather than a Hunter. I am very happy with everything these days.

I love all my people!!! Everyone!!!! Plus I love all my friends on the farm. I hang out with a nice gang of gals and they are all very happy when I do well.

So I am going to go find HRH and we can hang out down by the stream and get dirty today!!! No showing this weekend, but I will be sure to let everyone know how I do in my next show. HRH says I am a show Goddess!!!! I think she is pretty cool too!!!

Love to all


Thursday, June 26, 2008


G'day!!!! Thought I would try a little Aussie speak for a change!!! No eh!!! Eh, it is the Canadian way!!!!

Tomorrow is the big day for my buddy Twizzle. You might all remember that Twizzle has had to stay in her room for 6 whole weeks because of a hurted tootsie. All the girlies in my group and the LandShark's group are hoping that she is okey dokey and can come out to play soon. If she is sprung then she has to hang in a small paddock for a little while, so my Mom is planning on moving some of the kids around. So everyone send positive vibes to Twizzle and her Mom!!!!

Now, I must weigh in on the all the stuff that is going on at our little farm and making my Mom koo-koo!!! You all must understand she is a little nutty at best but lately I have seen her running around with her Miss Piggy face on and that means she is not happy. You need to know if my Mom is not happy then I am not happy. If I am not happy I just might bite you in the boobie, so you have been warned. KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!!


Ok, then...........!!!! Back to the happy place!!!!!

Had a little hack the other night with My BFF and Diva. Diva kept her dress on but we all nearly pooped in our panties when we were out there and the this grass eating machine made a funny noise. We thought it was someone with a blast stick. All our Moms handled this and made us feel safe.

Plus one of the Wenchette's Dad bush wacked some new trails in the legal fields so I have some exploring to do. I will get my buddy the White Stallion and go. Speaking of the White Stallion, OMG my Mom is losing her mind. She forgot him in the field last night and he was just wandering in when the LandShark's Dad and Stinky's Mom saw him. Good thing he knows where is room is!!! So Stinky's Mom (She is the LandShark's Mom too by the way) helped him a bit!!!! See I am not kidding, my Mom is a bit shall we say distracted!!!

Anyway off to do what I do best!!!!!

Love to all


Monday, June 23, 2008


Exciting news!!!!

My BFF is now a DQ!!!!! Full fledged DQ (that would be Dressage Queen for the un-initiated) She is a star!!!!

We were very excited when she got home yesterday from her show. She won BOTH her classes!!! First place ribbons hanging on the door. Boys oh Boys does she have bragging rights around the barn right now!!!!

She even has an entourage!!! Her own personal!!! Yesterday my Mom, her Mom and her Dad, her Pet Rider (she is a star too) and her Pet Rider's Mom plus some of her Pet Riders friends all went to the show. Everyone was so excited and proud!!! All the hard work has paid off and my BFF is so happy. She loves being a DQ!!! She told me that she loves to go and show off at the shows . There are pictures and a video!!! I will have to use my superior techno goddess skills and get them up here for all to see!!!! When she got home yesterday and came to see us all at the bar and told us, I nearly leaked I was so happy for her!!! All the other kids in the barn are very proud and happy too. Plus all this makes her Mom very happy too. We are all happy, happy, happy. Just a happy bunch we are!!!!

Some other stuff from this weekend....... I went hacking with JJ on Saturday we were out in the legal fields. I was trying to be demure since JJ is one hot boy. My Mom was not amused and insisted I go forward. She even borrowed JJ's Moms crop!!!! I havn't seen one of those in ages and I dared her to swat me with it. She DID!!!!! Gave me a little flick. Thought better of mis-behaving after I realized she meant business. We did a little jump school again after our hack and I must say I love showing off when I jump!!! Then my Mom had to go so My BFF's Mom cooled me down. I was thinking WTF at first but then I knew my Mom wouldn't let just ANYONE sit on my back so I was ok with it. Mind you my BFF's Mom did say I had a wide load. Wide load of what I wonder???!!!!

Uncle Paul came and I got my massage and I even learned from Stinky how to give my Mom a massage while I am getting mine!! Stinky says no teeth allowed!!!

So all in all it was a very good weekend for me and my BFF and the rest of my girlies.

Off to rub shoulders with the DQ!!!

Love to all


Friday, June 20, 2008


I know this makes my Mom happy!!!! Cos she gets to stay home and hang out with me!!!!


It's Friday

I think Uncle Paul is coming this weekend so I get my massage. Yippee again!!!

I have the best life!!!!

Off to enjoy


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I was very worried this morning about my BFF.

My Mom came to do the morning hay and noticed my BFF was poop-less or so it seemed. I heard her kicking around in my BFF's room and she looked very worried when she came to put on my boots, so I tried to make things right by giving her a little nip and boy was THAT a big no-no.

Anyhoo the day guy couldn't find any either. Oh No!!!!

So my Mom called my BFF's Mom and they were all worried. I stayed in my room next to my BFF and lo and behold she did the deed and had that poopy!!! Yes!

Just to be sure my BFF's Mom had the lovely Dr. M in and my BFF got the big blue glove and she is fine. Saw her coming and boy did that make her go!!!!

So all is well at the little farm, we are back in our field just a frolicking like fillies on a Spring day, we are!!!!

I love my BFF



Monday, June 16, 2008


Busy, busy, busy!!!!!!

All sorts of things going on this weekend. Me and the White Stallion were out in the forbidden fields with our humans when this loud smoke belching two wheel thing came out of nowhere and we were afraid it was going to eat us all!!!! Then I remembered these things from a visit they paid to the farm some time ago but still we all thought it best to turn around and go home since the smoke belcher was going where we were.

When we got back to the legal fields me and the White Stallion had lots of piddle and vinegar in us and we were cantering along the trails. Won't say nothing about the bugs that are the size of stealth bombers though. Then, if you can imagine the White Stallion was gone!!! WTF!!! No way you are going to run home faster than me so I kicked it up a gear. Made my human very happy since she has not felt this pace since my eventing days. I hear her say to the other Head Wench when we caught up "I didn't think she still had it in her" Triple WTF!!! Of course I still have in me. Yeeesh!!! So when we got back to the farm we jumped everything and the White Stallion too. I showed my Mom that I still had it in me. I can still gallop and jump. My Mom was up there saying ''not so fast, not so fast". Don't have it in me indeedy.

The Devil Pony went to a show and my Mom and my BFF's Mom and a whole bunch of other people from the farm went to see her. She was trying a new division and still came home with a ribbon on her door. She said she saw these scary flowers in her jumping round and they kept talking to her so she was scared to jump over them. She told me when we were in our rooms that they kept singing when she was coming up to the jump!!! Yikes!!!!

Plus my BFF and her Mom had a great lesson yesterday. Made my BFF's Mom very happy, happy and all the humans were happy for her too. My BFF's Mom is very happy with her new coach and it is the same coach Twizzle has too. Plus she has a piggy!!! The coach that is, not my BFF or her Mom. It is very cute and my Mom was playing with him yesterday.

Twizzle by the way is almost done her room rest. Another two more weeks to go and I know her Mom will be very happy when this is all said and done. Even though Twizzle has a hurted foot her Mom has been teaching her to long line during her hand walking exercise. Very smart thing because I know Twizzle has been very bored with all this. I love her outfit when she does this, my Mom says it is her bondage gear!!!!!!!

Well my Mom needs the puter to do the work thing to pay for everything for me. OMG I almost forgot I got a new halter this weekend and it has diamonds in it!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is my rock star halter!!!!

Love to all,


Friday, June 13, 2008


I had the best night last night. Me, my BFF and the Royal Cousin all went for a hack in the legal fields.

It was my BFF Mom's first time on my BFF out there. She was a star and her Mom is happy happy with our little adventure. We were very impressed with Royal Cousin who was wearing her Cowgirl outfit. I want one too!!! I don't have this and don't know why. My Mom loves bling and I should have Cowgirl bling too!!! Someone tell her!!!!

Then we came home and the Royal Cousin went galloping around the paddock and we were all very excited watching her. Then my Mom asked me to jump a little X. Snort!!! Well I treated it like the trot pole it was and then she made me canter over the X (snort) and I treated it like the canter pole it was. I knew there was a bigger vertical out there so I knew if I didn't jump the X (snort) she would make me jump the vertical. Mom must understand that I am doing her a service!!! If she is scared of bigger jumps it is up to me to make sure that she knows she can do it!!!! Mission accomplished!!! I am a rock star!!!!!

Well, the pasture and my girlies are calling for me to join them. It promises to be a nice hot day here today and I must say I love summer and livin' is easy, peasy!!!

Love to all


Thursday, June 12, 2008

I AM A ROCK STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check this out!!! It is a personality test for us horsies!! I am a Rock Star!!!!!! You would imagine anything different?????? Of course not!!!!!

Do the test and tell me what you are!!!

Love to all,


Monday, June 09, 2008


My Mom says we can only complain about one season a year and she complains about Winter and hates it, but over the weekend the oven came on. It is so hot on our little farm!!!!! Not the hot like me hot, but the HOT like you feel like you are through the gates of the portal to hell.

Boiling Hot

So all us kids spent the weekend hanging out in the field except for the Royal Cousin and Speedy G who went to shows. The Royal Cousin was so happy to see us all when she got back from her adventure and we all hung out at the bar talking about the road trip. Seems both of them did very well and their humans have hung the prizes on their doors for all to see.

I finally got my first bath of the year and it was about time too!!! I made sure that my Mom got a bath as well and one of the boy's human was there to watch and I made sure I helped her stay cool too. Plus I got a full fledged beauty treatment, not that you can improve on my perfection but I did need a hair cut!!! I am shiny, shiny now and of course all the boys just admire me as I go by!!!!!

Yesterday the White Stallion and I were supposed to go on a hack but our humans looked like they were melting so we didn't have to go!!!! No coach, no hack, no ride, no work!!!! NO WORRIES!!!!

Life is good!!!

Well off the hang with the girlies

Love to all


Thursday, June 05, 2008


I am so good at this!!!!! My Mom is really impressed that I have added some of my favorite blogs to my blog!!!! How smart am I?????

My Mom loves the Fugly Lady so I have added her blog. She talks about people breeding for no good reason and making too many babies so horses end up in bad places like Argus and Freeway. I have blogged about them before. Their blogs are here too and you can see how they are getting better and are now happy, happy.

The Fugly Lady also "outs" the multitude of stupid things that people do with us kids. Some will make you mad and some will make you leak but you should know about these things so you can make sure that if you see stuff like that you can help the furry kid involved. The Fugly Lady tells it like it is.

The Cannington Horse rescue is close by our farm and my Mom and the other Head Wench are friends with the lady who runs it. I know we give the stuff that is left over from our tack swap to her to use to help her furry kids. We will be having another tack swap in the fall and I am very excited about it since I am sure I will get to wear all my bling, bling stuff for that, plus we will get to help these furry kids some more. If you want to give stuff or help her before our Swap then you can, for sure. My Mom can help you get in touch with the lady, just ask her.

Now I must tell you that there are so many kids that need help and good humans out there. If you can help out then you should.

I am off to hang with my girlies.

Love to all


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

VISIT FROM THE BONE DOC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just the new best thing!!!!! My Mom had me looked at by a Chiropractor just like my BFF, Diva and Twizzle.

At first I was giving him the mare stare because he was touching me, but my Mom was there so I figured it was okey dokey.

Then he gave me a little shove and all of a sudden things went pop and I thought WHOA THIS IS GOOD!!!! He checked me all over and popped a bunch of things and I thought why have I not had this before?????? This bone moving thing is making me feel like a filly on a Spring day!!!!!

Plus he made my Mom's neck pop too!!! How good is that??????

My Mom took me for a walk and some tall grass afterwards. You should have seen my BFF, Diva and the New Girl. Just a running around the paddock like they were at Churchill Downs. I think they were channelling Big Brown and his run for the Triple Crown this weekend!!!! Three Thoroughbreds galloping around and around. I thought they were nuts personally and just kept eating. My Mom was impressed and I know she told my BFF's Mom who figured she didn't have to longe her last night!!!!

Anyway, off to rule the world



Monday, June 02, 2008


What a weekend!!! I got it off!!! Just stayed under the radar all weekend and no human up on my back!!!

Seems Mr. Elvis kept on fence ducking and ended up having to switch places with the White Stallion. Now he is out front with J.J. and the White Stallion is in with the boys. Stinky was very excited about all this and took down the fence rails and he was thinking about joining them. My Mom had to go down there and fix them so Stinky would stay were HE is supposed to be. Elvis and J.J. look like they have been best buddies for ever.

But Elvis................ Lordy, Lordy he is lucky to still be on the treat train. Seems his Dad and him went out for hack in the legal fields and the next thing Elvis is home but his Dad is not. All the humans went running back there and saw his Dad who had hurt his arm. Seems he had to get one of those poultice things on his arm at the human vet place in town. All us horsies have been talking about this all weekend. We told him "Don't dump those who provide all" Elvis is not sure what happened but said he got scared out there and started running. He did tell us that he feels really, really bad about what happened and is going to do a special tune for his Dad. We said you have to do one for your Mom and your Coach too. He was working on the tunes last night in the small barn and I know the LandShark finally had to tell him to shut up since no one was getting their beauty sleep.

Plus this weekend all the boys in the big field busted up their fence and made the wire go all funny and I saw me human standing there swaying back and forth, back and forth...... It is was good thing that all the guy humans were around just in time to fix it.

Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note Too Much Monkey Business, Too Much Monkey Business Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note

Love to all